热带植物系统与进化创新团队分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/flowerhunter 海南大学热带农林学院,热带植物系统与进化科研团队



已有 3355 次阅读 2015-9-13 20:15 |系统分类:科研笔记


  • Ling SJ, Meng QW, Tang L, Ren MX*. 2017. Pollination Syndromes of Chinese Gesneriaceae: a Comparative Study between Hainan Island and Neighboring Regions. Botanical Review doi: 10.1007/s12229-017-9181-6

  • Ren MX, Cafasso D, Cozzolino S, Pinheiro F*. 2017. Extensive genetic differentiation at a small geographic scale: reduced seed dispersal in a narrow endemic marsh orchid, Anacamptis robusta. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 183(3): 429-438. doi: 10.1093/botlinnean/bow017

  • Guo XRen M*,Ding J. 2016. Do the introductions by botanical gardens facilitate the invasion of Solidago canadensis (Asterceae) in China? Weed Research, 56(6): 442-451

  • 钱贞娜,任明迅*2016。“金虎尾路线”植物的花进化与传粉转变。生物多样性 24(1), 95-101.

  • 钱贞娜,孟千万,任明迅*。2016。风筝果镜像花的雌雄异位变化及传粉生态型的形成。生物多样性 24 (12): 1364-1372

  • 任明迅,夏婧,孟千万。2016。雄蕊:生态与进化。科学出版社。

  • Liao HY, Ren MX*. 2015. Distribution patterns of long-lived individuals of relict plants around Fanjingshan Mountain in China: implications for in situ conservation. Collectanea Botanica 34(1): e001. (2015CB.pdf)

  • Ren MX. 2015. The upper reaches of the largest river in Southern China as an “evolutionary front” of tropical plants: Evidences from Asia-endemic genus Hiptage (Malpighiaceae). Collectanea Botanica 34(1): e002.(Ren 2015.pdf)

  • Ren MX, Cafasso D, Barone Lumaga MR, Cozzolino S*. 2014. Low pollination success of hybrids between nectar-rewarding and food-deceptive orchids. Plant Systematics and Evolution 300(9): 1985-1993. (2014PSE.pdf)

  • Ren MX, Bu ZJ*. 2014. Is there ‘anther-anther interference’ within a flower? Evidences from one-by-one stamen movement in an insect pollinated plant. PLoS ONE 9(1): e86581.(2014PLOS ONE.pdf)

  • Ren MX, Zhong YF, Song XQ*. 2013. Mirror-image flowers flowers without buzz pollination in the Asian endemic Hiptage benghalensis (Malpighiaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 173, 764-774. (2013BJLS.pdf)

  • Ren MX*, Tang JY. 2012. Up and down: stamen movements in Ruta graveolens (Rutaceae) enhance both outcrossing and delayed selfing. Annals of Botany 110(5), 1017-1025. (2012AOB.pdf)

  • Tang JY. Ren MX*. 2011. Sex allocation and functional bias of flowers on same inflorescence in hermaphrodite Ruta graveolens. Acta Oecologica 37, 449-454. (2011Acta Oecologica.pdf)

  • Ren MX*, Tang JY. 2010. Anther fusion enhances pollen export in Campsis grandiflora, a hermaphroditic flower with didynamous stamens. International Journal of Plant Sciences 171(3), 275-282. (2010IJPS.pdf)

  • Ren MX, Li XQ, Ding JQ*. 2010. Genetic variation and spread pattern of invasive Conyza sumatrensis around China’s Three Gorges Dam. Acta Oecologica 36, 599-603.(2010Acta Oecologica.pdf)

  • 任明迅,姜新华,张大勇*。2012。植物繁殖生态学的若干重要问题。生物多样性 20(3), 241-249.(2012生物多样性.pdf)

  • 任明迅。2010。两性花的雄蕊运动:多样性和适应意义。植物生态学报 34(7), 867-875.(2010雄蕊运动.pdf)

  • Zhang LN, Chen XF, Zhu RL. 2013. First record of Isopaches decolorans (Marchantiophyta, Lophoziaceae) from Xizang, China. Polish Botanical Journal  58(1), 205-210.(2013PBJ.pdf)

  • 张莉娜。2014。海南岛苔藓植物研究历史、现状与展望。热带亚热带植物学报 22(6), 643-652.(2014热带亚热带植物学报.pdf)

  • 史佑海,徐世松,黄觉武。2011。海南苦苣苔科野生植物资源及其观赏特性评价。北方园艺 11, 79-82.(2011北方园艺.pdf)

  • 史佑海,李绍鹏,梁伟红,宋希强,谭金红。2010。海南野生杜鹃花属植物种质资源调查研究。热带作物学报 31(4), 551-555.(2010热带作物学报.pdf)


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