水之魂 (The Soul of Water)分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/ecqsun 《价键弛豫》《计量谱学》《氢键规则》《水合反应》


​H-bond asymmetric local potentials in compressed ice

已有 2899 次阅读 2013-10-5 18:01 |个人分类:水之魂|系统分类:论文交流| local

J. Phys. Chem. B DOI: 10.1021/jp407836n



Acombination of the Lagrangian mechanics of oscillators vibration, moleculardynamics decomposition of volume evolution, and Raman spectroscopy of phononrelaxation has enabled us to resolve the asymmetric, local, and short-range potentialspertaining to the hydrogen bond (O:H-O) in compressed ice. Results show thatboth oxygen atoms in the O:H-O bond shift initially outwardly with respect tothe coordination origin (H), lengthening the O—O distance by 0.0136 nmfrom 0.2597to 0.2733 nm by Coulomb repulsion between electron pairs on adjacentoxygen atoms. Both oxygen atoms then move toward right along the O:H-O bond bydifferent amounts upon being compressed, approaching identical length of 0.11nm. The van der Waals potential VL(r) for the O:H noncovalent bond reachesa valley at -0.25 eV, and the lowest exchange VH(r) for the H-O polar-covalentbond is valued at -3.97 eV.


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