
高琳琳 2021-1-26 11:23
\maketitle \maketitle %添加这一句才能够显示标题等信息 %摘要开始部分 \begin{abstract} 该部分内容是放置摘要信息的。该部分内容是放置摘要信息的。该部分内容是放置摘要信息的。该部分内容是放置摘要信息的。该部分内容是放置摘要信息的。 \end{abstract} ...
个人分类: Paper writing|4603 次阅读|没有评论
高琳琳 2020-7-20 20:19
official websitehttps://pytorch.org/docs/master/generated/torch.nn.GroupNorm.html#groupnorm class torch.nn. GroupNorm ( num_groups: int , num_channels: int , eps: float = 1e-05 , affine: bool = True ) ...
个人分类: DeepLearning|4096 次阅读|没有评论
vocabularies for writing
高琳琳 2020-7-17 23:56
描述 describe, description, depict, delineate,
个人分类: Paper writing|2190 次阅读|没有评论
高琳琳 2020-7-16 21:29
宁波市智慧健康展示 http://www.nbec.gov.cn/col/col16469/index.html 宁波市人民政府智慧医疗 http://gtoc.ningbo.gov.cn/art/2019/8/19/art_158_1016884.html
个人分类: 智能医疗|2603 次阅读|没有评论
brain viewers
高琳琳 2020-7-16 15:18
online tool https://socr.umich.edu/HTML5/BrainViewer/
个人分类: brain domain knowledge|2324 次阅读|没有评论
consecutive_numbers_in_a list & nested_loop & same_actions
高琳琳 2020-6-9 15:05
1. detect consecutive nums in a list def detect_consecutive_nums(num_list): ''' group consecutive numbers Example: num_list = nums_grouped = , , , ]&# ...
个人分类: Python|1932 次阅读|没有评论
高琳琳 2020-5-18 16:04
Depth (d) : Scaling network depth is the most common way used by many ConvN. The intuition is that deeper ConvNet can capture richer and more complex features, and generalize well on new tasks . However, deeper networks are also more difficult to train due to the vanishing gradient problem ...
个人分类: DeepLearning|1719 次阅读|没有评论

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