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已有 2840 次阅读 2014-11-4 09:34 |个人分类:MOOC学堂|系统分类:教学心得

Visual Perception and the Brain

Write a short essay of 500-1000 words (~1-2 pages) in response to the statement below.

Propose a mechanism by which the visual system can deal with the inverse problem in regard to ONE of the following perceptual qualities--lightness, color, geometry, depth, or motion. Use at least one specific example from the video lectures to support your answer. Please cite your sources.

Peer Assessment Why do the two identical central targets look different.pdf

Please give a holistic review of the student's work.  A minimum of 25 word is needed.

peer 1 → I think the essay was not too bad, but it could have been improved by giving some background that how human visually perceive the images from the real world. Also it was better to illustrate with more examples. You should have given something about what the inverse problem is.
peer 2 → Your essay is rather clear. It refers to the video in the lecture. I like the two diagrams as well. You do mention evolution although it could be slightly deeper.
peer 3 → That's a very nice essay! It's easy to read and your explanation is plausible. In your text, you should have used the name "Kremkow" directly, instead of just saying "in PNAS vol. 111 no. 8 ...". You deserve a full score!
peer 4 → this is a beautifully comprehended and work of exquisite scientific aptitude the attempt at dealing the inverse problem is at its infancy but is equal to any best as of the current status of the subject in the world stage
peer 5 → Very good essay. I liked the fact that you went a step forward to further explain one of the example given in class with recent evidence.


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