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已有 3709 次阅读 2016-4-22 21:01 |个人分类:遥感|系统分类:科研笔记| 数据, AMSR-E, 处理软件

   AMSR-E L3 级数据产品包含全球数据,是由 L1B 产品和 L2 级产品处理而来,L1B产品包含由天线亮温经变换系数计算得到新亮温数据,L2 级产品包含由 L1B 数据计算而得到的地球物理数据。通过对 L1B 和 L2 级数据的处理,通过一定的算法,进行重新计算平均值,得到每日或每月以 HDF-EOS 格式存储的 L3 级数据。目前的 L3 级产品可应用于海洋、土壤湿度以及冰雪等的参数反演和检测,这些数据产品通过美国国家冰雪中心网站下载使用.




上安装的Windows XP/VISTA/7


在目录的路径名。 HEG将被安装在这个路径树。
3。双击上的install.bat,然后按照指令在MS - DOS窗口出现。
4。将创建一个文件HEGTool.bat HEG HEG_Win bin目录中的安装。
现在点击浏览并选择文件“heg.ico”中的HEG_Win bin目录
7。要运行HEG上创建的快捷方式(S)或HEGTool.bat HEG_Win bin目录中双击。




Level-3 Soil Moisture Data Fields

The following Notations are used in this document:

Float6464-bit or 8-byte floating point
Int1616-bit or 2-byte signed integer

There are two Fill Values:

Fill Values
9999Indicates pixels that are void of any retrieval due to inherent gaps between available L2A swaths.
-9999Indicates no retrieval due to bad brightness temperature data or screening by land surface classification, or unsuccessful retrieval due to retrieval values outside the physical range.

Note: The dimension of each field is 586 rows x 1383 columns.

Ascending Land Grid
Field Name
Data Type
Scale Factor
Scan start time. International Atomic Time in seconds with 01 January 1993 as the zero base (TAI93)
A_TB06.9V (Res 1)
6.9V GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 6.9 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 56 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
A_TB06.9H (Res 1)
6.9H GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 6.9 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 56 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
A_TB10.7V (Res 1)
10.7V GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 10.7 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 56 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
A_TB10.7H (Res 1)
10.7H GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 10.7 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 56 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
A_TB18.7V (Res 1)
18.7V GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 18.7 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 56 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
A_TB18.7H (Res 1)
18.7H GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 18.7 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 56 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
A_TB36.5V (Res 1)
36.5V GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 36.5 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 56 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
A_TB36.5H (Res 1)
36.5H GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 36.5 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 56 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
A_TB36.5V (Res 4)
36.5V GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 36.5 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 12 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
A_TB36.5H (Res 4)
36.5H GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 36.5 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 12 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
A_TB89.0V (Res 4)
89.0V GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 89.0 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 12 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
A_TB89.0H (Res 4)
89.0H GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 89.0 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 12 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
Soil moisture at 10.7 GHz resolution (g cm-3). Range: 0 to 500.Multiply data values by 0.001 to obtain soil moisture in g cm-3.
The Vegetation Water Content field (kg m-2) incorporates the effects of vegetation and roughness together. See the Derivation Techniques and Algorithms section in the AMSR-E/Aqua L2B Surface Soil Moisture, Ancillary Parameters, & QC EASE-Grids Guide Document. When interpreted as vegetation water content, it is the total water content in the vertical column of vegetation averaged over the retrieval footprint.Multiply data values by 0.01 to obtain vegetation water content in kg m-2.
Land Surface Temperature (K) is not calculated because of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) contamination in the 6.9 GHz channels . The field contains only fill values.Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
Inversion quality control flag. Also includes surface type flags encoded in individual bits of this integer. For a description of the contents, see the Processing Stepssection of the AMSR-E/Aqua Daily L3 Surface Soil Moisture, Interpretive Parameters, & QC EASE-GridsGuide Document. For grid points such as open or inland water, a fill value of 9999 is assigned.

Descending Land Grid
Field Name
Data Type
Scale Factor
D_TimeFloat64Scan start time. International Atomic Time in seconds with 01 January 1993 as the zero base (TAI93).
D_TB06.9V (Res 1)
6.9V GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 6.9 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 56 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
D_TB06.9H (Res 1)
6.9H GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 6.9 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 56 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
D_TB10.7V (Res 1)
10.7V GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 10.7 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 56 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
D_TB10.7H (Res 1)
10.7H GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 10.7 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 56 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
D_TB18.7V (Res 1)
18.7V GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 18.7 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 56 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
D_TB18.7H (Res 1)
18.7H GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 18.7 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 56 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
D_TB36.5V (Res 1)
36.5V GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 36.5 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 56 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
D_TB36.5H (Res 1)
36.5H GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 36.5 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 56 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
D_TB36.5V (Res 4)
36.5V GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 36.5 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 12 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
D_TB36.5H (Res 4)
36.5H GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 36.5 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 12 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
D_TB89.0V (Res 4)
89.0V GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 89.0 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 12 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
D_TB89.0H (Res 4)
89.0H GHz Tb (K)

Level-2A 89.0 GHz data with a mean spatial resolution of 12 km were resampled to a 25 km EASE-Grid to create this data field.
Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
Soil moisture at 10.7 GHz resolution (g cm-3). Range: 0 to 500.Multiply data values by 0.001 to obtain soil moisture in g cm-3.
The Vegetation Water Content field (kg m-2) incorporates the effects of vegetation and roughness together. See the Derivation Techniques and Algorithmssection in the AMSR-E/Aqua L2B Surface Soil Moisture, Ancillary Parameters, & QC EASE-Grids Guide Document. When interpreted as vegetation water content, it is the total water content in the vertical column of vegetation averaged over the retrieval footprint.Multiply data values by 0.01 to obtain vegetation water content in kg m-2.
Land Surface Temperature (K) is not calculated because of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) contamination in the 6.9 GHz channels. The field contains only fill values.Multiply data values by 0.1 to obtain units in K.
Inversion quality control flag. Also includes surface type flags encoded in individual bits of this integer. For a description of the contents, see the Processing Stepssection of the AMSR-E/Aqua Daily L3 Surface Soil Moisture, Interpretive Parameters, & QC EASE-Grids Guide Document. For grid points such as open or inland water, a fill value of 9999 is assigned.



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