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已有 4531 次阅读 2015-4-26 08:22 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯| 化学, 纳米技术, 医药卫生, 国际新闻




Nanoionics: A versatile system for constructing ion-conducting channels on monolayers


Scientists create cheaper magnetic material for cars, wind turbines;


Japan has floating solar power plants in Hyogo Prefecture;


Silicon Valley marks 50 years of Moore's Law


3D printing is so last year: We're onto 4D printing now


World's first electric taxi for tropical megacities has been launched


New insight into how brain makes memories


Mortality risks of cigar smoking similar to that of cigarette smoking


Stem-cell-based therapy promising for treatment of breast cancer metastases in the brain


3.5 million extra untreated cases of malaria


Final trial results of the world's most advanced malaria vaccine announced


A family's history with cystic fibrosis


Hope for an effective malaria therapy with just one tablet


Significant increase in major depression reported during recent recession


Breakthrough provides new hope for more effective treatments of HER2+ breast cancer


Study on simulated stroke wins major neurology award


Nanotechnology news

Nanoionics: A versatile system for constructing ion-conducting channels on monolayers

(Phys.org)—Nanoionics is a sub-field of nanotechnology that is concerned with nanoscale phenomena involving migration of ions in solid maters. Thus far, however, the confinement of ionic currents to predefined paths in a manner resembling the motion of electrons in wires of electronic conductors has not been explored.

Protein harnesses power of 'silly walks'

The 'stiff-legged' walk of a motor protein along a tightrope-like filament has been captured for the first time.

Technology news

Japan has floating solar power plants in Hyogo Prefecture

Kyocera is in the news this month. Two floating solar power plants in two reservoirs in Kato City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, are complete. This is a joint venture. The two players are Kyocera and Century Tokyo Leasing, which is in the business of equipment leasing. Construction started last year in September. They use 255-watt Kyocera modules, 11,256 modules in total.

New techniques for eye-gaze tracking could change computer interaction

Mice, and now touchscreens, have become a daily part of our lives in the way we interact with computers. But what about people who lack the ability to use a mouse or touchscreen? Or situations where these would be impractical or outright dangerous?

Silicon Valley marks 50 years of Moore's Law

Computers were the size of refrigerators when an engineer named Gordon Moore laid the foundations of Silicon Valley with a vision that became known as "Moore's Law."

Computer program to take on world's best in Texas Hold 'em

Carnegie Mellon University researchers are going all in, pitting a computer program against some of the world's best professional poker players.

Review: Getting your Apple Watch? Here's how to use it

Apple Watches are arriving Friday to the first group of people who had ordered one two weeks ago.

Google lavishes chairman with $109 million pay package

Google paid its billionaire Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt nearly $109 million last year while the company's stock slumped.

Apple Watch begins global launch—quietly (Update)

The Apple Watch debuted in selected global markets Friday with sales limited to clients who had pre-ordered online, making the launch a relatively low-key affair compared to tech titan's usual fanfare.

Google search mobile switch a revolution for some

Google's latest Internet revolution this week saw the web giant modify its search algorithm to favour mobile-friendly sites, in a bid to upstage Apple that US media branded a "mobilegeddon".

Apple wins patent appeal in China

Apple has won an appeal in China over patent rights to voice recognition software such as the iPhone's "Siri", with a court overruling an earlier decision that had gone against the US technology giant.

After 15 years, Nasdaq recoups losses of dot-com crash

Mark April 23, 2015 as the day the Nasdaq market finally left the dot-com crash, and billions of dollars lost to the first technology bubble, behind.

India's Infosys gives muted earnings, stock falls

Indian software giant Infosys Technologies saw its shares dip nearly seven percent Friday after it reported a single digit rise in yearly revenues and also missed quarterly profit estimates.

Battle lines drawn around the legality of 'killer robots'

The future of lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS) – often referred to in the popular press as "killer robots" – remains uncertain following a week-long meeting in Geneva to discuss their legality.

How smart are the mobile shoppers who use smartphones?

In the age of the smart phone, how smart are the mobile shoppers who use these almost ubiquitous devices? A study from South Korea published in the International Journal of Mobile Communications hopes to answer that question.

