
You made my day!
虞左俊 2014-9-26 15:02
A student emailed me to tell me that his third paper has just been accepted by an SCI journal! Great!
个人分类: Scientific Writing|2179 次阅读|没有评论
热度 2 虞左俊 2014-9-22 08:54
几天前,一位教授来信(电子邮件)告诉我,他们的一篇科研论文被认为是“抄袭”。我的客户中,有一半是我从来没有见过面的。这些都是同事,朋友,客户,同事的同事介绍来的,我一般“来者不拒”。这位教授我见过,印象很深,也帮他们改过好几篇文章。我答应看一下杂志编辑的拒稿信,和审稿人的意见。 (因为我的中 ...
个人分类: Scientific Writing|3322 次阅读|5 个评论 热度 2
虞左俊 2014-8-27 04:05
Being an English edior is a lot of fun, and a lot of pain. When I edit an interesting paper, I am happy even when the English is very poor. But, why can't someone write in South China and in the southern South China Sea correctly? If you put down in the south o ...
个人分类: Scientific Writing|2273 次阅读|没有评论
虞左俊 2014-7-16 17:05
花了一些时间,用英文写了一篇短文,纪念一位老教授 (因为我已经不习惯用中文写文章了)。可是,向中国的同事们递交一篇 英文 纪念 短文,我,我,我还没那个胆。于是,我决定借GTS的一臂之力: http://www.gts-translation.com/tools/free-online-translation/ I believe in mentoring &nb ...
个人分类: 中文博客|2975 次阅读|没有评论
热度 5 虞左俊 2014-7-16 03:53
A colleague at the Scripps contacted me for editing service. It was clear that he did not know who I am beause he called me Dr. Zuo. So, I asked him how he found me. He said via the AMS website. http://www2.ametsoc.org/ams/index.cfm/publications/authors/journal-and-bams-authors/author ...
个人分类: Scientific Writing|2922 次阅读|16 个评论 热度 5
热度 2 虞左俊 2014-4-24 12:15
皇帝不急,太监急 很辛苦地改完一篇 译文。咬咬牙,告诉作者,(你的) 译文 “ 烂烂的 ”, 应该再好好修改一遍。又 咬咬牙,告诉作者: “你没有能力自己 修 改(英文)。” “ 皇帝”来执:“谢谢你的润色。我们觉得很满意。已经交给期刊编辑了。” 太监急,有啥用?
个人分类: Scientific Translation|2174 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 2

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