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已有 2799 次阅读 2015-5-11 07:04 |个人分类:环保|系统分类:海外观察| 甲醛, 中国产, 复合地板

由于甲醛超标的指控(可能有贸易保护主义的嫌疑),美国著名建材销售商Lumber Liquidators停止进口中国产强化复合地板Laminate Flooring.

中国的商家要考虑, 为什么欧美总是这么容易就拿中国产品开刀? 如果甲醛真的超标,中国的科学家和工程师们赶紧干活解决技术问题。如果甲醛没有超标,是美国贸易保护主义的人为壁垒,那就得想办法利用美国的法律和宣传游说,挫败这违反WTO精神的国别歧视。




Lumber Liquidators has suspended the sale of all laminate flooring made in China a week after disclosing that the Justice Department is seeking criminal charges against the specialty retailer in an investigation over imported products.

The flooring supplier said Thursday that it decided to suspend the sales while a board committee completes a review of its sourcing compliance program.

The CBS news show "60 Minutes" reported in March that the company's laminate flooring made in China contained high levels of the carcinogen formaldehyde.

The company has sent thousands of air testing kits to customers since early March. It said more than 97 percent of the kits from customers with laminate flooring from China showed formaldehyde air concentrations that fell within World Health Organization guidelines.

It also said its suppliers have certified and labeled the flooring as compliant with California formaldehyde standards. But Lumber Liquidators is reviewing those certification processes.

Lumber Liquidators said last week that it has spent $2.3 million on its air-quality assurance program. The company also has said it has stopped buying Chinese laminate flooring for now, opting instead for products from parts of Europe and North America.

Lumber Liquidators also said last week in a regulatory filing that the Justice Department is seeking charges under the Lacey Act which, among other things, bans illegally sourced wood products.

The company's shares slipped 16 cents to close at $27.07 on Thursday. The stock had approached $70 per share in late February.


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