Frontiers of Physics分享


[转载]FOP | 前沿研究:探测中性三重规范耦合
2024-9-13 10:00
近期,探测中性三重规范耦合新物理的研究论文 Probing neutral triple gauge couplings via Zγ ( ℓ + ℓ − γ ) production at e + e − colliders 在Frontiers of Physics期刊发表并选做封面文章(Cover Story)【 Front. Phys. 20, 01520 ...
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FOP | 综述:深度学习在二维材料研究中的应用:从特性表征、材料预测到智能设计
2024-8-29 10:05
REVIEWARTICLE Xinqin Meng, Chengbing Qin*, Xilong Liang, Guofeng Zhang, Ruiyun Chen, Jianyong Hu, Zhichun Yang, Jianzhong Huo, Liantuan Xiao*, and Suotang Jia, Deep learning in two-dimensional materials: Characterization, prediction, and design , Front. Phys . 19(5), 53601 ( ...
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FOP | 前沿研究:华东师范大学夏勇课题组_基于多任务深度学习高分辨率多路轨道角动量识别的信息传输
2024-8-29 10:01
RESEARCH ARTICLE Jingwen Zhou, Yaling Yin*, Jihong Tang, Yong Xia*, and Jianping Yin, Information transmission through parallel multi-task-based recognition of high-resolution multiplexed orbital angular momentum , Frontiers of Physics 19(5), 52202 (2024) PDF全文下 ...
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[转载]FOP | 前沿研究:超导量子电路中实现高效且快速的三量子比特门
2024-8-29 09:58
RESEARCH ARTICLE Xiao-Le Li, Ziyu Tao, Kangyuan Yi, Kai Luo, Libo Zhang, Yuxuan Zhou, Song Liu, Tongxing Yan*, Yuanzhen Chen*, and Dapeng Yu, Hardware-efficient and fast three-qubit gate in superconducting quantum circuits , Front. Phys . 19(5), 51205 (2024) PDF全文下 ...
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[转载]FOP | 前沿研究:非厄米阿哈罗诺夫‒玻姆笼中的局域化‒退局域化相变
2024-8-29 09:54
RESEARCHARTICLE Xiang Li, Jin Liu, and Tao Liu*, Localization−delocalization transitions in non-Hermitian Aharonov−Bohm cages , Frontiers of Physics 19(3), 33211 (2024) 全文下载: ...
460 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]FOP | 前沿研究:古建筑中的新物理:中国千年古桥—洛阳桥实现水波单向传播
2024-8-29 09:51
RESEARCH ARTICLE Linkang Han, Qilin Duan, Junliang Duan, Shan Zhu, Shiming Chen, Yuhang Yin, and Huanyang Chen*, Unidirectional propagation of water waves near ancient Luoyang Bridge , Front. Phys. 19(4), 42205 (2024) PDF全文下载: ...
320 次阅读|没有评论
JCR发布期刊影响因子 & Scopus发布CiteScore
2024-6-20 13:41
634 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]FOP | REPORT:中国超级陶粲装置概念设计报告(Volume 1):物理和探测器
2023-12-5 13:38
RESEARCH ARTICLE M.Achasov, et al., STCF conceptual design report (Volume 1): Physics detector , Front. Phys . 19(1), 14701 (2024) 全文下载:‍467-023-1333-z ; ...
个人分类: 物理前沿|1456 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]FOP | 前沿研究:山西大学汪丽蓉/元晋鹏团队 _ 在相干原子系综中实现几何结构可重构的光子石墨烯
2023-5-23 13:32
RESEARCH ARTICLE Fuqiang Niu, Hengfei Zhang, Jinpeng Yuan, Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia, and Lirong Wang, Photonic graphene with reconfigurable geometric structures in coherent atomic ensembles , Frontiers of Physics 18(5), 52304 (2023) 全文下载: https://jo ...
1783 次阅读|没有评论

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