BioPhysics of single Neuron Computation分享 在这里主要发布一些欧洲科研活动动态



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IP: 1.83.250.*   [4]李蕾   2013-10-12 16:16
      问卷地址是: 将此链接复制进浏览器的地址栏,然后按回车键即可,非常感谢您!!!
IP: 122.244.232.*   [3]chizhang03   2010-8-26 19:20
IP: 202.195.159.*   [2]tq00d30   2009-11-19 23:27
Since my undergraduate major is not neuroscience I think the US graduate program or a MSc course in Europe would help me transfer to neuroscience research.

Currently I have no clear directions or projects but obviously I'd use electrophysiology, transgenic or the popular "light control" to investigate the neural computations in dentrites or axons, and to find how neural circuits are formed to function.

For US univs I picked about 10, and in Europe I am more interested in UK univs.
IP: 202.195.159.*   [1]tq00d30   2009-11-19 21:03
It"s very lucky that I found people with same academic interests. I am a prospective graduate student in neuroscience starting in 2010Fall, and my interest is in neural coding and neural computation, very similar to you.

Since you"re PhD student in MPI now, could you recommend me some good univs/institutes that have very strong power in neuroscience in Europe? I also applied USA univs. I"m eager to hear a professional advice from you, which will be very important in my scientific career.
博主回复:hi, there are many excellent labs in Europe and US doing things related to the topic you are interested. So you have to ask yourself whether you know exactly what you want to do or you need some sort of orientation in the field and decide later. If you have not decided yet, it is better you apply to some graduate programs because there usually you have the opportunities to do some lab rotations. If you can tell me more in the detail which direction you want to go for, for example, more experiment approach or pure theoretical approach, I can give you further more suggestions.

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