刘秀群的博客分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/liuxiuqun 植物学博士


2009-4-25 04:12
蒋新正老师写了博文:法桐你能不能少些唠叨 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=228035 这里就讲讲 法桐飞毛的事情 1. 什么是 法 国梧桐 ? 现在正是春末时节,以后适宜,很多人都愿意走出家门 ...
个人分类: 科普集锦|15632 次阅读|1 个评论
2009-4-16 02:16
关于牡丹的诗: 百宝阑干护晓寒, 沉香亭畔若为看。 春来谁作韶华主, 总领群芳是牡丹。 1.牡丹:又名木芍药、洛阳花等,芍药科落叶灌木。花可观赏,根可医病,籽可榨油。它最早以药用为世人所知,作为观赏 ...
个人分类: 科普集锦|14042 次阅读|5 个评论
纪念达尔文诞辰200周年 (5张经典图片)
2009-2-12 13:59
伟大的查尔斯达尔文,出生与 1809年2月12日,今天正好是他的诞辰200周年纪念日,贴几张照片以示纪念。详细的请看 http://it.sohu.com/s2009/darwin/ 照片摄于达尔文51岁,发表《物种起源》之后不久 《物种起源》 经典标准画像 经 ...
个人分类: 科普集锦|4108 次阅读|没有评论
2009-2-7 14:08
你以为你真的懂进化论?(十)(转载) ※ 来源: 同济网论坛 BBS.TONGJI.NET There are various ways in which the known facts about evolution can be reconciled with theistic religions. Some of these ways might be illogical and irrational, but they are no more illogical and irrationa ...
个人分类: 科普集锦|3263 次阅读|没有评论
2009-2-7 14:06
(九) ※ 来源: 同济网论坛 BBS.TONGJI.NET Evolution myths: The theory is wrong because the Bible is 'inerrant' This argument is undermined by the hundreds of errors and inaccuracies and contradictions found in Bible. It is anything but inerrant. A few creationist ...
个人分类: 科普集锦|3396 次阅读|没有评论
2009-2-7 14:01
你以为你真的懂进化论?(八) (转自土摩托日记,土摩托 @ 2008-5-8 1:26 ) Evolution myths: It doesn't matter if people do not understand evolution-At an individual level, it might not matter much. However, any modern society which bases major decisions on superstition rather than reality is headin ...
个人分类: 科普集锦|4379 次阅读|没有评论
2009-2-7 14:00
你以为你真的懂进化论?(七) (转自土摩托日记,土摩托 @ 2008-5-4 1:59 ) Evolution myths: Evolution is not predictive-It might not be possible to predict exactly what life will look like in a billion years but what counts are the predictions that can be made http://www.newscientist.com/article/d ...
个人分类: 科普集锦|3700 次阅读|没有评论
2009-2-7 13:58
你以为你真的懂进化论(六) (转自土摩托日记,土摩托 @ 2008-5-2 5:10 ) Evolution myths: Evolution produces perfectly adapted creatures-You don't have to be perfectly adapted to survive, you just have to be as well adapted as your competitors. The apparent perfection of plants and animals may be mo ...
个人分类: 科普集锦|3619 次阅读|没有评论
2009-2-7 13:57
你以为你真的懂进化论?(五) (转自土摩托日记,土摩托 @ 2008-4-30 3:10 ) Evolution myths: Natural selection leads to ever greater complexity-In fact, natural selection often leads to ever greater simplicity. And, in many cases, complexity may initially arise when selection is weak or absent. ht ...
个人分类: 科普集锦|3383 次阅读|没有评论

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