何毓琦的个人博客分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/何毓琦 哈佛(1961-2001) 清华(2001-date)



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IP: 222.217.88.*   [77]qijinian2019   2011-11-2 19:32
我的回复(2011-11-3 06:59):It is always important to study what you enjoy learning not on what will make you most moeny unless that is what you enjoy.
IP: 117.28.97.*   [76]ylkzmc   2011-10-19 16:21
一个低学历业余研究者能找到研究的舞台吗?  高祥华  13799495455
我的回复(2011-10-24 05:59):please read http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=1565&do=blog&id=32022
我的回复(2011-10-20 02:11):Anything is possible. however things are always easier if you have help and guidance which are my purposes in writing blogs in these pages
IP: 61.143.62.*   [75]recherche   2011-10-18 16:14
Dear Prof. Ho,
    After reading your articles, I am deeply moved and would like to be brave to write you some words. Please forgive my offensiveness if I have made, even though I never thought to do.
      For what I want to talk, is about your answer for one question, when someone ask you, if you have only one chance to suggest the youth who would step into the society and may build an empire in the future, what would you say?    I have some wonders for your answer and wish to get some of  your exhortation , actually I have written a message, but can't be delivered all the time, if it is possible, may I know your email  for my question , please?  By the way, I am not scientist, I interest in Humanity.

My email address is : rechercheamour@hotmail.com
IP: 218.75.113.*   [74]xwzlj   2011-9-22 10:24
我的回复(2011-9-22 21:51):hank you for the photos.
IP: 218.75.113.*   [73]xwzlj   2011-9-21 09:31
我的回复(2011-9-22 10:06):I have e-mailed you the address
IP: 218.75.113.*   [72]xwzlj   2011-9-20 16:39
我的回复(2011-9-20 20:52):Thank you. I shall try.
IP: 219.143.205.*   [71]ZHAOJJpeace   2011-9-18 02:12
Dear Prof. Ho,
I'm really sorry for the friend request without carefully reading your blog.
Hope to learn more about  "sciences and life"  from your blog.
Best regards.
我的回复(2011-9-18 05:11):No problem.
IP: 123.124.19.*   [70]whitephone   2011-9-17 00:09
我的回复(2011-9-17 16:51):There is no "being early" in research. You should follow your interest. However, being a sophmore, you need guidance. Read my three blog articles on how to so research and seek help from your advisors.
IP: 123.194.216.*   [69]k753673   2011-9-13 03:15


直接的說,我是科學界的非主流,獨自鑽研引力、重量產生的原因大約有35年,自認為發現了引力及重量產生的原因,藉由引力產生的原因作為依據,自認為已經成功接近完整而符合實際的描述了天體運行的起源及過程,我認為引力有分原始引力及反應性引力兩大類(實驗可以證明),一般的引力全由可以作功的動能所反應而成,於2010年10月著有『引力新論與天體運行』一書(ISBN 978-957-41-7517-8),在研究的過程中,我發現象相對論並不能成立(如果相對論能夠成立,就必需能解釋黃道面、白道面形成的原因),也發現質量有質量的功能及代表性,能量有能量的功能及代表性,質量與能量不能混為一談,我藉由實驗做為依據;為質量作了新的定義,其他還有一些發現,例如磁力未必大於重力(經由實驗證明),例如潮汐形成的真正原因是槓桿原理中的動力臂效應,例如行星並不是因為恆星的引力而繞行恆星,例如馬德堡半球實驗的現象並不是大氣壓力所造成,例如黃道面、白道面形成的原因,例如橢圓形軌道形成的原因,例如進動現象、歲差現象形成的原因,例如星球、恆星、恆星系、大星系、黑洞形成的由來及形成的大致順序,例如星球自轉及星體規則圓形形成的原因等等。


林至誠  敬上  k753673@yahoo.com.tw
我的回复(2011-9-13 07:32):I am sorry. But this is not my area of expertise. I cannot help you. YCH
IP: 219.143.205.*   [68]ZHAOJJpeace   2011-9-10 01:50
精晶 拜上!
我的回复(2011-9-10 07:28):Many thanks. write to me in the mean time.YCHo
IP: 117.136.9.*   [67]马士良   2011-9-2 09:07
我的回复(2011-9-4 06:54):This question cannot be answered nor settled in a short answer or comment. While I agree with your main thrust, many more expert discussion are required for this multi-faceted topic.
IP: 27.184.93.*   [66]孟相光   2011-8-7 09:51
I was attracted by your articales and ignored the public annoucement. Wish you could forgive my carelessness. I'm grateful for the sciencenet could bring us youth great accademics like you and we just love to absorb new knowledge. Once again, thanks for your time.  
IP: 210.192.101.*   [65]宋敦江   2011-7-21 10:35
我的回复(2011-7-21 18:56):Very interesting and rich research topic with high potential. Thanks for letting me know.
IP: 114.254.227.*   [64]肖振亚   2011-6-10 06:58
In China, there is a popular saying: Long live the understanding! I've fully understood your position and sorry for asking you the friend request without reading your blog beforehand.
IP: 218.199.84.*   [63]白向贺   2011-6-8 10:00
我的回复(2011-6-8 20:05):In my discipline (applied mathematics), there is practically no such thing as an acadmic laboratory. Thus, I am not qualified to speak on the subject.
IP: 218.199.84.*   [62]白向贺   2011-6-8 10:00
IP: 119.165.71.*   [61]countryroad   2011-6-6 23:53
我的回复(2011-6-7 02:30):Thank you for your concern. I appreciate it. There are all kinds of readers on ScienceNet. As I said, it is very easy to issue a request without thought or concern. If I ignore the request sometimes I even get asked again as to why I don't respond. But I think my messages are slowly reaching all readers. Thanks again.
IP: 166.111.152.*   [60]chunjiwang   2011-4-26 21:53
Thank you very much! I'm sorry to reply so late, since the Tsinghua University Centenary Celebration made everyone very busy.
IP: 166.111.152.*   [59]chunjiwang   2011-4-23 09:59
I'm sorry, but I found your link of "新读者请看" was redirected to the main page of "科学网". Thank you all the same! Looking forward to meeting you at Tsinghua!
我的回复(2011-4-23 22:02):By the way, I just tried the URLs for 新读者请看" and had no difficulties.
我的回复(2011-4-23 19:38):OK please try:
IP: 166.111.152.*   [58]chunjiwang   2011-4-21 10:28
Dear Prof. Ho,
Thank you for your response. I'm sorry I didn't find your earlier articles about your activities at Tsinghua in so many articles... Do you have a fixed time each year you come to Tsinghua?
我的回复(2011-4-21 19:22):Why don't you read my announcement 新读者请看 again.Do a little bit of searching on your own.  No, I don't have defin ite time to be in Beijing.

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