The shape of leaf mines 潜道的形状 关键词 Key words: leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant According to the shape, leaf mines can be classified into three main types: (1) linear mines; (2) blotch mines; (3) linear-blotch mines. If the larva tunnel only in one direction throug ...
Snapdragon 金鱼草属 Antirrhinum spp. 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Snapdragon, Dragon's month,Common snapdragon: Antirrhinum Antirrhinum is known as snapdragons because the flowers are resembling the face of a dragon that opens and closes its ...
Nasturtium 旱金莲属 Tropaeolum spp 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Nasturtium: Tropaeolum Note: not the Watercresses of the genus Nasturtium , of the Mustard family (Brassicaceae). However, Tropaeolum spp could produce a similar oil to which produ ...
Meadow Rue 唐松草属 Thalictrum spp. 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Meadow Rue: Thalictrum The taxonomy of the genus Thalictrum is still unclear. The plants are perennial herbs. 唐松草属,毛茛科,多年生草本,分类尚不明确。 潜叶虫种类 Miner species: ...
Traveller's Joy 铁线莲属 Clematis spp. 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Traveller's Joy: Clematis Most plants in the genus Clematis are climbing lianas with charming flowers. Generally they are calcicole species. 铁线莲属,毛茛科。多属攀援藤本, ...