大场论分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/GrandFT 课程提纲(只包含戴伍圣和谢汨的部分课程)、讨论班和问题讨论


谁来讲(高量):From laser cooling to aging: A unified Lévy flight description
2009-11-23 16:41
谁来讲(高量):From laser cooling to aging: A unified Lvy flight description Eric Bertina and Franois Bardoub,Am. J. Phys. 76 (7), 630, July 2008 What phenomena such as the subrecoil laser cooling of atoms and aging in glasses have in common is that these systems d ...
个人分类: 讨论班课题推荐|2832 次阅读|没有评论
谁来讲(高量):Perturbative and nonperturbative studies with the delta function potenti
2009-11-23 16:36
谁来讲(高量):Perturbative and nonperturbative studies with the delta function potential Nabakumar Bera,Kamal Bhattacharyya, and Jayanta K. Bhattacharjeea, Am. J. Phys. 76 (3), 250, March 2008 We show that the -function potential can be exploited along with perturbation theory ...
个人分类: 讨论班课题推荐|3979 次阅读|没有评论
讨论班(高量):Wick calculus(殷沧涛)
2009-11-23 16:22
讨论班(高量):Wick calculus(殷沧涛) 时间:2010.1.11(周一)2:00 注意:由于有同学考试,周四讨论班时间临时改在周一。 地点:18教学楼405室 主讲:殷沧涛 Alexander Wurma andMarcus Berg, Am. J. Phys. 76 (1), 65. January 2008 In quantum field theory the normal ordering&rdquo ...
个人分类: 周四讨论班|3725 次阅读|没有评论
讨论班(高量):Quantum entanglement, fair sampling, and reality: Is the moon there(江越)
2009-11-23 16:16
讨论班(高量):Quantum entanglement, fair sampling, and reality: Is the moon there when nobody looks?(江越) 这次讲的是讲座的前半部分。 时间:2009.12.31. 下午 3:354:25 地点:18教学楼405室 主讲:江越 Guillaume Adeniera, Am. J. Phys. 76 (2), 147, February 2008 ...
个人分类: 周四讨论班|2758 次阅读|没有评论
讨论班(高量):Time development in quantum mechanics using a reduced Hilbert space(邱荣涛)
2009-11-23 14:43
讨论班(高量): Time development in quantum mechanics using a reduced Hilbert space approach(邱荣涛) 时间:2010年1月7日周四下午15:00-16:30 地点:18教学楼405室 主讲: (邱荣涛) M. Bellonia and W. Christianb, Am. J. Phys. 76 (45), 385, April/May 2008 We have create ...
个人分类: 周四讨论班|3218 次阅读|1 个评论
讨论班(高量):Simulation of quantum systems with the coupled channel method(周艳珺)
2009-11-23 14:33
讨论班(高量):Simulation of quantum systems with the coupled channel method(周艳珺 ) 时间:2009.12.31. 下午 2:003:30 地点:18教学楼405室 主讲:周艳珺 J. Wanga and J. D. Champagne, Am. J. Phys. 76 (45), 493, April/May 2008 摘要: We describe a computational met ...
个人分类: 周四讨论班|2924 次阅读|没有评论
小道消息:Accelerating neutral atoms (邱荣涛)2009.11.26
2009-11-23 11:56
邱荣涛 2009年11月26日下午4:3018教学楼405 The intensity gradients of inhomogeneous laser-light fields impose ponderomotive forces on charged particles. Such forces have been used to trap and manipulate ions, diffract electrons, and generate charge waves in plasmas. But they were ...
个人分类: 小道消息区|2880 次阅读|没有评论
2009-11-21 09:32
谁来讲十分钟:QUARKS INFLUENCED BY THEIR NEIGHBORHOOD The internal structure of a proton or neutron is not completely fixed--experiments going back decades suggest that the particles are slightly different when inside a nucleus. Now results in the 13 November Physical Review Letters show th ...
个人分类: 讨论班课题推荐|2941 次阅读|没有评论
2009-11-19 11:56
时间:2009.11.26 下午 4:306:10 地点:18教学楼405室 主讲:江越 主题:相干态 内容简介: 随着辐射场量子理论的发展以及激光技术的不断进步,人们对经典电磁场的近似描述做了深入的研究,提出了能够描述经典单频场的量子表述相干态。在此基础上进一步发展,引入压缩态。现 ...
个人分类: 周四讨论班|3668 次阅读|没有评论
谁来讲十分钟:Distant stars shed light on the solar cycle
2009-11-19 08:52
谁来讲十分钟: Distant stars shed light on the solar cycle Nov 12, 2009 99 comments The M67 'solar laboratory' Sustained drops in the energy output of the Sun could be more common than modern experience suggests, according to an international team of astronom ...
个人分类: 讨论班课题推荐|4015 次阅读|没有评论

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