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The distinguishment of "Serious" and "Severe"
热度 1 2013-1-8 18:52
The distinguishment of  "Serious" and "Severe"
I couldn'tclearlydistinguish the difference of these two words, "serious" and "severe", but got a line about it after I read one paper about hazards classification today. To define thedegree of hazards, one can classify the hazards into the following c ...
个人分类: languages|3280 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
The difference between "We are agreed" and "We agreed"
2011-12-30 18:19
Question: What is the difference between"we are agreed" and "we agreed"? Answer One : One shows a current state that two people are in agreement (now). The other one refers to the past, you might not agree an ...
个人分类: languages|3336 次阅读|没有评论
Language practice: Where are you living?
2011-7-11 19:27
Language practice: Where are you living?
Q: Where are you living? A: in the galaxy! Q: I know you are in the galaxy. Which part ofthe Milky Way? A: the solar system Q:Are you an earth organism or an alien? A: Of course, I am not alien! Q: Are you an orga ...
个人分类: languages|3308 次阅读|没有评论

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