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Applied Geochemistry-5篇 Journal of Asian Earth Sciences-9篇

已有 1117 次阅读 2024-9-19 20:33 |系统分类:科研笔记

“意得辑”主要为英文非母语的科研作者提供英文润色、学术翻译、SCI/EI/SSCI发表指导等服务意得辑拥有2000多名具有专业学科背景的资深英文母语编辑、 翻译、发表专家团队


Applied Geochemistry-5

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences-9

Mineralization process of the Narenwula quartz vein-type W deposit, Inner Mongolia, China: Insights from geochemistry of granites, fluid inclusions, H-O-S isotopes, and wolframite trace elements


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Enrichment mechanism of groundwater fluoride and its hydrogeological indications in the Badain Jaran Desert, Northwest China


Applied Geochemistry


Tectonic and climatic controls on topographic spatial variability across the Pamir Plateau and implications for drainage evolution


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Weathering and pedogenesis of the Holocene aeolian loess-paleosol sections in the Guanzhong Basin on the Chinese loess Plateau


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Air-sea CO<sub>2</sub> exchange in the western Pacific influenced by monsoon and giant diatom (<em>Ethmodiscus rex</em>) blooms during the last deglaciation

末次冰期季风和巨型硅藻(<em>Ethmodiscus rex</em>)大量繁殖对西太平洋海气CO<sub>2</sub>交换的影响

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Heterogeneous pumice populations of the 52±3 ka Maninjau caldera-forming eruption, West Sumatra, Indonesia: Evidence of multiple magma reservoirs feeding a large silicic eruption

印度尼西亚西苏门答腊岛52次±3 ka Maninjau火山口形成喷发的非均匀浮石种群:多岩浆储层供给大型硅质喷发的证据

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Hydrogen loss from pyroxene within granulite xenoliths at Damaping, North China craton


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Sorption of Se(VI) and Se(IV) on AFm phases


Applied Geochemistry


The genesis of intersection-type uranium deposits in south China: Insights from zircon and pitchblende U-Pb geochronology and pyrite sulfur isotopes of the Egongtang uranium deposit, southern Jiangxi


Applied Geochemistry


Three-dimensional interseismic crustal deformation in the northeastern margin of the using GNSS and InSAR


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Age and provenance of the Baluntai arc-related complex (NW China): Implications for the middle Silurian Early Carboniferous accretionary tectonics of the Central Tianshan arc in the southern Altaids


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Full radionuclide analysis of polymetallic nodules from the Clarion-Clipperton-Fracture Zone in the NE Pacific


Applied Geochemistry


Outer-arc active tectonic deformation off the Nias – Nicobar Trench: Insights from lithospheric stress and seismic slip models


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Unexpectedly high wet mercury deposition observed in the Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon


Applied Geochemistry




上一篇:Mineralium Deposita-4篇 Ore Geology Reviews-21篇
下一篇:NG-9篇 NCC-7篇 NC-25篇 Geology-1篇
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