Founded in 1989 by Victor Izrael (MD, PhD) and Nicole Bru (MD), APREC is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in the clinical oncology unit of Tenon Hospital in Paris, France (part of the french university hospital system). APREC’s mission is to promote and develop all forms of resea ... 网页上的这家单位是什么性质的单位呢?AO在意大利语中是什么意思?一种公司,还是一种医院?下面这些单位是什么样子的单位? AO Ist Ospitalieri Cremona, Dipartimento Chirurg, I-26100 Cremona, Italy AO Bianchi Melacrino Morelli, Unita Operat Anat Pa ... Our Mission: To eradicate all suffering from breast cancer through the highest quality clinical trials research. Our Vision: To be a global and regional leader in ... NTRC is a privately owned biotech company based in Oss, The Netherlands, established by former employees of MSD/Organon. NTRC translates novel biological concepts on the treatment of diseases into small molecule drug candidates. NTRC has a strong academic net ...
但一般公司简称总是用在后面,这两个单位用在前面,我估计不是公司简称。, AG Tumorzelldisseminat, Tubingen, Germany。 这个估计是德国的一家肿瘤机构,但是什么样的机构呢?医院还是研究所?还是政府机构,还是企业? Ag Savas Hosp, Athens, Greece。这个估计是一个Agios Savas hospital (Athens) ,在这里,谁能 ...