Surfing researchers create first sustainable, algae-based surfboard

UC San Diego's efforts to produce innovative and sustainable solutions to the world's environmental problems have resulted in a partnership with the region's surfing industry to create the world's first algae-based, sustainable surfboard.

Researchers finding applications for tough spinel ceramic

Imagine a glass window that's tough like armor, a camera lens that doesn't get scratched in a sand storm, or a smart phone that doesn't break when dropped. Except it's not glass, it's a special ceramic called spinel {spin-ELL} that the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) has been researching over the last 10 years.

Comcast abandons Time Warner Cable bid after gov't pushback

What killed Comcast's $45 billion bid for Time Warner Cable? Regulators' desire to protect the Internet video industry that is reshaping TV.

3D printing is so last year: We're onto 4D printing now

4D printing is unfolding as technology that takes 3D printing to an entirely new level.

Seattle building tops its green goals, makes energy to spare

When the Bullitt Center opened in Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood two years ago, the six-story office building was hailed as one of the greenest on the planet.

Apple Watch users to get health-related app choices

The world's first watches ran on springs and could run hours behind. The newest watches will measure heart rate and even ask how you're feeling.

Review: Paperless society remains a distant dream

The dream of a paperless society may need to be crumpled and tossed out due to the realities of American life.

Review: Samsung Galaxy S6 impresses, but something's missing

The Samsung Galaxy S6 is a paradox. While Samsung has produced a great phone and included some nice upgrades, it left out some of the Galaxy's best features and hiked the price.

New York begins effort to help startups navigate regulations

The state attorney general and New York City's chief lawyer announced a new effort Friday to help technology startups understand what regulations they'll need to follow and to help regulators understand what rules might be getting in innovators' way.

Researchers underway with best steel project for modern railways

Research to identify the optimum steel for modern railways – combining the highest safety standards and reduced whole life costs – is being headed by experts at the University of Huddersfield. It is a key element in a new £2 million project backed by major funding bodies.

World's first electric taxi for tropical megacities has been launched

Named EVA, a new electric taxi is built by TUM CREATE, a collaboration between Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) and one of Europe's top universities, Germany's Technische Universität München (TUM). The project is supported by the National Research Foundation, Prime Minister's Office, Singapore.

Mobile app could speed O'Hare passport lines

International travelers arriving at Chicago's O'Hare airport should find shorter lines at passport control thanks to a smartphone app.

Medicine & Health news

Understanding the body's response to worms and allergies

Research from The University of Manchester is bringing scientists a step closer to developing new therapies for controlling the body's response to allergies and parasitic worm infections.

Investigators show how immune cells are 'educated' not to attack beneficial bacteria

An international research team led by Weill Cornell Medical College investigators has discovered an answer to why the human immune system ignores roughly 100 trillion beneficial bacteria that populate the gastrointestinal tract. The findings, published April 23 in the journal Science, advance investigators' understanding of how humans maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract, and may provoke new ways to treat inflammatory bowel disease—including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis—whose origins have been mysterious and treatment difficult.

New insight into how brain makes memories

Every time you make a memory, somewhere in your brain a tiny filament reaches out from one neuron and forms an electrochemical connection to a neighboring neuron.

DNA study could shed light on how genetic faults trigger disease

A new technique that identifies how genes are controlled could help scientists spot errors in the genetic code which trigger disease, a study suggests.

Study sheds new light on brain's source of power

New research published today in the journal Nature Communications represents a potentially fundamental shift in our understanding of how nerve cells in the brain generate the energy needed to function. The study shows neurons are more independent than previously believed and this research has implications for a range of neurological disorders.

Discovery may open door for treating fragile X carriers

Fragile X syndrome, an inherited cause of autism and intellectual disability, can have consequences even for carriers of the disorder who don't have full-blown symptoms.

Mortality risks of cigar smoking similar to that of cigarette smoking

Cigar smoking is associated with many of the same fatal conditions as cigarette smoking, according to research published in open access journal BMC Public Health. This underscores the fact that cigar smoking is not a safe alternative to cigarette smoking.

