本文写作中,除了根据阿伦·桑德奇教授本人以及其他有关研究人员历年来发表的专业论文和综述论文外,主要参考了[1]-[3],这些资料使我了解了相关的历史背景、心理活动和人际关系等在专业论文中无法看到的情况。不久前,[4]-[5]这两篇纪念桑德奇的文章出现在网上,又使我了解到桑德奇教授一些更多的情况,例如他在卡耐基研究所的发展特别是在南半球建设天文台过程中发挥的作用,他担任Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ARAA)主编的情况(这是天文学领域影响因子最高的杂志,每年一册,总结近期内天文学的重大进展)等等,但本文早已写成,且篇幅已经太长,因此就不再增补内容了。
孙正凡博士的建议促使我撰写此文,卡耐基研究所的Luis Ho 博士回答了我许多问题,并给我很多非常有价值的提示,谨此表示感谢。 我也要感谢刘晓群书记和吴蕴豪博士为本文在中国国家天文上连载所给予的支持。
[1]Dennis Overbye,“Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos: The Story of the Scientific Quest for the Secret of the Universe”(Back Bay Books, 1999)
[2] AIP Oral History Transcript – Dr. Allan Sandage, interviewed by Spencer Weart, 1978. http://www.aip.org/history/ohilist/4380_1.html
[3]Interviews of Alan Sandage, Gerard de Vaucouleurs, John Huchra in Alan Lightman & Roberta Brawer, “Origins: The Lives and Worlds of Modern Cosmologists”, Harvard Universiy Press, 1992
[4] Donald Lynden-Bell, Francois Schweizer,“Allan R. Sandage, 18 June 1926 - 13 November 2010”; arxiv:1111.5646
[5] G. A. Tammann, B. Reindl,“Allan Sandage and the Cosmic Expansion”, arxiv:1112.0170
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Sandage, A. & Tammann, G. A., 1996, The evidence for the long distance scale with H0 < 65 , arxiv:astro-ph/9611170
Sandage, A., 1999, The first 50 years at Palomar: 1949-1999, the early years of stellar evolution, cosmology and high-energy asstrophysics
Sandage, A., 2005, The classification of galaxies: early history and ongoing developments, ARAA 43, 581
Sandage, A., 2009, The Tolman surface brightness test for the reality of the expansion. V. provenance of the test and a new representation of the data for three remote HST galaxy clusters, arxiv:0905.3199
Tammann, G. A., & Sandage, A., 1983, The Value of H0, History of Astronomy, 6, 301
Tammann, G. A., Sandage, A., & Reindl, B., 2008, The expansion field: The value of H0, arxiv:0806.3018
Tinsley, B. M., 1970, Possibility of a large evolutionary correlation to the magnitude-redshift relation, ApSS 6, 344
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de Vaucouleurs, G., 1978, The extragalactic distance scale. I. A review of distance indicators: zero points and errors of primary indicators, ApJ 223, 351
de Vaucouleurs, G., 1983, Extragalactic distance scale, Malmquist bias and Hubble constant
de Vaucouleurs, G., 1993, The extragalactic distance scale, VIII. A comparison of distance scales, ApJ 415, 10
de Vaucouleurs, G., 1993, Tests of the long and short extragalactic distance scale, PNAS 90, 4811
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