Importance of Traditional Chinese Medicine in combating COVID-19 Writer’s note : It’s a manuscript that was written on 1 st June. Since we have developed the vaccines successfully (which is outrun of experts’ previous expectations), there is no need to publish it in an official ...
前几天我读完了由边和老师于2017年翻译并出版的《创造自然: 亚历山大·冯·洪堡的科学发现之旅》、或由Andrea Wulf于2015年写作的 The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt ’s New World ,这 是一部十分出色的人物传记。 伟大的地植物学家、教育家和生态学家洪堡对测量有一种近乎偏执的狂热之情,他几 ...