
投稿Journal of Mountain Science 后什么时候能够知道结果?
邱敦莲 2013-8-9 18:06
How long can a new submission have first decision? This is really a difficult question to answer. The manuscript handling procedure is follows: 1. Manuscript submission -- MS ID will be immediately sent to to the corresponding authors by the machine after the submission; 2.Anti-plagia ...
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李裕瑞: 西部山地丘陵区宏观政策转型的地方响应与效应研究
邱敦莲 2013-6-28 16:46
Li Yurui-Journal of mountain science vol 10 no 4 pp 588–608-.pdf Journal of Mountain Science 最新发表论文推荐: Local responses to macro development policies and their effects on rural system in China's mountainous regions: The case of Shuanghe Village ...
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A Letter to share the newly published papers with readers
邱敦莲 2013-4-12 11:22
The Journal of Mountain Science (JMS) will require the authors to recommend 10 potential readers for his papers when the paper is accepted. After the paper is formally published, we'll send the pdf file of this paper to the recommended readers so that the more peers can read this paper. This ...
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Rejection letter to the authors
热度 1 邱敦莲 2013-4-3 11:05
Manuscriptscanberejectedbyajournalforvariousreasons. FormanuscriptssubmittedtotheJournalofMountainScience,oneofthereasonsisthatithashigh&nb ...
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提醒: 《山地科学学报(英文版)》编辑部的网站是jms.imde.ac.cn
邱敦莲 2013-3-4 15:20
有不少读者不清楚《山地科学学报(英文版)》(Journal of Mountain Science)编辑部的网站地址,而且在Google和Baidu中采用“山地科学学报”进行搜索得到的前面多个结果均不是指向本刊编辑部的网站。 鉴于此,有必要给作者和读者介绍一下本刊的网站,以及如何搜索本刊网站。 ...
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Suggestions on how to raise the profile of the JMS
邱敦莲 2013-2-27 18:54
Prof. Iain Taylor Associate Editor in chief of the JMS I have had several conversations with editor colleagues here in Canada and the USA since I left Chengdu. I have combined them with lessons I learned from you, your Editorial Assistants, and the brief meetin ...
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Dr. Iain Taylor visits IMHE, the Chinese Academy of Sciences
邱敦莲 2013-2-21 17:51
Dr. Iain Taylor visits IMHE, the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dr. Iain Taylor, Associate Editor in Chief of the Journal of Mountain Sciencevisits the Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences f rom November 7 th to 18 th Dr. Iain Taylor, Professor Emeritus from the ...
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A very good cover letter 展示一篇写得很好的Cover Letter
热度 4 邱敦莲 2013-1-24 11:53
Cover letter is an important part for a new submission. Today a new submssion has a very good cover letter. It briefly introduced the main contents of the paper, and declared that there was no interest conflictand unethical issues related to the research and report, and all aut ...
个人分类: JMS信息|8456 次阅读|6 个评论 热度 4
How long will the manuscript process typically takes for JMS
热度 1 邱敦莲 2012-11-5 13:55
How long will the manuscript process typically takes for JMS
We often meet this question from authors: how long can a manuscriptcan have final decision for the Journal of Mountain Science? For this question,Ireally can't give the authors a definite and certain answer. In fact, the manscript processing period is affect ...
个人分类: JMS信息|3680 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1

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