Cribs are for sleeping, car seats are for traveling

Sleep-related deaths are the most common cause of death for infants 1-12 months of age. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants sleep on their back on a firm mattress, without loose bedding. However, many parents use sitting or carrying devices, such as car seats, swings, or bouncers, as alternative sleeping environments, which could lead to potential injury or death. In a new study scheduled for publication in The Journal of Pediatrics, researchers describe how the improper use of these items can lead to infant deaths.

Stem-cell-based therapy promising for treatment of breast cancer metastases in the brain

Investigators from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and the Harvard Stem Cell Institute have developed an imageable mouse model of brain-metastatic breast cancer and shown the potential of a stem-cell-based therapy to eliminate metastatic cells from the brain and prolong survival. The study published online in the journal Brain also describes a strategy of preventing the potential negative consequences of stem cell therapy.

Concomitant metformin, GERD meds up vitamin B12 depletion

(HealthDay)—Concomitant use of metformin and histamine H2-receptor antagonists or proton pump inhibitors has the potential to induce vitamin B12 depletion and neuropathy, according to research published in the April issue of Clinical Diabetes.

Second primaries for over 25 percent with metastatic prostate cancer

(HealthDay)—More than one-quarter of patients with metastatic prostate cancer present with a synchronous second primary malignancy, according to a review published in the April issue of The Journal of Urology.

Direct-to-consumer advertising of asthma meds ups ER use

(HealthDay)—Direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) of asthma medications is associated with increased emergency department utilization among commercially insured patients, according to a study published online April 16 in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

One in ten AMI patients have unrecognized incident diabetes

(HealthDay)—One in 10 acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients without a previous diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (DM) have underlying DM, according to research published online April 21 in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.

Poison ivy, oak and sumac rashes can be serious

(HealthDay)—Itchy, blistering rashes from poison ivy, oak and sumac are common and are caused by an oil in the plants called urushiol.

3.5 million extra untreated cases of malaria

As many as 10900 extra malaria deaths may have occurred in 2014 due to the disruption of healthcare services in the three countries in west Africa currently experiencing widespread Ebola virus outbreaks (Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia), with a further 3900 deaths resulting from the interruption of insecticide treated net (ITN) delivery, according to new modelling research published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal.

Cures and curcumin: Turmeric offers potential therapy for oral cancers

Turmeric—the familiar yellow spice common in Indian and Asian cooking—may play a therapeutic role in oral cancers associated with human papillomavirus, according to new research published in ecancermedicalscience.

Final trial results of the world's most advanced malaria vaccine announced

The first malaria vaccine candidate (RTS,S/AS01) to reach phase 3 clinical testing is partially effective against clinical disease in young African children up to 4 years after vaccination, according to final trial data, published in The Lancet. The results suggest that the vaccine could prevent a substantial number of cases of clinical malaria, especially in areas of high transmission.

Grazoprevir-elbasvir combo shows high cure rate for patients with chronic HCV

Once-daily oral grazoprevir/elbasvir combination therapy, taken without interferon or ribavirin for 12 weeks, demonstrated high sustained virologic response rates for treatment-naïve patients with cirrhotic or non-cirrhotic chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1, 4, or 6. These findings suggest that once-daily oral grazoprevir/elbasvir represents a new therapeutic option for chronic HCV infection.

Game shows mosquito's-eye view of malaria

A new game about the life cycle of malaria that can be played on Android smartphones has been created by an Oxford University developer, based on malaria research at the University's Nuffield Department of Medicine.

A family's history with cystic fibrosis

Wanda (Lemna) O'Neal was four years old when her sister Nancy died.

How much exercise do you need, and what kind?

If you've ever wondered about the benefits of exercise and why we should all try to get our fair share of it, here are some tips:

A 'forest instead of the trees' viewpoint may motivate change after negative feedback

Negative feedback can sting, but thinking about the big picture may help transform criticism into positive change, according to new research published by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.

Drug prices to treat multiple sclerosis soar, point to larger problem

A new study released today found that drugs used to treat multiple sclerosis have soared in price in the past two decades, in some cases more than 700 percent, even though newer drugs have come to the market - a process that normally should have stabilized or reduced the cost of at least the older medications.

Optimum style for running a marathon?

Most of the brave and hardy runners in Sunday's London Marathon will have put themselves through a lengthy training programme to build up strength and stamina as well as physical and mental fitness.

