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【综述推荐】光谱催化 - Recent conceptual advances in the catalysis science of catalytic ma

已有 3567 次阅读 2007-10-13 12:50 |个人分类:催化科技导读


Recent conceptual advances in the catalysis science of mixed metal oxide catalytic materials

美国LEHIGH UNIVERSITY的ISRAEL WACHS教授发的有关光谱手段用于催化表征, 特别是表面表征的综述(Catalysis Today 100 (2005) 79–94).

在过去的25年, 由于新的光谱手段不断被用于催化剂研究, 特别是那些能够用于表面研究的手段的引进(如:IR, XPS, EXAFS/XANES/soft XANES, RAMAN, 固体NMR, 高分辨TEM, UV–vis DRS 和LEISS ), 使人们对固体催化表面性质的了解取得了突飞猛进.

1950-1970年, 人们逐渐开始把各种现代化仪器引入固体催化剂和材料的表面研究, 但仍处于一种初始阶段, 各种仪器的能力和潜力并未得到充分发挥. 然而, 该情况由于科学技术的发展(如激光光源的改进, 能产生更强的磁场的磁源的发明等)而在1970-1990年其间得到了巨大改善. 之后由于各种表征手段, 特别是原位表征手段趋于成熟, 人们对金属氧化无催化剂的理解越来越深刻, 可以说取得的长足的进步.

文章接着分段分别论述了各种表面表征方法(IR, XPS, EXAFS/XANES/soft XANES, RAMAN, 固体NMR, 高分辨TEM, UV–vis DRS 和LEISS)的用途及优缺点.

最后文章分别论述了单组分氧化物, 负载多组分氧化物, 分子筛体系和体相氧化物的研究进展. 由于作者长期做负载性氧化物催化剂, 其对负载多组分氧化物的论述尤为独到.

一篇很优秀独特的综述. 国际刊物上的综述都是大家写的, 既总结别人的工作, 也总结自己的工作. 想到国内的中文期刊, 动不动就发什么在读研究生的读文献报告, 也称之为综述, 真是一种讽刺! 希望至少催化方面的期刊能杜绝这一丑弱现象!


 The catalysis science of mixed metal oxides (supported metal oxides, molecular sieves and bulk mixed metal oxides) has undergone dramatic paradigm changes over the past 25 years as new characterization techniques became available (X-ray absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS/XANES/soft XANES), Raman, solid-state NMR, HR-TEM, UV–vis DRS and LEISS) to catalysis researchers. The major advantages offered by these spectroscopic improvements are that (1) they can detect XRD inactive amorphous surface metal oxide phases as well as crystalline nanophases and (2) their ability to collect information under various environmental conditions. Application of these spectroscopic techniques to the investigation of mixed metal oxide catalysts have provided new fundamental insights into the electronic and molecular structures of mixed metal oxide catalytic active sites and how they control the catalytic activity and selectivity characteristics. The most significant discovery has been that amorphous metal oxide phases are always present and are the catalytic active sites for many applications of mixed metal oxide catalysts. This has resulted in a significant paradigm shift as to how mixed metal oxide catalytic materials function for different applications. This article reviews the instrumental advances and the resulting conceptual advances that have evolved over the past 25 years in the catalysis science of mixed metal oxide catalysts.


Recent conceptual advances in the catalysis


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