
Nothing is Stronger Than a Human Being’s Longing for Freedom
何胜学 2023-5-22 22:20
Nothing is Stronger Than a Human Being ’ s Longing for Freedom Freedom is among the most fundamental desires of a human being – it resides in everyone ’ s hearts and is a seemingly endless source of strength. It binds us together, provokes our passions, and it i ...
个人分类: 杂感|1104 次阅读|没有评论
何胜学 2022-4-18 19:51
Is it a pity or luck to become the one you hate? Generally speaking, everyone has a model to follow especially at a young age. I also know people who have no role model concerning personal characters. We like someone some time for some reason. But it has nothing to do with our future r ...
个人分类: 杂感|1883 次阅读|没有评论
What is the goal of life? 人生的目标是什么?
何胜学 2022-4-18 09:44
No matter how old are you, this problem always appeared in your mind sometimes. We figured out an answer then but were soon unsatisfied with the answer. We lost our way in a fog. Maybe it is easy for a kid to say “I want to be a pilot!” or something like that. No doubt it is a perfect answer fo ...
个人分类: 杂感|1583 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 何胜学 2022-1-1 10:08
每年之初总会做一个打算,虽然不见得可以实现,但是习惯还得遵循。 今年也写个研究工作目标: 写好基金申请书,做到尽善尽美; 向Management Science和Operations Research进军; 建立创新网络研究中心; 要毕业的研究生都顺利毕业; 教学无失误! ...
个人分类: 杂感|1429 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1

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