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已有 8732 次阅读 2014-4-4 12:14 |个人分类:千里旅行,万卷阅历 Travelling and reading help yo|系统分类:诗词雅集| 诗人, 北岛, 诗歌翻译, 回答, 卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证


Bei Dao The Answer

卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证, Baseness is a passport for the base,
高尚是高尚者的墓志铭, Honour an epitaph for the honourable.
看吧,在那镀金的天空中, See how the gilded sky teems
飘满了死者弯曲的倒影。 With the twisted shadows of the dead.
冰川纪过去了, The ice age is over,
为什么到处都是冰凌? So why does ice still bind the world?
好望角发现了, The Cape of Good Hope has been discovered,
为什么死海里千帆相竞? So why is the Dead Sea still thick with sails?
我来到这个世界上, I come into this world
只带着纸、绳索和身影, Carrying only paper, rope and a shadow,
为了在审判前, To proclaim before judgment is passed
宣读那些被判决的声音。 This plea of the judged:
告诉你吧,世界 Listen to me, world,
我——不——相——信! I—do—not—believe!
纵使你脚下有一千名挑战者, If a thousand challengers lie beneath your feet
那就把我算作第一千零一名。 Then I am number one thousand and one.
我不相信天是蓝的, I don't believe the sky is blue;
我不相信雷的回声, I don't believe the thunder's roar;
我不相信梦是假的, I don't believe that dreams are false;
我不相信死无报应。 I don't believe that death has no revenge.
如果海洋注定要决堤, If the ocean is destined to breach the dike;
就让所有的苦水都注入我心中, Then let its bitter water pour into my soul;
如果陆地注定要上升, If the land is destined to rise,
就让人类重新选择生存的峰顶。 Then let mankind choose a new mountain for survival.
新的转机和闪闪星斗, The vast unobstructed firmament
正在缀满没有遮拦的天空。 Is lit with glimmering stars;
那是五千年的象形文字, They are a new turning:
那是未来人们凝视的眼睛。These hieroglyphs of the ages,

These staring eyes of the future.




下一篇:Labov: Language Variation and Change 拉波夫语言观
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