
高琳琳 2019-7-9 11:25
我们同一批入职的青椒们有一个“吃饭群”,群功能远大于群名。上午,一位老师在群里转发一个文章,大致是说7月2号便可知青基结果,看了一下,没有在群里发言,但内心还是很焦灼的。 像我这样没有资源的青椒,博士毕业院校非顶尖院校,博士导师也非业内大牛,唯一能靠的只能是自己不断的积累,积累成果,积累经验。若这次 ...
个人分类: 基金申请|1700 次阅读|没有评论
高琳琳 2019-7-7 13:30
在windows或者Ubuntu上安装Pytorch 理论参考资料 1) Stanford U. CS231课程 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/21930884 (中文资料) http://cs231n.stanford.edu/ (英文网站) 2) Coursera上Andrew N.g的《Deep Learning》课程 https://www.coursera.org/specializations/ ...
个人分类: DeepLearning|1515 次阅读|没有评论
Instal Pytorch and related apps on Windows
高琳琳 2019-7-1 21:16
(一)Instal Pytorch Instal Anaconda Instal visual studio Download Cuda (local version) and instal. If 系统检测“ fails, then try to instal again 4. download cuDNN, and copy the following files: &nbs ...
个人分类: DeepLearning|1508 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]discription of rib diseases
高琳琳 2019-6-13 21:40
Most broken ribs heal on their own within six weeks. Restricting activities and icing the area regularly can help with healing and pain relief. It's important to obtain adequate pain relief — if it hurts to breathe deeply, you may develop pneumonia.
个人分类: Disease|1211 次阅读|没有评论
高琳琳 2019-6-13 11:44
1. Cartilage is an important structural component of the body. It is a firm tissue but is softer and much more flexible than bone. Cartilage is a connective tissue found in many areas of the body including: Joints between bones e.g. the elbows, knees and ankles Ends of the ribs Between th ...
个人分类: 基金申请|1561 次阅读|没有评论
高琳琳 2019-6-13 11:07
肋骨像一个笼子 (因此也称rib cage)。主要包括四部分:bones(骨头)、cartilage(软骨)、sternum(胸骨)与vertebra(脊柱),如下图: Cartilage is attached to the front portion of your ribs and allows your chest to expand as you move and breathe. But your ribs and associated cartilage ...
个人分类: 智能医疗|6349 次阅读|没有评论
高琳琳 2019-6-12 10:47
在ubuntu上安装: conda install -c conda -forge pydicom 读取dicom并可视化 import pydicom, os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt path = os.path.join(root, file) im = pydicom.dcmread(path) # type of data is FileDataset px = im.pixel_array &nb ...
个人分类: Python|2383 次阅读|没有评论
在ubuntu上安装: conda install -c conda-forge pydicom 读取dicom并可视
高琳琳 2019-6-10 11:05
在ubuntu上安装: conda install -c conda -forge pydicom 读取dicom并可视化 import pydicom, os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt path = os.path.join(root, file) im = pydicom.dcmread(path) # type of data is FileDataset px = im.pixel_array &nb ...
个人分类: Python|11102 次阅读|没有评论

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