
Nothing is Stronger Than a Human Being’s Longing for Freedom
何胜学 2023-5-22 22:20
Nothing is Stronger Than a Human Being ’ s Longing for Freedom Freedom is among the most fundamental desires of a human being – it resides in everyone ’ s hearts and is a seemingly endless source of strength. It binds us together, provokes our passions, and it i ...
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"乌合之众" 与 "异类:成功的故事" 的比较 __ 答案来自 ChatGPT
何胜学 2023-5-19 10:07
来自与 ChatGPT 答案: Can you tell the connection and difference between the two books Psychologie des foules and Outlier: the story of success ? Version 1: Psychologie des foules (The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind) by Gustave Le Bon is a ground ...
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未来交通:何去何从?The future of transportation: Where will we go?
何胜学 2023-5-17 16:08
The future of transportation is something that has been widely discussed and debated in recent years, as technological advances continue to shape the way we travel. As we move into the future, there is no doubt that the transportation industry will look drastically different from what it is today. ...
个人分类: 杂感|1329 次阅读|没有评论
无人驾驶车辆与人工智能 Autonomous vehicles (AVs) and AI
何胜学 2023-5-17 16:02
AV and AI Autonomous vehicles (AVs) combined with artificial intelligence (AI) are set to revolutionize the way we travel and transport goods. As these technologies become more advanced, they will become more reliable and cost-effective, enabling us to use them in everyday life. A ...
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热度 1 何胜学 2022-8-26 21:25
Which way is better, to read 100 books or to read a book one hundred times? I have searched online trying to find out what the others say about this issue. By a crude estimation based on the number of videos with the above question as their main topic, I conclude that about two over nine ...
个人分类: 杂感|1996 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 1
何胜学 2022-5-25 06:32
西方议会制度的有效前提和弊端 1. 何为议会制 西方国家的一个基本制度就是议会。所谓议会就是一群来自国民选举的人组成的一个具有特定权利的群体。议会具有的权利一般包括:制定相关法律、批准政府预算、确定一些大政方针、宣布战争等。议会成员聚在一起讨论和辩论一些与国家 ...
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何胜学 2022-5-24 09:01
中美幸福观的源头差异 1. 何为幸福? 幸福也即快乐与满足。如果说所有人,包括凡夫俗子和圣贤哲人,有一个共同的目标的话,那就是幸福。哲学家为了解答何为幸福,以及如何获得幸福,穷尽毕生心血。政治领袖则为了谋求幸福,披荆斩棘,置生死与度外。而普罗大众则为幸福,经千难万险,至死不悔。 ...
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何胜学 2022-5-24 06:28
社会学理论的一生 1. 理论的诞生 鉴于社会学研究对象的复杂性和亲近性,社会学理论的诞生一般源于对现实问题的思考。例如当前在中国肆虐的疫情就是一个很好的议题,有关这方面的讨论热火朝天。相关理论既具有现实的迫切性,也具有为社会大众检讨的现实性。对于重大社会问题,我们很少看到在理论界会只有一种 ...
个人分类: 杂感|2046 次阅读|没有评论
何胜学 2022-5-6 21:45
读《致命的自负》有感: Why are intellectuals prone to support a big brother?There are four reasons: 1. Standpoint from class : Where you stand decides what you say. In a famous Chinese saying, your butt directs your head! Since as an intellectual, the obtain ...
个人分类: 杂感|2448 次阅读|没有评论
何胜学 2022-4-18 19:51
Is it a pity or luck to become the one you hate? Generally speaking, everyone has a model to follow especially at a young age. I also know people who have no role model concerning personal characters. We like someone some time for some reason. But it has nothing to do with our future r ...
个人分类: 杂感|2145 次阅读|没有评论

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