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已有 7321 次阅读 2013-9-15 17:02 |个人分类:分子育种|系统分类:科研笔记| 基因组, 技术

基于CRISPR RNA/Cas9系统的基因组定点修饰技术.

Cas9 是一种核酸内切酶,CRISPR RNA用来引导这个酶去切割目标DNA.目标怎么设定?既然这里有RNA,那么



1 获得的最终产品是经过了遗传修饰的(定点修饰,通过转基因的方法定点修饰,因为这个系



2 这个技术修饰的是一个物种自身的基因,所以没有明显可见的安全性问题.

3 呵呵,这个技术和我前面设想的用水稻的基因来改良水稻的观点是吻合的.(http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-479743-709708.html)

4 外行人,不知道基因还可以这样转.



1: Walsh RM, Hochedlinger K. A variant CRISPR-Cas9 system adds versatility to
genome engineering. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Sep 6. [Epub ahead of print]
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2: Chen C, Fenk LA, de Bono M. Efficient genome editing in Caenorhabditis elegans
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3: Kondo S, Ueda R. Highly Improved Gene Targeting by Germline-Specific Cas9
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4: Jiang W, Zhou H, Bi H, Fromm M, Yang B, Weeks DP. Demonstration of
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5: Yu Z, Ren M, Wang Z, Zhang B, Rong YS, Jiao R, Gao G. Highly Efficient Genome
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6: Pattanayak V, Lin S, Guilinger JP, Ma E, Doudna JA, Liu DR. High-throughput
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7: Mali P, Aach J, Stranges PB, Esvelt KM, Moosburner M, Kosuri S, Yang L, Church
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8: Hsu PD, Scott DA, Weinstein JA, Ran FA, Konermann S, Agarwala V, Li Y, Fine
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9: Dickinson DJ, Ward JD, Reiner DJ, Goldstein B. Engineering the Caenorhabditis
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11: Ran FA, Hsu PD, Lin CY, Gootenberg JS, Konermann S, Trevino AE, Scott DA,
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12: Yang H, Wang H, Shivalila CS, Cheng AW, Shi L, Jaenisch R. One-Step
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13: Cheng AW, Wang H, Yang H, Shi L, Katz Y, Theunissen TW, Rangarajan S,
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18: Cho SW, Lee J, Carroll D, Kim JS, Lee J. Heritable Gene Knockout in
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19: Jao LE, Wente SR, Chen W. Efficient multiplex biallelic zebrafish genome
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20: Xie K, Yang Y. RNA-guided Genome Editing in Plants Using A CRISPR-Cas System.
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21: Lo TW, Pickle CS, Lin S, Ralston EJ, Gurling M, Schartner CM, Bian Q, Doudna
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24: Cradick TJ, Fine EJ, Antico CJ, Bao G. CRISPR/Cas9 systems targeting β-globin
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25: Gratz SJ, Cummings AM, Nguyen JN, Hamm DC, Donohue LK, Harrison MM, Wildonger
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26: Friedland AE, Tzur YB, Esvelt KM, Colaiácovo MP, Church GM, Calarco JA.
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27: Bikard D, Jiang W, Samai P, Hochschild A, Zhang F, Marraffini LA.
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28: Xiao A, Wang Z, Hu Y, Wu Y, Luo Z, Yang Z, Zu Y, Li W, Huang P, Tong X, Zhu
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29: Yang L, Guell M, Byrne S, Yang JL, De Los Angeles A, Mali P, Aach J,
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30: Perez-Pinera P, Kocak DD, Vockley CM, Adler AF, Kabadi AM, Polstein LR,
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31: Bassett AR, Tibbit C, Ponting CP, Liu JL. Highly efficient targeted
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32: Wei C, Liu J, Yu Z, Zhang B, Gao G, Jiao R. TALEN or Cas9 - rapid, efficient
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33: Wang H, Yang H, Shivalila CS, Dawlaty MM, Cheng AW, Zhang F, Jaenisch R.
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34: Chang N, Sun C, Gao L, Zhu D, Xu X, Zhu X, Xiong JW, Xi JJ. Genome editing
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35: DiCarlo JE, Norville JE, Mali P, Rios X, Aach J, Church GM. Genome
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36: Cho SW, Kim S, Kim JM, Kim JS. Targeted genome engineering in human cells
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Plant genome editing made easy: targeted mutagenesis in model and crop plants using the CRISPR/Cas system



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