林墨分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/ZJUlijiang 分享以科学家为对象的研究论文



已有 3882 次阅读 2015-5-20 15:54 |系统分类:论文交流

科学论文中的睡美人现象是一种迟到的认可现象(delayed recognition),以豌豆杂交育种实验为最典型的案例。van Raan教授定义的“睡美人”标准为:(1)沉睡期内年均被引不超过2次;(2)沉睡期至少5年;(3)唤醒期4年内被引次数超过20。这种标准有利于量化研究迟到的认可现象,但存在“偏颇”。有一部分年龄较大(例如发表50年以上)的论文无法用这种标准准确判断是否对其认可是否迟到。此外,也有部分特殊的迟到的认可无法用该标准识别出。因此,我们根据van Raan教授定义的标准的不足之处,重新定义了睡美人的标准。论文发表在《Journal of the association for information science and technology》(JASIST)详见http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/asi.23380/abstract



“Genius work,” proposed by Avramescu, refers to scientific articles whose citations grow exponentially in an extended period, for example, over 50 years. Such articles were defined as “sleeping beauties” by van Raan, who quantitatively studied the phenomenon of delayed recognition. However, the criteria adopted by van Raan at times are not applicable and may confer recognition prematurely. To revise such deficiencies, this paper proposes two new criteria, which are applicable (but not limited) to exponential citation curves. We searched for genius work among articles of Nobel Prize laureates during the period of 1901–2012 on the Web of Science, finding 25 articles of genius work out of 21,438 papers including 10 (by van Raan's criteria) sleeping beauties and 15 nonsleeping-beauties. By our new criteria, two findings were obtained through empirical analysis: (a) the awakening periods for genius work depend on the increase rate b in the exponential function, and (b) lower b leads to a longer sleeping period.



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