这是我为英国期刊 Contemporary Physics 撰写的一篇介绍性综述(目标读者为大学生、研究生),论文全文阅读/下载地址为:
Hai-Jun Zhou, The Rock--Paper--Scissors game,
Contemporary Physics 2015, DOI:10.1080/00107514.2015.1026556
Rock–Paper–Scissors (RPS), a game of cyclic dominance, is not merely a popular children’s game but also a basic model system for studying decision-making in non-cooperative strategic interactions. Aimed at students of physics with no background in game theory, this paper introduces the concepts of Nash equilibrium and evolutionarily stable strategy, and reviews some recent theoretical and empirical efforts on the non-equilibrium properties of the iterated RPS, including collective cycling, conditional response patterns and microscopic mechanisms that facilitate cooperation. We also introduce several dynamical processes to illustrate the applications of RPS as a simplified model of species competition in ecological systems and price cycling in economic markets.
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