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已有 5261 次阅读 2013-9-6 22:17 |个人分类:氢气生物学|系统分类:科研笔记| 医学



1.     BallJ. Recently published papers: More about EGDT, experimental therapies and someinconvenient truths. Critical Care 2007; 11

2.     FukudaKI, Asoh S, Ishikawa M, et al. Inhalation of hydrogen gas suppresses hepaticinjury caused by ischemia/reperfusion through reducing oxidative stress.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2007; 361:670-674

3.     WoodKC, Gladwin MT. The hydrogen highway to reperfusion therapy. Nature Medicine2007; 13:673-674

4.     BuchholzBM, Kaczorowski DJ, Sugimoto R, et al. Hydrogen inhalation amelioratesoxidative stress in transplantation induced intestinal graft injury. AmericanJournal of Transplantation 2008; 8:2015-2024

5.     CaiJM, Kang ZM, Liu WW, et al. Hydrogen therapy reduces apoptosis in neonatalhypoxia-ischemia rat model. Neuroscience Letters 2008; 441:167-172

6.     HayashidaK, Sano M, Ohsawa I, et al. Inhalation of hydrogen gas reduces infarct size inthe rat model of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury. Biochemical andBiophysical Research Communications 2008; 373:30-35

7.     KajiyamaS, Hasegawa G, Asano M, et al. Supplementation of hydrogen-rich water improveslipid and glucose metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes or impairedglucose tolerance. Nutrition Research 2008; 28:137-143

8.     OhsawaI, Nishimaki K, Murakami Y, et al. Age-dependent neurodegeneration accompanyingmemory loss in transgenic mice defective in mitochondrial aldehydedehydrogenase 2 activity. Journal of Neuroscience 2008; 28:6239-6249

9.     OhsawaI, Nishimaki K, Yamagata K, et al. Consumption of hydrogen water preventsatherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E knockout mice. Biochemical and BiophysicalResearch Communications 2008; 377:1195-1198

10.  Saitoh Y, Okayasu H, Xiao L, et al. NeutralpH Hydrogen-Enriched Electrolyzed Water Achieves Tumor-Preferential ClonalGrowth Inhibition Over Normal Cells and Tumor Invasion Inhibition ConcurrentlyWith Intracellular Oxidant Repression. Oncology Research 2008; 17:247-255

11.  Sato Y, Kajiyama S, Amano A, et al.Hydrogen-rich pure water prevents superoxide formation in brain slices ofvitamin C-depleted SMP30/GNL knockout mice. Biochemical and BiophysicalResearch Communications 2008; 375:346-350

12.  Ye J, Li Y, Hamasaki T, et al. Inhibitoryeffect of electrolyzed reduced water on tumor angiogenesis. Biological &Pharmaceutical Bulletin 2008; 31:19-26

13.  Cai JM, Kang ZM, Liu K, et al.Neuroprotective effects of hydrogen saline in neonatal hypoxia-ischemia ratmodel. Brain Research 2009; 1256:129-137

14.  Fu Y, Ito M, Fujita Y, et al. Molecularhydrogen is protective against 6-hydroxydopamine-induced nigrostriataldegeneration in a rat model of Parkinson's disease. Neuroscience Letters 2009;453:81-85

15.  Fujita K, Seike T, Yutsudo N, et al.Hydrogen in Drinking Water Reduces Dopaminergic Neuronal Loss in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridineMouse Model of Parkinson's Disease. PLoS ONE 2009; 4

16.  Itoh T, Fujita Y, Ito M, et al. Molecularhydrogen suppresses Fc epsilon RI-mediated signal transduction and preventsdegranulation of mast cells. Biochemical and Biophysical ResearchCommunications 2009; 389:651-656

17.  Kajiya M, Sato K, Silva MJB, et al.Hydrogen from intestinal bacteria is protective for Concanavalin A-inducedhepatitis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2009;386:316-321

18.  Kajiya M, Silva MJB, Sato K, et al.Hydrogen mediates suppression of colon inflammation induced by dextran sodiumsulfate. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2009; 386:11-15

19.  Kikkawa YS, Nakagawa T, Horie RT, et al.Hydrogen protects auditory hair cells from free radicals. Neuroreport 2009;20:689-694

20.  Mao YF, Zheng XF, Cai JM, et al.Hydrogen-rich saline reduces lung injury induced by intestinalischemia/reperfusion in rats. Biochemical and Biophysical ResearchCommunications 2009; 381:602-605

21.  Matchett GA, Fathali N, Hasegawa Y, et al.Hydrogen gas is ineffective in moderate and severe neonatal hypoxia-ischemiarat models. Brain Research 2009; 1259:90-97

22.  Nagata K, Nakashima-Kamimura N, Mikami T,et al. Consumption of Molecular Hydrogen Prevents the Stress-InducedImpairments in Hippocampus-Dependent Learning Tasks during Chronic PhysicalRestraint in Mice. Neuropsychopharmacology 2009; 34:501-508

23.  Nakao A, Sugimoto R, Billiar TR, et al.Therapeutic Antioxidant Medical Gas. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry andNutrition 2009; 44:1-13

