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Genome-wide association identifies a missing hydrolase for tocopherol synthesis in plants

通讯单位:Michigan State University


      Tocopherols (vitamin E) are plant-synthesized, lipid-soluble antioxidants whose dietary intake, primarily from seed oils, is essential for human health. Tocopherols contain a phytol-derived hydrophobic tail whose in vivo source has been elusive. The most significant genome-wide association signal for Arabidopsis seed tocopherols identified an uncharacterized, seed-specific esterase (VTE7) localized to the chloroplast envelope, where tocopherol synthesis occurs. VTE7 disruption and overexpression had large impacts on tissue tocopherol contents with metabolic phenotypes consistent with release of prenyl alcohols, including phytol, during chlorophyll synthesis, rather than from the bulk degradation of thylakoid chlorophylls as has long been assumed. Understanding the source of phytol for tocopherols will enable breeding and engineering plants for vitamin E biofortification and enhanced stress resilience.



背景:The tocopherol biosynthetic pathway, encoded by VTE genes 1 through 6, is highly conserved in plants but most large effect quantitative trait loci for seed total tocopherols (totalT) lack VTE genes, indicating other activities are involved. 


研究内容:A genome-wide association study of Arabidopsis seed tocopherols showed five of seven significant intervals lacked VTE genes, including the most significant, which mapped to an uncharacterized, seed-specific, envelope-localized, alpha/beta hydrolase with esterase activity, designated AtVTE7. Atvte7 null mutants decreased seed totalT 55% while a leaky allele of the maize ortholog, ZmVTE7, decreased kernel and leaf totalT 38% and 49%, respectively. Overexpressing AtVTE7 or ZmVTE7 partially or fully complemented the Atvte7 seed phenotype and increased leaf totalT by 3.6- and 6.9-fold, respectively. VTE7 has the characteristics of an esterase postulated to provide phytol from chlorophyll degradation for tocopherol synthesis, but bulk chlorophyll levels were unaffected in vte7 mutants and overexpressing lines. Instead, levels of specific chlorophyll biosynthetic intermediates containing partially reduced side chains were impacted and strongly correlated with totalT. These intermediates are generated by a membrane-associated biosynthetic complex containing protochlorophyllide reductase, chlorophyll synthase, geranylgeranyl reductase (GGR) and light harvesting-like 3 protein, all of which are required for both chlorophyll and tocopherol biosynthesis. We propose a model where VTE7 releases prenyl alcohols from chlorophyll biosynthetic intermediates, which are then converted to the corresponding diphosphates for tocopherol biosynthesis.


研究意义:该研究基于基因组关联分析鉴定了在生育酚生物合成中的关键α/β水解酶ABH,并阐明了该酶的功能及介导生育酚合成的代谢机制。研究结果完善了生育酚生物合成途径,有助于培育和改造植物以进行维生素 E 生物强化和增强抗逆能力



Journal: PNAS

First Published:  May 31, 2022

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