稳定的生境里,植物趋向于营养生殖。 不稳定的生境下,植物趋向于有性生殖。 I doubt if this is true. In closed communities, there may be low need for new types of the species, thus the established populations are close the the best nature in the community. However, this dependent on if r ...
I did not present anything on the 2011 China plant systematics conference. That may be a little pity. However, I still get reward. Some of presentations provide me inspiration for my thinking on biogeography and evolution. One of such inspiration is regarding the dispersals. ...
读Kate Armstrong PdD thesis,Sapotaceae,非常不错!国内的学生包括自己确实有差距。革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力! Long distance dispersal was advocated in the paper as in many other case studies. I prefer this hypothesis to explain the biogeography of Solanaceae as well. A summary is badly ne ...
Regarding organism's invasion, there is a generalization to explain the characteristics of this ecological process, i.e, the tens rule. The definition is: about 10% of all introduced species establish themselves and about 10% of these established species become invasive. It may hypothesized from ...