24.  Nakashima-Kamimura N, Mori T, Ohsawa I, etal. Molecular hydrogen alleviates nephrotoxicity induced by an anti-cancer drugcisplatin without compromising anti-tumor activity in mice. Cancer Chemotherapyand Pharmacology 2009; 64:753-761

25.  Nakayama M, Kabayama S, Nakano H, et al.Biological Effects of Electrolyzed Water in Hemodialysis. Nephron ClinicalPractice 2009; 112:C9-C15

26.  Shimouchi A, Nose K, Takaoka M, et al.Effect of Dietary Turmeric on Breath Hydrogen. Digestive Diseases and Sciences2009; 54:1725-1729

27.  Sun Q, Kang ZM, Cai JM, et al.Hydrogen-Rich Saline Protects Myocardium Against Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury inRats. Experimental Biology and Medicine 2009; 234:1212-1219

28.  Suzuki Y, Sano M, Hayashida K, et al. Arethe effects of alpha-glucosidase inhibitors on cardiovascular events related toelevated levels of hydrogen gas in the gastrointestinal tract? Febs Letters2009; 583:2157-2159

29.  Zheng XF, Mao YF, Cai JM, et al.Hydrogen-rich saline protects against intestinal ischemia/reperfusion injury inrats. Free Radical Research 2009; 43:478-484

30.  Cardinal JS, Zhan JH, Wang YN, et al. Oralhydrogen water prevents chronic allograft nephropathy in rats. KidneyInternational 2010; 77:101-109


32.  Chen CW, Chen QB, Mao YF, et al.Hydrogen-Rich Saline Protects Against Spinal Cord Injury in Rats. NeurochemicalResearch 2010; 35:1111-1118

33.  Chen H, Sun YP, Li Y, et al. Hydrogen-richsaline ameliorates the severity of L-arginine-induced acute pancreatitis inrats. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2010; 393:308-313

34.  Domoki F, Olah O, Zimmermann A, et al.Hydrogen is Neuroprotective and Preserves Cerebrovascular Reactivity inAsphyxiated Newborn Pigs. Pediatric Research 2010; 68:387-392

35.  George JF, Agarwal A. Hydrogen: another gaswith therapeutic potential. Kidney International 2010; 77:85-87

36.  Gu Y, Huang CS, Inoue T, et al. DrinkingHydrogen Water Ameliorated Cognitive Impairment in Senescence-Accelerated Mice.Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition 2010; 46:269-276

37.  Hiraoka A, Inaba H, Suzuki E, et al. InVitro Physicochemical Properties of Neutral Aqueous Solution Systems (WaterProducts as Drinks) Containing Hydrogen Gas, 2-Carboxyethyl GermaniumSesquioxide, and Platinum Nanocolloid as Additives. Journal of Health Science2010; 56:167-174

38.  Hong Y, Chen S, Zhang JM. Hydrogen as aSelective Antioxidant: a Review of Clinical and Experimental Studies. Journalof International Medical Research 2010; 38:1893-1903

39.  Huang CS, Kawamura T, Lee S, et al.Hydrogen inhalation ameliorates ventilator-induced lung injury. Critical Care2010; 14

40.  Huang CS, Kawamura T, Toyoda Y, et al.Recent advances in hydrogen research as a therapeutic medical gas. Free RadicalResearch 2010; 44:971-982

41.  Ji XT, Liu WB, Xie KL, et al. Beneficialeffects of hydrogen gas in a rat model of traumatic brain injury via reducingoxidative stress. Brain Research 2010; 1354:196-205

42.  Kanazuru T, Sato EF, Nagata K, et al. Roleof Hydrogen Generation by Klebsiella pneumoniae in the Oral Cavity. Journal ofMicrobiology 2010; 48:778-783

43.  Kawamura T, Huang CS, Tochigi N, et al.Inhaled Hydrogen Gas Therapy for Prevention of Lung Transplant-InducedIschemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rats. Transplantation 2010; 90:1344-1351

44.  Kawasaki H, Guan JJ, Tamama K. Hydrogen gastreatment prolongs replicative lifespan of bone marrow multipotential stromalcells in vitro while preserving differentiation and paracrine potentials.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2010; 397:608-613

45.  Kitamura A, Kobayashi S, Matsushita T, etal. Experimental verification of protective effect of hydrogen-rich wateragainst cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats using dynamiccontrast-enhanced CT. British Journal of Radiology 2010; 83:509-514

46.  Li J, Wang C, Zhang JH, et al.Hydrogen-rich saline improves memory function in a rat model ofamyloid-beta-induced Alzheimer's disease by reduction of oxidative stress.Brain Research 2010; 1328:152-161

47.  Liu C, Cui JG, Sun Q, et al. Hydrogentherapy may be an effective and specific novel treatment for acute radiationsyndrome. Medical Hypotheses 2010; 74:145-146

48.  Liu Q, Shen WF, Sun HY, et al.Hydrogen-rich saline protects against liver injury in rats with obstructivejaundice. Liver International 2010; 30:958-968

