7.15 下午BEXCO二楼Auditorium,空间中心王赤老师给Daniel Baker (USA, Director and Distinguished Professor, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Boulder, CO)颁发赵九章奖Jeoujang Jaw Award (a joint award of COSPAR and the Chinese Academy of Sciences);
该奖:"奖励促进空间研究、建立新的空间科学研究分支和创建新的探索计划做出杰出开创性贡献”科学家(who have made distinguished pioneering contributions to promoting space research, establishing new space science research branches and founding new exploration programs)。
#COSPAR Space Science Award:Rosine Lallement (France);
# COSPAR International Cooperation Medal: Dieter Bilitza (USA);
# COSPAR William Nordberg Medal:Matt Griffin (United Kingdom) & Kanako Seki (Japan);
# COSPAR Harrie Massey Award:Prahlad Chandra Agrawal (India);
# COSPAR Distinguished Service Medal:Gerhard Kminek (Netherlands);
# Vikram Sarabhai Medal (a joint award of COSPAR and the Indian Space Research Organization) :Anil Bhardwaj (India)
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