
为什潜叶虫不起眼 Why we ignore the leafminers
热度 1 戴小华 2011-5-15 11:28
为什潜叶虫不起眼 Why we ignore the leafminers
为什潜叶虫不起眼 Why we ignore the leafminers (1) 潜叶虫体型微小:成虫只有几mm (2)潜道颜色跟叶片颜色有时候相差不大 (3)有些潜道在叶片背面,有些在栅栏组织和海绵组织之间(叶肉中间) (4)容易误认为其它虫害或者病害的症状 (5)自然环境中,较少看 ...
个人分类: Introduction to leafminers 潜叶虫简介|5706 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
潜叶的好处和坏处 Benefits/disadvantages of leafmining
戴小华 2010-12-8 18:49
潜叶的好处和坏处 Benefits/disadvantages of leafmining 好处 : 避免风吹雨打UV辐射;保温保湿;避免取食难消化的几丁质和叶脉;避开植物结构防御和化学防御;低致病率 坏处 : 不能移动,容易被寄生;内食性,受植物影响很大,因此多为单食性和寡食性;枝断叶落或者潜道遭破坏时,容易致死;叶片扁平, ...
个人分类: Introduction to leafminers 潜叶虫简介|5386 次阅读|没有评论
The shape of leaf mines 潜道的形状
戴小华 2009-9-24 16:06
The shape of leaf mines 潜道的形状 关键词 Key words: leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant According to the shape, leaf mines can be classified into three main types: (1) linear mines; (2) blotch mines; (3) linear-blotch mines. If the larva tunnel only in one direction throug ...
个人分类: Introduction to leafminers 潜叶虫简介|6115 次阅读|1 个评论
[旧文再发] [南非杂记] 遭遇玫瑰鱼
戴小华 2009-6-27 17:16
遭遇玫瑰鱼 ...
个人分类: 扯闲皮儿 Babble Chat|5134 次阅读|没有评论
Snapdragon 金鱼草属 Antirrhinum spp.
戴小华 2009-6-17 18:59
Snapdragon 金鱼草属 Antirrhinum spp. 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Snapdragon, Dragon's month,Common snapdragon: Antirrhinum Antirrhinum is known as snapdragons because the flowers are resembling the face of a dragon that opens and closes its ...
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|8365 次阅读|1 个评论
Nasturtium 旱金莲属 Tropaeolum spp
戴小华 2009-6-17 18:32
Nasturtium 旱金莲属 Tropaeolum spp 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Nasturtium: Tropaeolum Note: not the Watercresses of the genus Nasturtium , of the Mustard family (Brassicaceae). However, Tropaeolum spp could produce a similar oil to which produ ...
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|8921 次阅读|1 个评论
Orychophragmus violaceus 诸葛菜
热度 1 戴小华 2009-6-17 17:48
Orychophragmus violaceus 诸葛菜 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Orychophragmus violaceus . Family: Cruciferae (i.e. Brassicaceae) 日本語: ムラサキハナナ 诸葛菜、菜子花、二月兰。十字花科诸葛菜属,二年生草本花卉。因农历二月前后开始开花,故称二月兰。 ...
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|10515 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
Meadow Rue 唐松草属 Thalictrum spp.
戴小华 2009-6-17 11:08
Meadow Rue 唐松草属 Thalictrum spp. 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Meadow Rue: Thalictrum The taxonomy of the genus Thalictrum is still unclear. The plants are perennial herbs. 唐松草属,毛茛科,多年生草本,分类尚不明确。 潜叶虫种类 Miner species: ...
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|5235 次阅读|没有评论
Traveller's Joy 铁线莲属 Clematis spp.
戴小华 2009-6-17 10:53
Traveller's Joy 铁线莲属 Clematis spp. 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Traveller's Joy: Clematis Most plants in the genus Clematis are climbing lianas with charming flowers. Generally they are calcicole species. 铁线莲属,毛茛科。多属攀援藤本, ...
个人分类: Host Plants 寄主植物|4692 次阅读|没有评论
Coffee leaf miner 咖啡潜叶蛾 Leucoptera coffeella
戴小华 2009-5-30 21:04
Coffee leaf miner 咖啡潜叶蛾 Scientific name 学名: Leucoptera coffeella (Gurin-Mneville) Synonym 异名: Cemiostoma coffeella Gurin-Mneville; Elachista coffeella Gurin-Mneville; Perileucoptera coffeella (Gurin-Mneville) En ...
个人分类: Miners 潜叶虫|12208 次阅读|没有评论

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