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rice fine mapping

已有 7386 次阅读 2013-9-26 06:05 |个人分类:分子育种|系统分类:科研笔记

2013年9月25日,PubMed检索,关键字:rice fine mapping 人工选择,排序方法:pub date


1. J Genet Genomics. 2013 Sep 20;40(9):493-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2013.04.010. Epub2013 May 25.Fine Mapping and Analysis of DWARF TILLER1 in Controlling Rice Architecture.Wang W, Chu H, Zhang D, Liang W.Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Physiology, Institute of Botany, ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China; Graduate University of the ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China.PMID: 24053951  [PubMed - in process]

2. J Integr Plant Biol. 2013 Aug 14. doi: 10.1111/jipb.12098. [Epub ahead of print]Characterization and Fine Mapping of a Novel Rice Narrow Leaf Mutant nal9.Li W, Wu C, Hu G, Xing L, Qian W, Si H, Sun Z, Wang X, Fu Y, Liu W.State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology, China National Rice Research Institute,Hangzhou, 310006, China; College of Life Sciences, Shanxi AgriculturalUniversity, Taigu, 030801, China.A narrow leaf mutant was isolated from transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L.) linescarrying a T-DNA insertion. The mutant is characterized by narrow leaves duringits whole growth period, and was named nal9 (narrow leaf 9). The mutant also has other phenotypes, such as light green leaves at the seedling stage, reduced plantheight, a small panicle and increased tillering. Genetic analysis revealed thatthe mutation is controlled by a single recessive gene. A hygromycin resistanceassay showed that the mutation was not caused by T-DNA insertion, so a map-based cloning strategy was employed to isolate the nal9 gene. The mutant individualsfrom the F2 generations of a cross between the nal9 mutant and Longtepu were usedfor mapping. With 24 F2 mutants, the nal9 gene was preliminarily mapped near the marker RM156 on the chromosome 3. New INDEL markers were then designed based onthe sequence differences between japonica and indica at the region near RM156.The nal9 gene was finally located in a 69.3 kb region between the markers V239Band V239G within BAC OJ1212_C05 by chromosome walking. Sequence and expressionanalysis showed that an ATP-dependent Clp protease proteolytic subunit gene(ClpP) was most likely to be the nal9 gene. Furthermore, the nal9 mutation wasrescued by transformation of the ClpP cDNA driven by the 35S promoter.Accordingly, the ClpP gene was identified as the NAL9 gene. Our results provide abasis for functional studies of NAL9 in future work.© 2013 Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.PMID: 23945310  [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

3. Breed Sci. 2013 Jun;63(2):164-8. doi: 10.1270/jsbbs.63.164. Epub 2013 Jun 1.Genetic analysis and fine mapping of a semi-dwarf gene in a centromeric region inrice (Oryza sativa L.).Chen M, Zhao Z, Chen L, Zhou F, Zhong Z, Jiang L, Wan J.State Key Laboratory for Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement, Jiangsu PlantGene Engineering Research Center, Nanjing Agricultural University , Nanjing210095, China.Superior plant architecture is a key means of enhancing yield potential in highyielding varieties. A newly identified recessive gene, named sd-c, controls plantheight and tiller number. Genetic analysis of an F2 population from a crossbetween the semi-dwarf mutant and japonica cv. Houshengheng showed that the sd-c locus was flanked by SSR markers RM27877 and RM277 on chromosome 12. Thirty nine InDel markers were developed in the region and the sd-c gene was further mappedto a 1 cM centromeric region between InDel markers C11 and C12. These sequencedmarkers can be used to distinguish wild type and mutants and thus can be used in marker-assisted selection. The sd-c mutant decreases culm length by about 26% anddoubles the tiller number without changing seed weight. Until now only sd-1 hasbeen used in indica rice breeding programs. The sd-c mutant seems to have noundesirable pleiotropic effects and is therefore a potential genetic resource forbreeding semi-dwarf indica rice cultivars.PMCID: PMC3688377PMID: 23853510  [PubMed]

