this morning, I touched a lump in my chest when I had shower......stomach cancer! it was the first signal that come to my mind. I was nervious, however I was calm, I touched it throughly and tried to figure out it was benigh or malign, it was a little bit pain, but not very much, jus ...
August 12,2013, the number of the white blood cells increase to 6.85. It is a really good news for me, the number was 3.41 five days ago. 3.41 is such a low number that can take all courage away. however, white blood cells is growing in my spinal cord. Why did it grow so fast? here is wh ...
A friend told me like that when he knew I was panic...... he sent me some articles which I was certainly interested in if I don't have any problems in my health, but I could not read it at all these days. I am panic, my soul is leaving my body after a series shocks by the ...