Study investigates how to turn ultrasound into a pacemaker

Ultrasound—the technology used for sonograms and examining the heart—can increase the rate at which heart cells beat, researchers from Drexel University report. In their paper "Ultrasound-Induced Modulation of Cardiac Rhythm in Neonatal Rat Ventricular Cardiomyocytes," published ahead-of-print in the Journal of Applied Physiology, they describe the ultrasound settings that can change the beat frequency of cardiac cells.

Strength vs. endurance—does exercise type matter in the fight against obesity?

Medical experts widely recommended a combined program of diet and fitness to fight obesity. But when it comes to the type of exercise most effective a reducing weight and body mass—strength training, endurance exercise or a combination of both—opinions vary widely on which exercise regimen is best. Now, a new clinical study by a team of Spanish researchers working as part of the Nutrition and Physical Activity Programs for Obesity Treatment project suggests that the type of exercise may be less important than previously thought.

Scientists discover genetic cause of deadly rare disease 'dyskeratosis congenita'

Published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, the researchers used the latest genetic sequencing methods to study 31 children with the disease and discovered a defect in the biological process known as deadenylation. This is the routine breakdown and recycling of the body's messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) – the molecules which transcribe instructions from DNA to make proteins.

Practical applications of 'nudge' psychology

Following the publication of Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein's persuasive book "Nudge", nudges have become a popular tool in many fields from tax collection to public health and not least among advertisers, but a thorough review of existing research suggests that the evidence that the concept is based on flimsy evidence at best.

Hope for an effective malaria therapy with just one tablet

Approximately 584,000 people worldwide die of malaria each year. The epidemic strongly associated with poverty claims most of its victims in Africa, where it particularly affects the weakest, children and pregnant women. Current therapies have to be taken over several days to be effective against malaria. "Due to supply bottlenecks, but also the quick reduction of symptoms, the administration of therapies over several days is often inadequate which can lead to treatment failure and ultimately represent a threat to the patients", so Michael Ramharter of the Infectiology and Tropical Medicine Division of the University for Internal Medicine I at MedUni Vienna on the occasion of the World Malaria Day. First results of a multicentre study with Ramharter as "Principal Investigator" now provide hope for the malaria therapy with just one dose.

Discount food and restaurants stand out as major factors in the obesity epidemic

Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. The proportion of US adults who are obese – defined as a body mass index (BMI), a measure of body fat based on height and weight – of at least 30, has risen from 13% in 1960 to 35% in2011-2012. Estimates of the annual costs of obesity include 112,000 lives lost and US$190 billion in medical expenses.

Radial access cuts vascular complications in angiography

(HealthDay)—Women undergoing coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) have a higher rate of vascular complications than men, which are significantly reduced with radial access, according to a study published in the April 20 issue of JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions.

Self-reported health predicts survival in breast cancer

(HealthDay)—For older women with breast cancer, low self-rated health (SRH) and limited walking ability predict worse all-cause survival at five and 10 years, according to a study published in the April issue of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Research indicates our skin color is evolutionary gateway to vitamin D

All over the world, millions of people see skin color as a symbol of superiority or inferiority, whether they are conscious of it or not. Others see humanity's array of skin tones, from white to ocher to black, as a positive mark of our remarkable diversity. But Nina Jablonski sees skin color, first and foremost, as an evolutionary gateway to vitamin D.

Penis transplant offers hope to victims of botched circumcisions

In the deep of winter high in the mountains of South Africa's Eastern Cape, teenage boys clad only in blankets, with white clay painted on their faces, undergo agonizing traditional circumcisions. Hundreds have died as a result of the ritual, and hundreds more have lost their penises when infection set in, according to the South African Health Ministry.

Researchers test treatment that can halt acute myeloid leukemia

Acute myeloid leukemia is a conundrum among cancers. Immature cells swamp the bone marrow, crowd out healthy cells, and all too often can have devastating consequences.

Missouri detective battles flesh-eating infection

Friends and loved ones of Lee's Summit, Mo., Police Detective Joshua Ward are praying for the 34-year-old married father of three who, even after five surgeries in as many days, remained in critical condition Monday at St. Luke's Hospital battling a rare and sudden flesh-eating infection.

