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讲座:INSPIRE: your information platform in HEP

已有 8823 次阅读 2014-9-2 11:00 |个人分类:我的物理|系统分类:科研笔记| SCI, 数据库, 讲座, 高能所, INSPIRE

报告题目:INSPIRE: your information platform in HEP
报告人:Dr. Annette Holtkamp & Dr,Sünje Dallmeier-Tiessen
主持人:潘卫民 书记


Since 40 years, SPIRES/INSPIRE serves as the main information platform for high-energy physicists, encompassing the complete corpus of their scientific output and providing state-of-the-art information tools. With IHEP as the newest member of the INSPIRE collaboration, INSPIRE is now in a position to improve the coverage of Chinese research output and better serve the needs of the Chinese HEP community.

This colloquium will present a general overview of the services currently offered by INSPIRE and then focus on efficient searching, author profiles and ORCID identifiers, and lastly integration of research data.


Dr. Annette Holtkamp has a PhD in Theoretical Physics and is staff member in the Scientific Information Service at CERN. She is responsible for INSPIRE content and coordinates the respective developments within the INSPIRE team. Having worked with SPIRES and INSPIRE for decades, she is very interested in further improving the user experience in the future. Thus, she is also heavily involved in the development of the next INSPIRE platform.

 Dr,Sünje Dallmeier-Tiessen is a research fellow at CERN. Her research focuses on modern workflows and strategies in Open Science. In her work with INSPIRE she focuses on the integration of research data, author pages and usability challenges. As part of this she is working on establishing better data sharing and citation workflows. She is also excited about ORCID and hopes that every HEP researcher will get an ORCID soon.


INSPIRE是高能物理中使用最广泛的论文数据库。当然它不仅是论文和引用数据库,也包括会议信息发布、职位和博士后广告,作者信息等等。它的收录范围比SCI广、比SCI快,比google scholar规范、完整。从90年代我们上研究生起就开始广泛使用,在日常研究中用它检索文献。那时它叫QSPIRES,前身是斯坦福大学直线加速器中心(SLAC)的预印本库,后来国际化,成为多个国家实验室参与维护的信息平台。唯一遗憾的是国内只承认SCI数据库和SCI收录的论文,要上报引用数还得查SCI。




Dear author,
your INSPIRE author profile page  has been recently updated by the INSPIRE team at the IHEP library. It now provides a comprehensive overview of your publications as well as biographic data, information on your affiliations and co-authors, your research area and some statistics.
We would be very grateful if you could check the completeness and accuracy of your list of publications. You can update this list yourself by going to the "Manage Publications" link to reject papers not written by you or to add missing papers. If you have an arXiv account you can log in with this account, and any changes you make to your profile will be immediately accepted. Changes by guest users will be approved by an INSPIRE staff member, so may take a while longer to become visible. You can also send any changes you'd like to see done to Liu Ruirong.

Best regards and thanks for your help


PS: Two members of the INSPIRE team at CERN will give a seminar at on Friday, Sep 5, in Main Building C305. This seminar will present an overview of INSPIRE with a focus on author profiles, efficient searching and integration of research data. A separate invitation will follow early this week.

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