报告主题:Experimental searches for the chiral magnetic effect – Isobar collisions
报 告 人: Fuqiang Wang (王福强) 教授
美国Purdue University
报告时间: 2022年11月23日(周三) 10:00 (北京时间)
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The chiral magnetic effect (CME) - manifest charge separation under strong magnetic field arising from fundamental symmetry breaking in QCD - has been extensively sought for in relativistic heavy ion collisions. In order to eliminate flow-induced physics backgrounds, isobar collisions have been conducted at RHIC and no evidence of the CME has been observed by the STAR experiment [1]. I will examine those isobar collisions in more depth than has been published, and attempt to enlighten on what level of magnitude a CME signal is allowed by the STAR isobar data.
[1]. M. Abdallah et al. (STAR collaboration), Phys. Rev. C 105, 014901 (2022).
Fuqiang Wang is a professor of physics at Purdue University and Huzhou University. He is a high-energy nuclear experimentalist, and a member of the RHIC-STAR, CERN-CMS, and NICA-MPD Collaborations. Priorly he conducted fixed-target experiments at BNL and CERN. He worked on many areas of research in heavy ion physics; his latest interest is in experimental search for the chiral magnetic effect predicted by quantum chromodynamics. He received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1996, and worked as a postdoctoral fellow at LBNL before joining the Purdue faculty.
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