
PhD or MS position at Penn State
李英杰 2018-11-6 10:07
Graduate Position in Fire Effects and Landscape Ecology, Department of Geography Penn State University Penn State is seeking a PhD or MS student to work as a research assistant on projects evaluating the effects, spatial patterns, and drivers of recent wildland fires in the Klamat ...
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[招募博士研究生合作研究] 大流域社会经济与自然系统耦合项目
李英杰 2018-10-4 11:54
学生自主研究项目合作成员招募: 目前,密歇根州立大学(MSU)以及其来自马里兰大学(UMD)、宾夕法尼亚州立大学(PSU)、伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(UIUC)协作申请美国国家社会经济环境综合中心(NationalSocio-EnvironmentalSynthesisCenter,SESYNC)的研究项目,主题是关于 大流 ...
个人分类: PhD info|2669 次阅读|没有评论
PhD and postdoc positions in high-latitude fire dynamics at
李英杰 2018-9-10 21:16
PhD position in carbon emissions from arctic-boreal fires at VU Amsterdam https://www.vu.nl/nl/werken-bij-de-vu/vacatures/2018/18272phdincarbonemissionsfromarticborealfires.aspx Postdoc position in high-latitude feedbacks between fire, climate, vegetation and carbon at VU ...
个人分类: PhD info|2743 次阅读|没有评论
Ph.D. & M.S. opportunities in landscape ecology
李英杰 2018-9-10 01:56
Ph.D. M.S. opportunities in landscape ecology: I am seeking graduate students to join my lab who are interested in landscape ecology pertaining to potential climate and land-use change impacts on insects (particularly odonates or pollinators). For more informatio ...
个人分类: PhD info|2462 次阅读|没有评论

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