4. Phytopathology. 2013 May 29. [Epub ahead of print]Fine mapping and identification of blast resistance gene Pi-hk1 in abroad-spectrum resistant Japonica rice landrace.Wu Y, Bao Y, Xie L, Su Y, Chu R, He W, Huang J, Wang J, Zhang H.Nanjing Agricultural University, Crop genetics and breeding, Nanjing, China ;wuyunyuyu@163.com.One Japonica rice landrace, Heikezijing, from Taihu Lake region of China,exhibits broad-spectrum resistance to the rice blast. As characterized in ourprevious research, a main-effect resistance gene Pi-hk1 in Heikezijing against 5 isolates GD10-279a, JS2004-141-1, JS2004-185, JS90-78 and Hoku1 was roughlymapped on the long arm of chromosome 11. To fine map Pi-hk1, one recombinantinbred line RIL72 (F2:8), from the cross between Heikezijing andblast-susceptible variety Suyunuo, were further crossed and backcrossed withSuyunuo to produce a BC1F2 population of 477 individuals. Inoculation experiment with the representative isolate Hoku 1 indicated that RIL72 carries a singledominant R gene for the blast resistance. With the help of advanced BC1F3(915plants), BC1F4(4,459 plants) and BC1F5(2,000 plants) mapping populations, Pi-hk1 was finally mapped to 107 kb region between molecular markers P3586 and ILP3, andco-segregated with the markers P4098, RM7654 and P4099. By sequence analysis ofHeikezijing BAC (bacterial artificial chromosome) clones covering Pi-hk1 region, 16 predicted genes were identified within this region, including 3 NBS-LRR(nucleotide binding site and leucine-rich repeats) candidate genes. These resultsprovide essential information for cloning of Pi-hk1 and its application in ricebreeding for broad-spectrum blast resistance by marker-assisted selection.PMID: 23718837  [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

5. Plant Cell Rep. 2013 Sep;32(9):1455-63. doi: 10.1007/s00299-013-1457-7. Epub 2013May 21.Fine mapping of BH1, a gene controlling lemma and palea development in rice.Wei X, Zhang X, Shao G, He J, Jiao G, Xie L, Sheng Z, Tang S, Hu P.State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology, Key Laboratory of Rice Biology and Breedingof Ministry of Agriculture, China National Rice Research Institute, Hangzhou,310006, China.KEY MESSAGE: A new rice floral organ mutant bh1 , had a negative effect on grain yield. BH1 was fine mapped to 87.5 kb on chr2. A 55 kb chromosome segment wasdeleted in bh1. The cereal spikelet is enclosed by the lemma and palea. The lemmaand palea of the floral mutant designated bh1, a selection from a T-DNA librarygenerated from the rice cultivar Asominori, takes on an abnormal curve-shapedappearance only late in floral development, finally forming a beak-shaped hull.The mutation had a negative effect on thousand grain weight, seed set rate andgermination rate. Genetic analysis indicated that the mutant phenotype wasdetermined by a single recessive gene. Through map-based approach, BH1 gene wasfinally located to a ~87.5-kbp region on the long arm of chromosome 2. Ananalysis of the gene content of this region indicated that the mutation involves the loss of a 55-kbp stretch, harboring four open reading frames. Transcriptionprofiling based on qRT-PCR revealed that the genes OsMADS1, OsMADS14, OsMADS15,OsMADS18, REP1, CFO1, and DL, all of which are also involved in lemma and paleadevelopment and identity specification, were down-regulated in the bh1 mutant.BH1 is therefore an important floral organ development gene.PMID: 23689259  [PubMed - in process]

6. Theor Appl Genet. 2013 Jul;126(7):1897-907. doi: 10.1007/s00122-013-2104-y. Epub 2013 Apr 27.Characterization and fine mapping of the rice premature senescence mutant ospse1.Wu HB, Wang B, Chen Y, Liu YG, Chen L.State Key Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of SubtropicalAgro-bioresources, College of Life Sciences, South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642, China.Premature senescence can limit crop productivity by limiting the growth phase. Inthe present study, a spontaneous premature senescence mutant was identified inrice (Oryza sativa L.). Genetic analysis revealed that the premature senescencephenotype was controlled by a recessive mutation, which we named Oryza sativapremature senescence1 (ospse1). The ospse1 mutants showed premature leafsenescence from the booting stage and exhibited more severe symptoms duringreproductive and ripening stages. Key yield-related agronomic traits such as1,000-grain weight and seed-setting rate, but not panicle grain number, weresignificantly reduced in ospse1 plants. Chlorophyll content, net photosyntheticrate, and transpiration rate of ospse1 flag leaves were similar to the wild-type plants in vegetative stages, but these parameters decreased steeply in the mutantafter the heading stage. Consistent with this, the senescence-associated genesOsNYC1 and OsSgr were up-regulated in ospse1 mutant during premature leafsenescence. The ospse1 locus was mapped to a 38-kb region on chromosome 1 andsequence analysis of this region identified a single-nucleotide deletion in the3' region of an open reading frame (ORF) encoding a putative pectate lyase,leading to a frame shift and a longer ORF. Our results suggested that thepremature senescence of the ospse1 may be regulated by a novel mechanism mediatedby pectate lyase.PMID: 23624440  [PubMed - in process]

