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基本的理论物理离不开哲学,分享David Albert的一些看法

已有 4812 次阅读 2018-10-15 12:55 |个人分类:科普|系统分类:海外观察| 理论物理, 哲学


David Z. Albert博士是理论物理出身,在哥伦比亚大学获得物理学学士学位,洛克菲勒大学获得理论物理学博士学位。之后他与特拉维夫大学的Yakir Aharonov教授合作过。目前是哥伦比亚大学的Frederick E. Woodbridge哲学教授,主导物理学的哲学基础方向研究。

Youtube World Science Festival刚对他做了一个采访,他的一些回答很有意思。他的态度很好,很多没有答案的问题直接回答我不知道,不像我们那些刷题考试出身的“科学家”们把一些不成熟的,有争议的,甚至是错误的说法当成“标准答案”,装神弄鬼。






- Why is it so hard to test the theories we have on the beginning of the Universe? Don't you think scientists should find out how to make predictions that can be tested now? 

- Would it be correct to say that whatever “physics” brought the universe into existence also brought life into existence? If so, would not the question be “why physics”? 

- How do extra dimension play a role in understanding the Universe and what are the progresses to conduct the experiments to detect it? 

- Explain how order results from chaos in this world, pleaseee 

- Is it scientifically fair for quantum mechanics to claim that the all actions in the universe are fundamentally random just because our methods, experiments, questions and logic framework may be obsolete? 

- ​What lies at the heart of the probabilistic nature of the wave function? What ultimately drives an outcome over another one? 

-What do you think about string theory? do you believe in it? 

- Do you give any weight to simulation theory? 

- What is the philosophical view of the non existing center of the universe? If the universe expanded from a point why isn’t there a center? 

- How is energy conserved in cosmological expansion? 

- Do you believe we have free will? 

- From a very interesting discussion between you and Sean Carroll I understood you had some thoughts about the notion of probability in the many-worlds interpretation. Can you elaborate? 

- What suggestions he has for a physics undergraduate like me on what to explore more thoroughly... 

- Are space-time fundamental entities??? or emergent entities from something more fundamental? your views please 

- Why should it ever occur to us that somehow "nothing" existing should be more likely than "something"? 

- What's beyond the walls of the universe? Nothing? There is no such thing as nothing. Perhaps the universe is infinite but beyond the edge is what? 

- Do you think that it is necessary to strive for a complete theory which is mathematically consistent with our notion of past, present and future? 

- What do you think about the hard problem of consciousness? Is consciousness computable? can consciousness be derived in physics? 

- What made you decide to go from theoretical physics to working on the philosophical foundations of physics?


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