在 YouTube 上 看 今年的NBA全明星赛视频,不知怎么就看到了勇士队全明星球员 格林(Dramond Green)的一个记者发布会视频。那是2016年4月,勇士客场与休斯顿火箭第4场比赛后的发布会。 一个记者这样问: Draymond, here’s an interesting question. So last year, you visit us, game three, there’s no flood, you win. Game four, there was a flood, you lose. And this year you visit us. Game 3 there is flood, you win; game 4 there is no flood, you...Oh, no. Game 3 there‘s flood, you lose; game 4, there is no flood, you win… 谷歌自动翻译: Draymond,这里是一个有趣的问题。比去年同期,您访问我们,第三场比赛,没有洪水,你赢了。比赛四,有一个洪水,你输了。而今年您访问我们。第3场比赛有水灾,你赢了;4场比赛没有洪水,你...哦,不。第3场比赛有水灾,你输了;4场比赛,没有洪水,你赢了...... 格林在这里打断了记者的话: Brother, you asked me about the flood in practice the other day, and I said I pray for the city of Houston, because you don’t want to see anyone go through that. I feel like you keep trying to get, like, us hitting threes or something — you’re trying to get a controversial statement out of me, but you’re not, because I feel sorry for the people of Houston. “People are losing their homes, losing their cars, losing their lives, losing loved ones, and you’re trying to get a controversial statement out of me about the threes we’re hitting? I know what you’re getting at, but you’re not getting it out of me. It sucks. If I was from Houston, I’d do anything I can to help the city out, and I’m sure some of those guys are going to do what they can to help the city out. And you saw a donation the other night. It sucks. Stop trying to do that. That’s not cool, man. You keep asking me the same question about this flood. These people are losing their lives, bro, losing their homes. Don’t ask me that no more. It ain’t cool, and you’re not getting the statement you want out of me. That’s not cool, man. Stop doing that. 谷歌自动翻译: 兄弟,你问我关于在实践中洪水有一天,我说我祈祷休斯顿市的,因为你不希望看到有人经过这一点。我觉得你一直要一样,我们打三分什么的 - 你正在试图获得一个有争议的陈述了我,但你没有,我觉得休斯顿六người遗憾。 “人们正在失去他们的房屋,汽车Có输球,失去了生命,失去亲人,而你正在试图获得关于三分球了我我们打的一个有争议的声明呢?我知道你在说什么,但你没有得到它了我。它吮吸。如果我是从休斯敦,我会这样什么我可以帮助城市了,我敢肯定有些家伙打算những涌所能来帮助因为什么出城。而你看到的晚上捐赠。它吮吸。别再这样做。这不是很酷的男人。你一直问我关于这次水灾同样的问题。这些人正在失去他们的生活,兄弟,失去索要自己的家园。不要问我没有更多的。这是不是爽了,你没有得到你想要的我的发言。这不是很酷的男人。停止这样做。 (这个翻译比较糟糕,看来谷歌翻译地道的口语还是不行,但是大意也出来了) 然后据说,这个记者在新闻发布会后一小时,就被开除了。
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