7. PLoS One. 2013 Apr 16;8(4):e61719. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0061719. Print 2013.Analysis of cytoplasmic effects and fine-mapping of a genic male sterile line in rice.Qin P, Wang Y, Li Y, Ma B, Li S.Rice Research Institute of Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu Wenjiang,Sichuan, China.Cytoplasm has substantial genetic effects on progeny and is important for yieldimprovement in rice breeding. Studies on the cytoplasmic effects of cytoplasmicmale sterility (CMS) show that most types of CMS have negative effects onyield-related traits and that these negative effects vary among CMS. Some typesof genic male sterility (GMS), including photo-thermo sensitive male sterility(PTMS), have been widely used in rice breeding, but the cytoplasmic effects ofGMS remain unknown. Here, we identified a GMS mutant line, h2s, which exhibitedsmall, white anthers and failed to produce mature pollen. Unlike CMS, the h2s hadsignificant positive cytoplasmic effects on the seed set rate, weight perpanicle, yield, and general combining ability (GCA) for plant height, seed setrate, weight per panicle, and yield. These effects indicated that h2s cytoplasmmay show promise for the improvement of rice yield. Genetic analysis suggestedthat the phenotype of h2s was controlled by a single recessive locus. We mappedh2s to a 152 kb region on chromosome 6, where 22 candidate genes were predicted. None of the 22 genes had previously been reported to be responsible for thephenotypes of h2s. Sequencing analysis showed a 12 bp deletion in the sixth exon of Loc_Os06g40550 in h2s in comparison to wild type, suggesting thatLoc_Os06g40550 is the best candidate gene. These results lay a strong foundation for cloning of the H2S gene to elucidate the molecular mechanism of malereproduction.PMCID: PMC3628577PMID: 23613915  [PubMed - in process]

8. Theor Appl Genet. 2013 May;126(5):1257-72. doi: 10.1007/s00122-013-2051-7. Epub2013 Feb 20.Fine mapping of qSB-11(LE), the QTL that confers partial resistance to ricesheath blight.Zuo S, Yin Y, Pan C, Chen Z, Zhang Y, Gu S, Zhu L, Pan X.Key Lab of Plant Functional Genomics, Ministry of Education, Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225009, People's Republic of China. smzuo@yzu.edu.cnSheath blight (SB), caused by Rhizoctonia solani kühn, is one of the most seriousglobal rice diseases. No major resistance genes to SB have been identified sofar. All discovered loci are quantitative resistance to rice SB. The qSB-11(LE)resistance quantitative trait locus (QTL) has been previously reported onchromosome 11 of Lemont (LE). In this study, we report the precise location ofqSB-11 (LE) . We developed a near isogenic line, NIL-qSB11(TQ), bymarker-assisted selection that contains susceptible allele(s) from Teqing (TQ) atthe qSB-11 locus in the LE genetic background. NIL-qSB11(TQ) shows highersusceptibility to SB than LE in both field and greenhouse tests, suggesting that this region of LE contains a QTL contributing to SB resistance. In order toeliminate the genetic background effects and increase the accuracy of phenotypic evaluation, a total of 112 chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) with thesubstituted segment specific to the qSB-11 (LE) region were produced as the fine mapping population. The genetic backgrounds and morphological characteristics of these CSSLs are similar to those of the recurrent parent LE. The donor TQchromosomal segments in these CSSL lines contiguously overlap to bridge theqSB-11 (LE) region. Through artificial inoculation, all CSSLs were evaluated for resistance to SB in the field in 2005. For the recombinant lines, theirphenotypes were evaluated in the field for another 3 years and during the finalyear were also evaluated in a controlled greenhouse environment, showing aconsistent phenotype in SB resistance across years and conditions. Aftercomparing the genotypic profile of each CSSL with its phenotype, we are able tolocalize qSB-11 (LE) to the region defined by two cleaved-amplified polymorphicsequence markers, Z22-27C and Z23-33C covering 78.871 kb, based on the ricereference genome. Eleven putative genes were annotated within this region andthree of them were considered the most likely candidates. The results of thisstudy will greatly facilitate the cloning of the genes responsible for qSB-11(LE) and marker-assisted breeding to incorporate qSB-11 (LE) into other ricecultivars.PMID: 23423653  [PubMed - in process]

