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Radiative heat transfer in many-body systems
2017-3-9 08:21
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 95 , 125411 (2017) Radiative heat transfer in many-body systems: Coupled electric and magnetic dipole approach Jian Dong a , Junming. Zhao a* , LinhuaLiu a, b† a School of Energy Science andEngineering, Harbin Institute of T ...
个人分类: 科研论文|3648 次阅读|没有评论
2014-11-7 16:32
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer.2015, 151: 49-57 Electromagneticenergy storage and power dissipation in nanostructures J. M. Zhao( and Z.M. Zhang*( Abstract The processes of storage and dissipation ofelectromagnetic ener ...
个人分类: 科研论文|3773 次阅读|没有评论
2014-11-6 18:49
Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 105(3): 031905 Enhancement of near-infrared absorption in graphene with metal gratings B. Zhao 1 , J. M. Zhao 1,2 and Z. M. Zhang 1,* 1 G.W. Woodruff School ofMechanical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology, At ...
个人分类: 科研论文|10140 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 2013-4-18 00:14
Meshless (meshfree) method code based on second order radaitive transfer equation. 该代码为Matlab编写,实现了基于RTE以及MSORTE的配置点无网格法,可用于求解1维吸收、发射及各向异性散射性非均匀平板内的辐射换热。 二阶辐射传递方程MSORTE具有很好的数值特性,可以稳定、准确的用于求解强非均匀介质内的辐射传 ...
5424 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
2013-4-18 00:11
Spectral element method code for polarized (vector) radiative transfer in slab 代码为Matlab编写,可用于求解1维吸收、发射及散射性平板内偏振辐射的传输。 谱元法可以看做有限元法的一种,其单元形函数的采用正交多项式构造,空间离散具有很高精度,精度阶数可以通过改变近似多项式的阶数根据需要任意调节。 ...
6073 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 2012-3-3 15:19
A Deficiency Problem of the Least Squares Finite ElementMethod for Solving Radiative Transfer in Strongly I nhomogeneous Media J.M. Zhao (, J.Y. Tan (, L.H.Liu( ABSTRACT : T he accuracy and stabilityof the least sq ...
个人分类: 科研论文|5599 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
2011-10-24 13:36
On the Derivation of Vector Radiative Transfer Equation for Polarized Radiative Transport in Graded Index Media J.M. Zhao(, J.Y. Tan(, L.H. Liu( ABSTRACT: Light transport in graded index media follows a curved trajectory determ ...
个人分类: 科研论文|5558 次阅读|没有评论
2011-8-27 16:48
A Second Order Radiative Transfer Equation and Its Solution by Meshless Method with Application to Strongly I nhomogeneous Media J.M. Zhao( ), J.Y. Tan( ), L.H. Liu( ) Abstract A new second orde ...
个人分类: 科研论文|3965 次阅读|没有评论
Computational Efficiency of the Finite Element Method Based On the Second-Order
2010-7-14 12:12
This is a paper presented in the 6th International Symposium on Radiative Transfer (Rad-10) ABSTRACT. The second-order radiative transfer equation (SORTE) is in a form like diffusion equation, hence no additional artificial diffusion or upwinding treatment is needed in the numerical disc ...
个人分类: 科研论文|6497 次阅读|没有评论

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