储成才的个人博客分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/储成才 中国科学院遗传发育所研究员,主要从事植物分子生物学研究


车荣会博士Nature Plants文章揭示水稻籽粒大小调控分子机制

已有 9955 次阅读 2015-12-22 07:53 |个人分类:个人随笔|系统分类:论文交流



该项研究成果于2015年12月22日凌晨在线发表在 Nature Plants 杂志(DOI: 10.1038/NPLANTS.2015.195)上。Nature Plants 同时刊发了日本东京大学 Hirokazu Tsukaya 教授写的新闻和观点 (News & Views) Yield increase: GRFs provide the key. 2: 15210。中央电视台在22日早《朝闻天下》第一时间播发了相关新闻。课题组博士后车荣会博士和童红宁副研究员为该文章的共同第一作者。该项研究得到了自然科学基金委和中国科学院的资助。



     实验室面向国家重大战略需求和国际科学前沿,倡导“快乐科学 (Happy Science)” 理念,以研究者兴趣为导向,基础理论研究和应用实践相结合,常年招收有志于加入团队的博士后研究人员。我们的理念 “building the stage for each dreamer!

     相关博士后申请参见 (http://www.genetics.cas.cn/rczp/zpxx/201504/t20150422_4342822.html)。如需了解实验室相关情况,请访问实验室网站 (http://chulab.genetics.ac.cn/)。


1. Che R, Tong H, Shi B, LiuY, Fang S, Liu D, Xiao Y, Hu B, Liu L, Wang H, Zhao M and Chu C (2015) Control of grain size and rice yield by GL2-mediated brassinosteroid responses. Nat. Plants  2: 15195.

Featured with News and Views in Nature Plants by Hirokazu Tsukaya: Yield increase: GRFs provide the key. 2: 15210.

2. Chu C (2015) A new era for crop improvement – From model-guided rationale design to practical engineering. Mol. Plant 8(9): 1299-1301.

3. Liu L, Tong H, Xiao Y, Che R, Xu F, Hu B, Liang C, Chu J, Li J and Chu C (2015) Activation of Big Grain1 significantly improves grain size by regulating auxin transport in rice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112(35): 11102-11107.

4. Hu B, Wang W, Ou S, Tang J, Li H, Che R, Zhang Z, Chai X, Wang H, Wang Y, Liang C, Liu L, Piao Z, Deng Q, Deng K, Xu C, Liang Y, Zhang L, Li L and Chu C (2015) Variation in NRT1.1B contributes to nitrate-use divergence between rice subspecies. Nat. Genet. 47(7): 834-838.

Featured with News and Views in Nature Plants by Dai-Yin Chao and Hong-Xuan Lin: Nitrogen-use efficiency: Transport solution in rice variations. 1: 15096.

Highlighted with a Research Highlight article in J. Genet. Genomics. 2015, 42(9): 463-465 and Sci. China Life Sci. 2015, 58(8): 827-828.  

Selected for F1000 Prime. doi: 10.3410/f.725540326.793508312.

5. Xu F, Fang J, Ou S, Gao S, Zhang F, Du L, Xiao Y, Wang H, Sun X, Chu J, Wang G and Chu C (2015) Variations in CYP78A13 coding region influence grain sizeand yield in rice. Plant Cell Environ. 38(4): 800-811.

6. Tong H, Xiao Y, Liu D, Gao S, Liu L, Yin Y, Jin Y, Qian Q and Chu C (2014) Brassinosteroid regulates cell elongation by modulating gibberellin metabolism in rice. Plant Cell 26(11): 4376-4393.

7. Liang C, Wang Y, Zhu Y, Tang J, Hu B, Liu L, Ou S, Wu H, Sun X, Chu J and Chu C (2014) OsNAP connects absisic acid and leaf senescence by fine tuning absisic acid biosynthesis and directly targeting senescence-associated genes in rice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111(27): 10013-10018.

8. Sun C, Fang J, Zhao T, Xu B, Zhang F, Liu L, Tang J, Zhang G, Deng X, Chen F, Qian Q, Cao X and Chu C (2012) The histone methyltransferase SDG724 mediates H3K36me2/3 deposition at MADS50 and RFT1, and promotes flowering in rice. Plant Cell 24(8): 3235-3247.

9. Tong H, Liu L, Jin Y, Du L, Yin Y, Qian Q, Zhu L and Chu C (2012) DWARF AND LOW-TILLERING acts as a direct downstream target of a GSK3/SHAGGY-like kinase to mediate brassinosteroid responses in rice. Plant Cell 24(6): 2562–2577.

10. Li C, Wang Y, Liu L, Hu Y, Zhang F, Sodmergen, Wang G, Schläppi MR and Chu C (2011) A rice plastidial nucleotide sugar epimerase is involved in galactolipid biosynthesis and improves photosynthetic efficiency. PLoS Genet. 7(7): e1002196.


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