9. Theor Appl Genet. 2013 Apr;126(4):985-98. doi: 10.1007/s00122-012-2031-3. Epub2013 Feb 12.Fine-mapping and molecular marker development for Pi56(t), a NBS-LRR geneconferring broad-spectrum resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae in rice.Liu Y, Liu B, Zhu X, Yang J, Bordeos A, Wang G, Leach JE, Leung H.International Rice Research Institute, Plant Breeding, Genetics and BiotechnologyDivision, DAPO Box 7777, Metro Manila, Philippines.The major quantitative trait locus qBR9.1 confers broad-spectrum resistance torice blast, and was mapped to a ~69.1 kb region on chromosome 9 that wasinherited from resistant variety Sanhuangzhan No 2 (SHZ-2). Within this region,only one predicted disease resistance gene with nucleotide binding site andleucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR) domains was found. Specific markers correspondingto this gene cosegregated with blast resistance in F2 and F3 populations derived from crosses of susceptible variety Texianzhan 13 (TXZ-13) to SHZ-2 and theresistant backcross line BC-10. We tentatively designate the gene as Pi56(t).Sequence analysis revealed that Pi56(t) encodes an NBS-LRR protein composed of743 amino acids. Pi56(t) was highly induced by blast infection in resistant linesSHZ-2 and BC-10. The corresponding allele of Pi56(t) in the susceptible lineTXZ-13 encodes a protein with an NBS domain but without LRR domain, and it wasnot induced by Magnaporthe oryzae infection. Three new cosegregatinggene-specific markers, CRG4-1, CRG4-2 and CRG4-3, were developed. In addition, weevaluated polymorphism of the gene-based markers among popular varieties fromnational breeding programs in Asia and Africa. The presence of the CRG4-2 SHZ-2allele cosegregated with a blast-resistant phenotype in two BC2F1 families ofSHZ-2 crossed to recurrent parents IR64-Sub1 and Swarna-Sub1. CRG4-1 and CRG4-3showed clear polymorphism among 19 varieties, suggesting that they can be used inmarker-assisted breeding to combine Pi56(t) with other target genes in breedinglines.PMID: 23400829  [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

10. Theor Appl Genet. 2013 Jan;126(1):219-29. doi: 10.1007/s00122-012-1975-7. Epub2012 Sep 22.Fine mapping and characterization of BPH27, a brown planthopper resistance genefrom wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.).Huang D, Qiu Y, Zhang Y, Huang F, Meng J, Wei S, Li R, Chen B.State Key Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of SubtropicalAgro-bioresources, College of Life Science and Technology, Agricultural College, Guangxi University, Nanning 530005, China.The brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål; BPH) is one of the most seriousrice pests worldwide. Growing resistant varieties is the most effective way tomanage this insect, and wild rice species are a valuable source of resistancegenes for developing resistant cultivars. BPH27 derived from an accession ofGuangxi wild rice, Oryza rufipogon Griff. (Accession no. 2183, hereafter namedGX2183), was primarily mapped to a 17-cM region on the long arm of the chromosomefour. In this study, fine mapping of BPH27 was conducted using two BC(1)F(2)populations derived from introgression lines of GX2183. Insect resistance wasevaluated in the BC(1)F(2) populations with 6,010 individual offsprings, and 346 resistance extremes were obtained and employed for fine mapping of BPH27.High-resolution linkage analysis defined the BPH27 locus to an 86.3-kb region in Nipponbare. Regarding the sequence information of rice cultivars, Nipponbare and 93-11, all predicted open reading frames (ORFs) in the fine-mapping region havebeen annotated as 11 types of proteins, and three ORFs encode disease-relatedproteins. Moreover, the average BPH numbers showed significant differences in96-120 h after release in comparisons between the preliminary near-isogenic lines(pre-NILs, lines harboring resistance genes) and BaiR54. BPH growth anddevelopment were inhibited and survival rates were lower in the pre-NIL plantscompared with the recurrent parent BaiR54. The pre-NIL exhibited 50.7% reductionsin population growth rates (PGR) compared to BaiR54. The new development in fine mapping of BPH27 will facilitate the efforts to clone this important resistantgene and to use it in BPH-resistance rice breeding.PMID: 23001338  [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

