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[安装IRAF]Install IRAF in Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit or 64-bit

已有 9655 次阅读 2014-6-4 22:07 |个人分类:Ubuntu软件安装|系统分类:科研笔记| IRAF安装

This is a simple way to install iraf and related software, it works well in my

Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit or 64-bit systems! 根据自己的系统选择下载后面的安装文件。

Installation[Take 32-bit as example.]

See the requirements section for information about what you need before installing Ureka.


Do not install Ureka as root or with “sudo”.  Ureka does not require elevated privileges, and if you install the software as root, then your regular user may run into permissions problems.


The Ureka installation path must be 60 characters or less in length on OSX.  If you install Ureka into a longer path, you will likely experience errors.  See this FAQ entry for more information.

[快速安装方法]Quick Installation

  1. Download the installer for the current version of Ureka to the desired install location (right-click and Save Link As...):



    copy/paste one of these commands into a terminal window to download the installer:

     abren@BNU:~$ wget http://ssb.stsci.edu/ureka/1.0/install_ureka_1.0

  2. Run the installer:

     abren@BNU:~$ sh ./install_ureka_1.0

  3. The installer will ask you to enter an installation name and will ask for permission to edit your login scripts.

[手动安装方法]Installing Ureka Manually [推荐]

There may be situations where it is necessary or convenient to installUreka manually.  In such cases, you can download the Ureka tarfile,unpack it, and configure it by following these steps:

  1. Download the appropriate tarfile to the desired install location :

  1. Unpack the tarfile (use the correct file name):

     abren@BNU:~$ tar zxf Ureka_osx-6_64_1.0.tar.gz

  2. Run ur_normalize:

     abren@BNU:~$ Ureka/bin/ur_normalize

    Normalizing Ureka found in /home/yourname/Ureka
    Updating library references...
    ..Ureka core
    ..variant: common
    Updating symbolic links...
    ..variant: common
    Updating shebang lines...

    Ureka needs to add a few lines to your login scripts.  It can
    check if they are already there and automatically add them if
    needed.  Answer yes unless you know a particular reason to
    answer no.
    Automatically configure login scripts?  Enter yes or no [yes]: yes
    Ureka is installed.  Log in a new terminal window and type the command
       ur_setup common primary
    to select your Ureka environment.  'ur_setup -h' will show some help.

    ur_normalize takes a few minutes to run.  This configuration scriptupdates various paths in the Ureka installation directory.  You willbe asked to provide a name for the installation, and for permissionto edit your login scripts.  These interactive questions can beavoided by calling ur_normalize with the -u flag.

Note: Step 3 must be repeated if the installation directory is ever relocated.

[使用设置Ureka]Using Ureka

Each time you wish to use Ureka (in a new terminal session), you must setup your environment by calling ur_setup.  This setup script, described below in more detail, sets various environment variables that Ureka depends on.  ur_forget provides a way to purge your environment of Ureka variables.


Basic usage - If you only have one Ureka installation and are using the common variant, then you can call ur_setup without any arguments:

   abren@BNU:~$ ur_setup

To load the “spam” variant of the default installation:

   abren@BNU:~$ ur_setup spam

To load the “spam” variant of the “foo” installation:

   abren@BNU:~$ ur_setup spam foo


This script removes all Ureka variables from your environment:

   abren@BNU:~$ ur_forget


On most systems, the installation process will create a Desktop or menu shortcut that can be clicked on to launch a terminal session with the Ureka environment already selected.  If you click on a Ureka shortcut, then there is no need to call ur_setup.

Unity menu shortcut on Ubuntu 14.04:


[测试Ureka安装]Testing a Ureka Installation

It is a good idea to test Ureka after installation.  Following a callto ur_setup, issue this command:

   abren@BNU:~$ ur_test

The ur_test script will run a series of tests, and provide a summaryof how many tests passed and failed.  If there were failures, a moredetailed log will be produced.  Here is an example of output from aur_test run in which one error and one failure occurred.

Running tests...  

Your operating system supports 32-bit executables.

WARNING: Failed to install a compiled Python package with pip.  This
usually means that there is no C compiler installed.  Ureka does not
require a C compiler, but certain third party packages cannot be
installed without one.

pass=84 fail=0 error=0

If you experience a problem and need to request help fromsupport, please be sure to include the logs producedby ur_test.


We get a lot of questions about how to create login.cl and the uparm directorythat IRAF and PyRAF expect to find.  There is a utility included wtih IRAFcalled mkiraf that initializes these files for you.

Many people like to create an iraf directory in their home to store theseconfiguration files.  Then, they typically will change directories into thatlocation before starting IRAF.

   abren@BNU:~$ mkdir ~/iraf    

   abren@BNU:~$ cd ~/iraf    

   abren@BNU:~$ mkiraf

After typing mkiraf, you will be asked to enter a terminal type.  We recommendentering “xgterm”, since there are several graphical interfaces in IRAF thatoutput commands for xgterm and they won’t work correctly in other terminals.

[大功告成] Done

abren@BNU:~$ ur_setup
abren@BNU:~$ ds9 &
abren@BNU:~$ xgterm -fn 10*20 -sbr &

xgterm 终端

abren@BNU:~$ cd iraf
abren@BNU:~/iraf$ ls
login.cl  uparm
abren@BNU:~/iraf$ cl

  NOAO/IRAF PC-IRAF Revision 2.16 EXPORT Thu May 24 15:41:17 MST 2012
     This is the EXPORT version of IRAF V2.16 supporting PC systems.

 Welcome to IRAF.  To list the available commands, type ? or ??.  To get
 detailed information about a command, type `help <command>'.  To run  a
 command  or  load  a  package,  type  its name.   Type  `bye' to exit a
 package, or `logout' to get out  of the CL.    Type `news' to find  out
 what is new in the version of the system you are using.  
 Visit http://iraf.net if you have questions or to report problems.

 The following commands or packages are currently defined:
     adccdrom.   deitab.     kepler.     noao.       sqiid.      utilities.
     apropos     esowfi.     language.   obsolete.   stecf.      vo.
     cfh12k.     finder.     lists.      optic.      stlocal.    xdimsum.
     cirred.     fitsutil.   mem0.       plot.       stsdas.     xray.
     ctio.       gemini.     mscdb.      proto.      system.    
     cutoutpkg.  gmisc.      mscred.     rvsao.      tables.    
     dataio.     guiapps.    mtools.     softools.   ucsclris.  
     dbms.       images.     nfextern.   song.       upsqiid.    



对于Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit系统,测试的时候可能由于不支持32位而报错,

解决的方法可参考:http://ssb.stsci.edu/ureka/dev/docs/32bit_iraf.html 根据提示安装相应包(如下:)。 

Ubuntu 12.04: sudo apt-get install -y ia32-libs

Ubuntu 13.10, 14.04, and 14.10: sudo apt-get install -y lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0
Fedora 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21: yum install glibc.i686yum install ncurses-libs.i686
Debian 7: dpkg --add-architecture i386apt-get update

Note: We have not tested Ureka on Debian and we do not support this operating system. These instructions were user-submitted - use at your own risk.


References: http://ssb.stsci.edu/ureka/1.0/docs/index.html



2014/06/04--->2015/07/21修改  于BNU  


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