Scope maker warned Europe about contamination two years before LA infections

Nearly two years before recent superbug outbreaks at two Los Angeles medical centers, the maker of the scopes involved was already warning hospitals in Europe about the risk of such patient infections.

The myths and modern aids for determining ovulation

Like many of today's moms, Faith Kirkpatrick waited until she was in her 30s before she tried to get pregnant. Then she knew her biological clock was ticking.

Significant increase in major depression reported during recent recession

The recent Great Recession was accompanied by a significant and sustained increase in major depression in U.S. adults, according to a Loyola study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.

Systematic interaction network filtering in biobanks

While seeking targets to attack Huntington's disease, an incurable inherited neurodegenerative disorder, neurobiologists of the research group led by Professor Erich Wanker of the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association found what they were looking for. Using a filtering strategy borrowed from criminologists, the researchers systematically filtered interaction networks of various biological databases. In several steps, they increasingly narrowed down their search until they ultimately found the protein (CRMP1). In subsequent lab experiments the researchers showed that CRMP1 acts like a "chaperone", ensuring that the protein huntingtin (HTT) behaves correctly and does not misfold or clump. Dysregulated modulation of the HTT protein by the CRMP1 protein is regarded as a causal mechanism of Huntington's disease.

Orphaned boys as vulnerable to abuse as girls

Orphaned children in low- and middle-income countries face a high risk of trauma, with physical and sexual abuse being by far the most prevalent traumatic events.

Are hospitals doing all they can to prevent C. diff infections? Not yet, new study finds

Nearly half of American hospitals aren't taking key steps to prevent a kind of gut infection that kills nearly 30,000 people annually and sickens hundreds of thousands more - despite strong evidence that such steps work, according to a new study.

Delayed diagnosis of celiac disease may put lives at risk: Is screening the solution?

Coeliac disease is one of the most common life-long conditions in Europe, yet many people remain undiagnosed and lengthy diagnostic delays may be putting lives at risk. Today, doctors are being urged to consider testing for Coeliac disease in anyone showing signs and symptoms of the condition and to consider screening everyone in high-risk groups.

Text messaging useful for reaching 'at-risk' teens about sex

Text messaging that connects teens with sexual health educators is effective for delivering sexual health information, according to a recent study in The Edward R. Murrow College of Communication at Washington State University.The research abstract is online and the work will appear in an upcoming print issue of the journal Health Education and Behavior.

Long lasting anti-hemophilia factor safe in kids

Children with hemophilia A require three to four infusions each week to prevent bleeding episodes, chronic pain and joint damage. The effect on quality of life can be significant, due to time and discomfort associated with infusions. For these reasons, under dosing is common, leaving children at increased risk for bleeding episodes and even death.

Breakthrough provides new hope for more effective treatments of HER2+ breast cancer

Ahmad M. Khalil, PhD, knew the odds were against him—as in thousands upon thousands to one.

HIV cases skyrocket among US painkiller drug abusers

Cases of HIV have skyrocketed in a rural community in the midwestern state of Indiana where 142 people have been diagnosed since the beginning of the year, officials said Friday.

Indiana HIV outbreak, hepatitis C epidemic sparks US alert

Federal health officials helping to contain an HIV outbreak in Indiana state issued an alert to health departments across the U.S. on Friday, urging them to take steps to identify and track HIV and hepatitis C cases in an effort to prevent similar outbreaks elsewhere.

Alternative providers of GP services perform worse than traditional practices

A new study published today by the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine has found that alternative providers of primary care in the NHS, including private sector companies, do not perform as well as traditional GP practices.

Novel therapeutic candidate targets key driver of HCC in genomically defined subset of patients

Findings were presented today at The International Liver Congress 2015 on a novel therapeutic candidate for a genomically defined subset of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients with an aberrant fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 (FGFR4) pathway. BLU-554, a small molecule inhibitor of FGFR4, has been identified as a potential treatment option for up to 30% of HCC patients. In preclinical studies, the investigational drug was shown to be potent and 'exquisitely selective' for FGFR4 compared to other kinases targeting the FGFR family.