11. Plant Cell Rep. 2013 Jan;32(1):103-16. doi: 10.1007/s00299-012-1345-6. Epub 2012 Oct 12.Identification of QTLs associated with tissue culture response throughsequencing-based genotyping of RILs derived from 93-11 × Nipponbare in rice(Oryza sativa).Li S, Yan S, Wang AH, Zou G, Huang X, Han B, Qian Q, Tao Y.The College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Zhejiang University, 388 YuhangtangRoad, Hangzhou 310058, China. sujuanli2001@163.comKEY MESSAGE : The performance of callus induction and callus differentiation was evaluated by 9 indices for 140 RILs; 2 major QTLs associated with plantregeneration were identified. In order to investigate the genetic mechanisms oftissue culture response, 140 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from 93-11(Oryza sativa ssp. indica) × Nipponbare (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica) and a highquality genetic map based on the SNPs generated from deep sequencing of the RILgenomes, were used to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated within vitro tissue culture response (TCR) from mature seed in rice. The performance of callus induction was evaluated by indices of induced-callus color (ICC),induced-callus size (ICS), induced-callus friability (ICF) and callus inductionrate (CIR), respectively, and the performance of callus differentiation wasevaluated by indices of callus proliferation ability (CPA), callus browningtendency (CBT), callus greening ability (CGA), the average number of regenerated shoots per callus (NRS) and regeneration rate (%, RR), respectively. A total of25 QTLs, 2 each for ICC, ICS, ICF, CIR and CBA, 3 for CPA, 4 each for CGA, NRSand RR, respectively, were detected and located on 8 rice chromosomes.Significant correlations were observed among the traits of CGA, NRS and RR, andQTLs identified for these three indices were co-located on chromosomes 3 and 7,and the additive effects came from both Nipponbare and 93-11, respectively. Theresults obtained from this study provide guidance for further fine mapping andgene cloning of the major QTL of TCR and the knowledge of the genes underlyingthe traits investigated would be very helpful for revealing the molecular basesof tissue culture response.PMID: 23064615  [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

12. J Hered. 2013 Mar;104(2):287-94. doi: 10.1093/jhered/ess103. Epub 2012 Dec 20.A dominant major locus in chromosome 9 of rice (Oryza sativa L.) conferstolerance to 48°C high temperature at seedling stage.Wei H, Liu J, Wang Y, Huang N, Zhang X, Wang L, Zhang J, Tu J, Zhong X.Institute of Crop Science, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, ZhejiangUniversity, Yuhangtang Road 388, Hangzhou 310058, China.In an earlier greenhouse screening, we identified a local indica cultivar HT54tolerant to high temperature at both seedling and grain-filling stages. In thisstudy, we develop an optimized procedure for fine assessment of this heattolerance. The results indicated that HT54 seedlings could tolerate hightemperature up to 48 °C for 79h. The genetic analysis of F(1) and F(2) offspring derived from the cross between HT54 and HT13, a heat-sensitive breeding line,reveals that the heat tolerance of HT54 was controlled by a dominant major locus,which has been designated as OsHTAS (Oryza sativa heat tolerance at seedlingstage). This locus was mapped on rice chromosome 9 within an interval of 420kbbetween markers of InDel5 and RM7364. The determined candidate ZFP gene has been confirmed to be cosegregated with a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)developed PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) marker RBsp1407 in its promoter region. Another heat tolerance-associated SNP was identified in the first intron of its 5'-untranslated region. The existence of these SNPs therebyindicated that the OsHTAS locus contains at least two alleles. We named the onefrom HT54 as OsHTAS ( a ) and the one from HT13 as OsHTAS ( b ). Further dynamic expression analysis demonstrated that OsHTAS ( a ) was actively responsive to 45 °C high temperature stress compared with the OsHTAS ( b ) allele.PMID: 23258571  [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

