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Germanium-catalyzed hierarchical Al2O3 and SiO2 nanowire bunch arrays
2009-12-3 18:34
Germanium is an effective catalyst for the growth of highly aligned, closely packed polycrystalline Al 2 O 3 and amorphous SiO 2 nanowire bunches. The Ge-catalyzed nanowire growth exhibits interesting growth behavior not observed in conventional Au-catalyzed nanowire growth. Nanoscale ...
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2009-3-21 00:29
最优秀的企业领导人在工作和生活中形成了哪些良好的习惯?是什么使他们出类拔萃?研究了大量成功企业领导者的案例,我们发现了他们的20个人生法宝,这或许就是让他们脱颖而出的成功秘笈吧。   1懂得做人   品德高尚是成功之本。会做人,别人喜欢你,愿意和你合作,才容易成事。习惯于能真诚地欣赏他人的优点, ...
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2009-2-8 05:58
刚开始到美国头一年,什么病也没有,还为此跟家人吹嘘了好久。谁知到了第二年,开始适应美国的环境,各种病也就跟着来了,最头疼的是过敏。每到春天,或者换季的时候就过敏。前几天脸就过敏了,通红,又干又痒,难受的要命。因为脸上不能抹药膏,会造成色素沉淀,以后就没法见人了,只能清水洗脸,然后就是干忍着,非常痛 ...
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Aligned ZnO Nanorod Arrays Grown Directly on Zinc Foils and Zinc Spheres by a Lo
2009-2-4 00:59
Vertically aligned, dense ZnO nanorod arrays were grown directly on zinc foils by a catalyst-free, low-temperature (450500 C) oxidization method. The zinc foils remain conductive even after the growth of ZnO nanorods on its surface. ...
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Three-Dimensional Germanium Oxide Nanowire Networks
2008-12-16 07:02
Three-dimensional (3D) GeO 2 nanowire networks were fabricated by using germanium as both a source material and catalyst in an oxygen-rich growth environment. The branches within one network show very regular orientation relationships: either perpendicular or parallel to each other. The nanowires f ...
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没有人会在原地等你 !我们要学会珍惜彼此-转载自小木虫
2008-12-11 06:47
说的是一个女人与她第一任男友之间的事情。女人那时刚刚大学毕业,很矜持,只会腼腆的笑。   两个人第一次到海鲜馆吃饭,男人为她点了一条鱼,一条她叫不出名字的鱼,这是那天饭桌上唯一的一道荤菜。鱼身还没动,男友就先搛起鱼眼放到她面前:喜欢吃鱼眼吗? 她不喜欢,而且也 ...
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Vapor-Phase Synthesis of Gallium Phosphide Nanowires
2008-12-9 04:30
Gallium phosphide (GaP) nanowires were synthesized in a high yield by vapor-phase reaction of gallium vapor and phosphorus vapor at 1150 C in a tube furnace system. The nanowires have diameters in the range of 25100 nm and lengths of up to tens of micrometers. Twinning growth occurs in G ...
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2008-12-9 03:16
The base surface in this picture is made of highly aligned, dense zinc oxide nanorods, which were grown inside a tube furnace system by oxidizing zinc foil at temperature of 500-600 Celsius degree. The higher, complex structures are also made from zinc oxide, which were grown from by absorbing the ...
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