Reaching out across the Web .. ...分享 Zuojun Yu, physical oceanographer, freelance English editor


I really like wikipedia...
2013-2-9 03:27
The information at wikipedia is not always great, if you are an expert on the subject, say "climate change." However, it offers useful basic info. For example, I opened a letter from LifeLock at breakfast, which claims its service will protect me from identify theft, a big headache if it happens t ...
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2437 次阅读|没有评论
热度 5 2013-2-6 09:19
Even though the question has been on my mind for days, I only decided to write this Blog only after reading 如果 “ 编辑 ” 和 “ 审稿人 ” 无法知稿子是谁的,会不会更公平些? ( 张兴光 ) ...
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|5193 次阅读|9 个评论 热度 5
A necessary evil: the internet
2013-1-29 07:21
Thanks to the internet, I can Blog at SciNet and meet new people. Thanks to the internet, I can purchase things online from books to plane tickets without ever leaving my living room. Thanks to the internet, I can talk to my families and friends at a few cents a minute or free of charge. ...
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2959 次阅读|没有评论
TurboTax taught me to work less...
热度 1 2013-1-28 09:50
and I did. Now, I want to know why so many people want to work hard when they can only net $60 out of each $100...
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2993 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
It's all US government's fault...
热度 2 2013-1-16 05:20
I was definitely depressed yesterday, due to the hard work (of editing a bad paper), the bad weather in Honolulu, and the terrible air quality in Beijing where so many of my friends work and live. My father used to ask me if I heard anything about the "big things" that were happening in China, I ...
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2783 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 2
What did your boss tell you today?
热度 2 2013-1-4 10:52
A friend called, to tell me that they are too busy to visit me in spring. His wife's boss informed his people that they will be busy from April to September. I am happy that her job needs her. Not everyone is as lucky as she is, at least not today. Some of my colleagues received notice from their ...
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2949 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 2
Online purchase
2013-1-2 06:48
It is so easy. But, what if you made a mistake by accident? Well, I did just that a minute ago, by giving the wrong exp. date on my AE card. Now, I will wait and see if the purchase is cancelled... I hope not . But if not, then how safe is it to purchase online?
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2428 次阅读|没有评论
Only happy people read daily news
2013-1-2 03:16
Why? Because 80% of the headline news, say at Yahoo! news front page, is bad news, even on the New Year's Day. That is even hard for a happy person to take. If one is not happy, he does not need more bad news. Maybe it’s time for the media to rethink of its negative impact on people’s dail ...
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2768 次阅读|没有评论
Happy New Year!
热度 1 2013-1-2 03:11
Be Happy! But how? Here is an article that may help you, if you need such help.
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2250 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1

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