13. Mol Plant. 2013 May;6(3):716-28. doi: 10.1093/mp/sss146. Epub 2012 Dec 8.Genetic and physiological analysis of a novel type of interspecific hybridweakness in rice.Chen C, Chen H, Shan JX, Zhu MZ, Shi M, Gao JP, Lin HX.National Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics and National Center for PlantGene Research Shanghai, Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology,Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 300Fenglin Road, Shanghai 200032, China.Hybrid weakness is an important reproductive barrier that hinders geneticexchange between different species at the post-zygotic stage. However, ourunderstanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying hybrid weakness is limited. In this study, we report discovery of a novel interspecific hybrid weakness in a rice chromosome segment substitution line (CSSL) library derived from a crossbetween the indica variety Teqing (Oryza sativa) and common wild rice (O.rufipogon). The dominant Hybrid weakness i1 (Hwi1) gene from wild rice isgenetically incompatible with Teqing and induced a set of weakness symptoms,including growth suppression, yield decrease, impaired nutrient absorption, andthe retardation of crown root initiation. Phytohormone treatment showed thatsalicylic acid (SA) could restore the height of plants expressing hybridweakness, while other phytohormones appear to have little effect. Fine mappingindicated that Hwi1 is located in a tandem leucine-rich repeat receptor-likekinase (LRR-RLK) gene cluster. Within the 13.2-kb candidate region on the shortarm of chromosome 11, there are two annotated LRR-RLK genes, LOC_Os11g07230 andLOC_Os11g07240. The Teqing allele of LOC_Os11g07230 and the wild rice allele ofLOC_Os11g07240 encode predicted functional proteins. Based on the geneticinheritance of hybrid weakness, LOC_Os11g07240 is implicated as the candidategene for Hwi1. Functional analysis of Hwi1 will expand our knowledge of theregulation of hybrid weakness in rice.PMID: 23220941  [PubMed - in process]

14. Mol Plant. 2013 May;6(3):757-67. doi: 10.1093/mp/sss161. Epub 2012 Dec 23.Microarray-assisted fine-mapping of quantitative trait loci for cold tolerance inrice.Liu F, Xu W, Song Q, Tan L, Liu J, Zhu Z, Fu Y, Su Z, Sun C.State Key Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, National Center forEvaluation of Agricultural Wild Plants Rice, Department of Plant Genetics andBreeding, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China.Many important agronomic traits, including cold stress resistance, are complexand controlled by quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Isolation of these QTLs willgreatly benefit the agricultural industry but it is a challenging task. Thisstudy explored an integrated strategy by combining microarray with QTL-mapping inorder to identify cold-tolerant QTLs from a cold-tolerant variety IL112 atearly-seedling stage. All the early seedlings of IL112 survived normally for 9 d at 4-5°C, while Guichao2 (GC2), an indica cultivar, died after 4 d under the sameconditions. Using the F2:3 population derived from the progeny of GC2 and IL112, we identified seven QTLs for cold tolerance. Furthermore, we performed Affymetrixrice whole-genome array hybridization and obtained the expression profiles ofIL112 and GC2 under both low-temperature and normal conditions. Four genes wereselected as cold QTL-related candidates, based on microarray data mining andQTL-mapping. One candidate gene, LOC_Os07g22494, was shown to be highlyassociated with cold tolerance in a number of rice varieties and in the F2:3population, and its overexpression transgenic rice plants displayed strongtolerance to low temperature at early-seedling stage. The results indicated that overexpression of this gene (LOC_Os07g22494) could increase cold tolerance inrice seedlings. Therefore, this study provides a promising strategy foridentifying candidate genes in defined QTL regions.PMID: 23267004  [PubMed - in process]

15. Gene. 2013 Sep 15;527(1):201-6. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2013.05.063. Epub 2013 Jun11.QTL mapping of grain weight in rice and the validation of the QTL qTGW3.2.Tang SQ, Shao GN, Wei XJ, Chen ML, Sheng ZH, Luo J, Jiao GA, Xie LH, Hu PS.Chinese National Center for Rice Improvement/State Key Laboratory of RiceBiology, China National Rice Research Institute, Hangzhou 310006, PR China.A recombinant inbred line (RIL) population bred from a cross between a javanicatype (cv. D50) and an indica type (cv. HB277) rice was used to map sevenquantitative trait loci (QTLs) for thousand grain weight (TGW). The loci weredistributed on chromosomes 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 10. The chromosome 3 QTL qTGW3.2 wasstably expressed over two years, and contributed 9-10% of the phenotypicvariance. A residual heterozygous line (RHL) was selected from the RIL populationand its selfed progeny was used to fine map qTGW3.2. In this "F2" population, theQTL explained about 23% of the variance, rising to nearly 33% in the subsequent"F2:3" generation. The physical location of qTGW3.2 was confined to a ~556kbregion flanked by the microsatellite loci RM16162 and RM16194. The region alsocontains other factors influencing certain yield-related traits, although it isalso possible that qTGW3.2 affects these in a pleiotropic fashion.Crown Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.PMID: 23769924  [PubMed - in process]