Cancer rates among patients with hepatitis C are increased compared to those not infected

Results announced today at The International Liver Congress 2015 show that cancer rates in patients with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) were significantly increased compared to the non-HCV cohort. The researchers suggest an extrahepatic manifestation of HCV may be an increased risk of cancer.

Ledipasvir-sofosbuvir combination proves effective in subset of patients with chronic hepatitis C

A new study presented today at The International Liver Congress 2015 has demonstrated that ledipasvir (LDV) in combination with sofosbuvir (SOF) achieves sustained virologic response rates 12 weeks after treatment (SVR12; primary endpoint), of 93% and 95% in patients chronically infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes 4 or 5, respectively.

Once-daily grazoprevir/elbasvir is effective in patients infected with chronic hepatitis C

Results presented today at The International Liver Congress 2015 show that a 12-week oral regimen of once-daily single tablet grazoprevir/elbasvir (GZR/EBR) is effective and well-tolerated in treatment-naive (TN) patients infected with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes (GT)-1, -4 or -6, including those with compensated cirrhosis.

NASH associated with a 50 percent higher chance of death compared with NAFLD

Results from a large population-based cohort of almost a million people in the UK found that the chances of dying from non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), over a 14-year period, was approximately 50% higher than for those with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Unusual ice cream recalls raise questions about cause

Major recalls from two well-known ice cream companies due to the discovery of listeria bacteria raise questions about how the pathogen could have contaminated multiple ice cream manufacturing plants—and whether the discoveries are related.

Mental health wounds of veteran defendants create tough choices in courts

A new University of Sydney study has detailed how courts are facing difficult choices about the criminal responsibility of veteran defendants, with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or serious mental health issues.

DBT dramatically improves cancer detection rate in dense breast tissue

Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) increases the rate of cancer detection in women with dense breast tissue by as much as 67%, according to new research from the Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia.

Diffusion tensor MR tractography effective as quantitative tool, treatment marker response

Preliminary results of a study of patients with prostate cancer show that MR tractography may be a reliable quantitative imaging biomarker to assess prostate cancer treatment response to androgen deprivation and radiation therapy, according to a team of researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Quantitative evaluation shows higher tract densities after androgen deprivation and radiation therapy, reflecting gland shrinkage and subsequent fibrosis.

FDG PET/CT not useful in staging newly diagnosed stage III invasive lobular breast cancer

Although National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines consider 18F-PET/CT (FDG PET/CT) appropriate for systemic staging of newly diagnosed stage III breast cancer, the technique may not be equally valuable for all breast cancer histologies. Researchers at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center found that while FDG PET/CT is valuable for systemic staging of stage III ductal breast cancer, it adds little to the systemic staging of ILC.

Niger meningitis death toll rises to 129: minister

The death toll in a meningitis epidemic that broke out in January in Niger has reached 129, the health minister of the largely arid west African nation said Friday.

Late-life transition like Bruce Jenner's full of challenges, rewards, experts say

(HealthDay)—Patricia Harrington is many things: a woman in her 60s, a successful physicist and radiation oncology programmer, and currently the intake coordinator for the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund.

Study on simulated stroke wins major neurology award

A study performed by Loyola University Medical Center resident neurologists has won a prestigious 2015 Safety and Quality Award from the American Academy of Neurology.

How's your 'twilight vision'? Study suggests new standardized test

A simple method of testing "twilight vision" gives reliable results in identifying people who have decreased visual acuity under low light conditions, according to a study in the May issue of Optometry and Vision Science, official journal of the American Academy of Optometry.

Big pharma mergers: Mylan boosts offer for Perrigo

Generic drug company Mylan increased its offer for over-the-counter giant Perrigo Friday, days after Israel's Teva attempted to head off that deal with its own bid for Mylan.

Chemistry news

Dead feeder cells support stem cell growth

Stem cells naturally cling to feeder cells as they grow in petri dishes. Scientists have thought for years that this attachment occurs because feeder cells serve as a support system, providing stems cells with essential nutrients.

Scientists create cheaper magnetic material for cars, wind turbines

Karl A. Gschneidner and fellow scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory have created a new magnetic alloy that is an alternative to traditional rare-earth permanent magnets.


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