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2024-1-11 11:37
今天一编辑同仁问我他们编辑部一位编辑聘期已到,现在需要签订续聘协议,问我应该从哪些方面考虑考核指标和考核办法。我大概说了一下,但感觉不太全面,建议她问一下AI。于是马上就这个问题,问了AI: 如果要对编辑人员工作量和工作质量进行考核,需要考虑哪些方面? 没有想到,AI给出了比较靠谱的的答案( 作者注:很多 ...
个人分类: 编辑杂谈|1151 次阅读|没有评论
How to make quality peer-review?
热度 1 2022-9-30 10:15
邱敦莲 (汇编) A quality peer-review generally includes these parts: (1) A summary of the research and your overall impression (an overview of the manuscript’s strengths and weaknesses); (2) Evidence and examples (major and minor issues); (3) Other points. 一般来说,一篇高质量的同行评审意 ...
个人分类: 编辑杂谈|1788 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
Can we invite the author-recommended reviewers for review?
2021-11-11 18:39
Generally speaking, we should be cautious of inviting reviewers recommended by the authors. In my past experience, many author-recommended reviewers give more positive comments. However, I also see some reviewers give strict and high quality review. So, can we invite the author-recommended rev ...
个人分类: 编辑杂谈|2665 次阅读|没有评论
2020-1-5 16:45
Generally speaking, we suggest the author list be fixed before the manusript is submitted. However author list can be finally fixed at the final revision. The order of the authors in the list can be changed during the revision period according to the contribution of each author. This way can faci ...
个人分类: 编辑杂谈|7135 次阅读|没有评论
Newly-Released Impact Factors for Five Mountain Journals
2019-6-21 10:34
Newly-Released Impact Factors for Five Mountain Science Journals June is a hot month in many parts of the world, it is also a hot month for journal editors and many authors. Impact Factor (IF) is usually released in June. Yesterday I saw many editors' zealotry and excitement when their ...
个人分类: 编辑杂谈|2734 次阅读|没有评论
主编的职责 (翻译)
热度 2 2019-2-16 12:25
此段翻译信息来自维基百科词条“Editor in Chief”。 Wikipedia: The responsibilities of Editors in Chief The editor-in-chief heads all departments of the organization and is held accountable for delegating tasks to staff members and managing them. The term is often used at newspapers, m ...
个人分类: 编辑杂谈|3515 次阅读|6 个评论 热度 2
2018-10-25 11:12
今天看了知网发布的《中国学术期刊影响因子年报》,很多非常优秀的英文刊排位靠后,甚是惊讶! 个人认为: 很大一部分英文刊的主要发布平台不是CNKI ,如果与中文刊一样只是计算CNKI 下载量和其他指标,并对中英文期刊进行排序,所得结果没有任何意义。 后记:有同行说,CNKI的分区是按被引来做的,与下载量没 ...
个人分类: 编辑杂谈|5641 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 2018-4-18 23:51
Complaints and appeals投拆与申诉 “Journals should have a clearly described process for handling complaints against the journal, its staff, editorial board or publisher”. This refers to COPE’s Core Practice #3 and it is good advice and might be the only advice you need if all human bein ...
个人分类: 编辑杂谈|5026 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1

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