16. Theor Appl Genet. 2013 Sep 17. [Epub ahead of print]Fine mapping and chromosome walking towards the Ror1 locus in barley (Hordeumvulgare L.).Acevedo-Garcia J, Collins NC, Ahmadinejad N, Ma L, Houben A, Bednarek P, Benjdia M, Freialdenhoven A, Altmüller J, Nürnberg P, Reinhardt R, Schulze-Lefert P,Panstruga R.Department of Plant-Microbe Interactions, Max Planck Institute for Plant BreedingResearch, 50829, Cologne, Germany.KEY MESSAGE: The Ror1 gene was fine-mapped to the pericentric region of barleychromosome 1HL. Recessively inherited loss-of-function alleles of the barley(Hordeum vulgare) Mildew resistance locus o (Mlo) gene confer durablebroad-spectrum disease resistance against the obligate biotrophic fungal powdery mildew pathogen Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei. Previous genetic analysesrevealed two barley genes, Ror1 and Ror2, that are Required for mlo-specifiedresistance and basal defence. While Ror2 was cloned and shown to encode a t-SNAREprotein (syntaxin), the molecular nature or Ror1 remained elusive. Ror1 waspreviously mapped to the centromeric region of the long arm of barley chromosome 1H. Here, we narrowed the barley Ror1 interval to 0.18 cM and initiated achromosome walk using barley yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones,next-generation DNA sequencing and fluorescence in situ hybridization. Twonon-overlapping YAC contigs containing Ror1 flanking genes were identified.Despite a high degree of synteny observed between barley and the sequencedgenomes of the grasses rice (Oryza sativa), Brachypodium distachyon and Sorghumbicolor across the wider chromosomal area, the genes in the YAC contigs showedextensive interspecific rearrangements in orientation and order. Consequently,the position of a Ror1 homolog in these species could not be precisely predicted,nor was a barley gene co-segregating with Ror1 identified. These factors haveprevented the molecular identification of the Ror1 gene for the time being.PMID: 24042571  [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]


Genetic analysis and fine mapping of LH1 and LH2, a set of complementary genes controlling late heading in rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Liu S, Wang F, Gao LJ, Li JH, Li RB, Gao HL, Deng GF, Yang JS, Luo XJ.
Breed Sci. 2012 Dec;62(4):310-9. doi: 10.1270/jsbbs.62.310. Epub 2012 Dec 1.
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Marathi B, Guleria S, Mohapatra T, Parsad R, Mariappan N, Kurungara VK, Atwal SS, Prabhu KV, Singh NK, Singh AK.
BMC Plant Biol. 2012 Aug 9;12:137. doi: 10.1186/1471-2229-12-137.
PMID: 22876968 [PubMed - in process] Free PMC Article
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OsGA20ox1, a candidate gene for a major QTL controlling seedling vigor in rice.
Abe A, Takagi H, Fujibe T, Aya K, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Uemura A, Matsuoka M, Terauchi R.
Theor Appl Genet. 2012 Aug;125(4):647-57. doi: 10.1007/s00122-012-1857-z. Epub 2012 Apr 6.
PMID: 22481119 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Theor Appl Genet. 2012 Jun;125(1):155-69. doi: 10.1007/s00122-012-1823-9. Epub 2012 Feb 24.
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Fine mapping of a major QTL for flag leaf width in rice, qFLW4, which might be caused by alternative splicing of NAL1.
Chen M, Luo J, Shao G, Wei X, Tang S, Sheng Z, Song J, Hu P.
Plant Cell Rep. 2012 May;31(5):863-72. doi: 10.1007/s00299-011-1207-7. Epub 2011 Dec 18.
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The identification of Pi50(t), a new member of the rice blast resistance Pi2/Pi9 multigene family.
Zhu X, Chen S, Yang J, Zhou S, Zeng L, Han J, Su J, Wang L, Pan Q.
Theor Appl Genet. 2012 May;124(7):1295-304. doi: 10.1007/s00122-012-1787-9. Epub 2012 Jan 22.
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