
郝大程 2024-3-22 13:08
生物技术通报 202403 微生物燃料电池(microbial fuel cell, MFC)在去除污染物的同时产出电能,是一种颇有前景的生态修复手段。【目的】构建真菌强化MFC装置,比较电动力(EK)、真菌、MFC修复除草剂污染土壤效果及优缺点,探索MFC在有机污染物修复中的应用潜力。【方法】设计了一种添加真菌进行生物强化的MFC ...
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Conservation Tillage in Medicinal Plant Cultivation in China
郝大程 2023-7-24 23:13
Agronomy | Free Full-Text | Conservation Tillage in Medicinal Plant Cultivation in China: What, Why, and How (mdpi.com) Ecological cultivation is a promising regime for medicinal plant production. For a long time, unreasonable farming methods have threatened soil health and medicinal agricultu ...
615 次阅读|没有评论
The genus Chrysanthemum: Phylogeny, biodiversity, phytometab
郝大程 2022-9-2 16:29
Frontiers | The genus Chrysanthemum: Phylogeny, biodiversity, phytometabolites, and chemodiversity (frontiersin.org) The ecologically and economically important genus Chrysanthemum contains around 40 species and many hybrids and cultivars. The dried capitulum of Chrysanthemum ...
1215 次阅读|没有评论
郝大程 2022-3-2 04:54
https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0472/12/3/330/htm Soil moisture is the major factor influencing microbial properties and nitrous oxide (N 2 O) production. Agricultural soils can be probed under wetting, wet/dry alternating, and constant moisture conditions to evaluate the combined effects of early ( ...
1326 次阅读|没有评论
Dissection of full-length transcriptome and metabolome of Di
郝大程 2021-11-6 04:39
Several main families of Ranunculales are rich in alkaloids and other medicinal compounds; many species of these families are used in traditional and folk medicine. Dichocarpum is a representative medicinal genus of Ranunculaceae, but the genetic basis of its metabolic phenotype has ...
1309 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]Predicting potential medicinal plants with phylogenetic topo
郝大程 2021-8-20 22:07
Predicting potential medicinal plants with phylogenetic topology: Inspiration from the research of traditional Chinese medicine Wajid Zaman , Jianfei Ye , Saddam Saqib, Yun Liu, Zhangjian Shan, Dacheng Hao, Zhiduan ...
1304 次阅读|没有评论
药用植物亲缘学: 历史、现状与愿景
郝大程 2021-2-14 11:55
祝大家牛年愉快, Plant pharmacophylogeny: past, present and future The concept of pharmacophylogeny was proposed by Peigen Xiao in the 1980s based on long-term studies of Chinese researchers since ancient times and especially the 1950s. The complicated relationships and connectivity between ...
1854 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]Medicinal plants of the Bible-revisited
郝大程 2020-12-2 15:10
以下为机翻,仅供参阅。 以前的名单中有55到176种植物被列为“圣经中的药用植物”。现代研究证明,这些名单上的许多名称已经不再有效。这种情况是由于旧的翻译错误和/或植物鉴定错误引起的。许多先前被认可的圣经植物与圣经土地上的植物群没有任何关系。因此,该清单需要修订。 方法:根据希伯来圣经文献学和词源学的新 ...
1408 次阅读|没有评论
The Utility of Electrochemical Systems in Microbial Degradat
郝大程 2020-10-23 14:37
The utility of electrochemical systems in microbial degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Discourse, diversity and design, by Da-Cheng Hao, Pei-Gen Xiao, Lian-Feng Wang, published in Frontiers in Microbiology, section Microbiotechnology. To view the online publication, please c ...
1591 次阅读|没有评论
郝大程 2020-4-3 10:41
C19-Diterpenoid alkaloidarabinosidesfroman aqueous extractofthelateralrootof Aconitum carmichaelii and theiranalgesicactivities Qinglan Guo†, HuanXia†, XianhuaMeng,GaonaShi,ChengboXu, Chenggen Zhu,TiantaiZhang⁎, JiangongShi Cytotoxic C 20 Diterpenoid Alkaloids from the Au ...
1090 次阅读|没有评论

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