49.  Liu SL, Sun QA, Tao HY, et al. Oraladministration of mannitol may be an effective treatment forischemia-reperfusion injury. Medical Hypotheses 2010; 75:620-622

50.  Nakao A, Kaczorowski DJ, Wang YN, et al.Amelioration of rat cardiac cold ischemia/reperfusion injury with inhaledhydrogen or carbon monoxide, or both. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation2010; 29:544-553

51.  Nakao A, Toyoda Y, Sharma P, et al.Effectiveness of Hydrogen Rich Water on Antioxidant Status of Subjects withPotential Metabolic Syndrome-An Open Label Pilot Study. Journal of ClinicalBiochemistry and Nutrition 2010; 46:140-149

52.  Nakayama M, Nakano H, Hamada H, et al. Anovel bioactive haemodialysis system using dissolved dihydrogen (H-2) producedby water electrolysis: a clinical trial. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation2010; 25:3026-3033

53.  Oharazawa H, Igarashi T, Yokota T, et al.Protection of the Retina by Rapid Diffusion of Hydrogen: Administration ofHydrogen-Loaded Eye Drops in Retinal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury. InvestigativeOphthalmology & Visual Science 2010; 51:487-492

54.  Qian LR, Cao F, Cui JG, et al.Radioprotective effect of hydrogen in cultured cells and mice. Free RadicalResearch 2010; 44:275-282

55.  Qian LR, Cao F, Cui JG, et al. ThePotential Cardioprotective Effects of Hydrogen in Irradiated Mice. Journal ofRadiation Research 2010; 51:741-747

56.  Qian LR, Li BL, Cai JM, et al. TheHypothesis of an Effective Safe and Novel Radioprotective Agent Hydrogen-richSolution. West Indian Medical Journal 2010; 59:122-124


58.  Saitoh Y, Harata Y, Mizuhashi F, et al.Biological safety of neutral-pH hydrogen-enriched electrolyzed water uponmutagenicity, genotoxicity and subchronic oral toxicity. Toxicology andIndustrial Health 2010; 26:203-216

59.  Shen MH, He JA, Cai JM, et al. Hydrogen asa novel and effective treatment of acute carbon monoxide poisoning. MedicalHypotheses 2010; 75:235-237

60.  Shingu C, Koga H, Hagiwara S, et al.Hydrogen-rich saline solution attenuates renal ischemia-reperfusion injury.Journal of Anesthesia 2010; 24:569-574

61.  Taura A, Kikkawa YS, Nakagawa T, et al.Hydrogen protects vestibular hair cells from free radicals. ActaOto-Laryngologica 2010; 130:95-100

62.  Ueda Y, Nakajima A, Oikawa T.Hydrogen-Related Enhancement of In Vivo Antioxidant Ability in the Brain ofRats Fed Coral Calcium Hydride. Neurochemical Research 2010; 35:1510-1515



65.  Yan HX, Tian HZ, Kinjo T, et al. Extensionof the Lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans by the Use of Electrolyzed ReducedWater. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 2010; 74:2011-2015

66.  Zheng J, Liu K, Kang ZM, et al. Saturatedhydrogen saline protects the lung against oxygen toxicity. Undersea &Hyperbaric Medicine 2010; 37:185-192

67.  Buchholz BM, Masutani K, Kawamura T, et al.Hydrogen-Enriched Preservation Protects the Isogeneic Intestinal Graft andAmends Recipient Gastric Function During Transplantation. Transplantation 2011;92:985-992

68.  Chen H, Sun YP, Hu PF, et al. The Effectsof Hydrogen-Rich Saline on the Contractile and Structural Changes of IntestineInduced by Ischemia-Reperfusion in Rats. Journal of Surgical Research 2011;167:316-322

69.  Chen XA, Zuo QA, Hai YD, et al. Lactulose:An indirect antioxidant ameliorating inflammatory bowel disease by increasinghydrogen production. Medical Hypotheses 2011; 76:325-327

70.  Chuai YH, Zhao LQ, Ni J, et al. A possibleprevention strategy of radiation pneumonitis: Combine radiotherapy with aerosolinhalation of hydrogen-rich solution. Medical Science Monitor 2011; 17:HY1-HY4

71.  Fang Y, Fu XJ, Gu C, et al. Hydrogen-RichSaline Protects Against Acute Lung Injury Induced by Extensive Burn in RatModel. Journal of Burn Care & Research 2011; 32:E82-E91

72.  Fujita R, Tanaka Y, Saihara Y, et al.Effect of Molecular Hydrogen Saturated Alkaline Electrolyzed Water on DisuseMuscle Atrophy in Gastrocnemius Muscle. Journal of Physiological Anthropology2011; 30:195-201

73.  Hayashi T, Yoshioka T, Hasegawa K, et al.Inhalation of hydrogen gas attenuates left ventricular remodeling induced byintermittent hypoxia in mice. American Journal of Physiology-Heart andCirculatory Physiology 2011; 301:H1062-H1069

74.  Huang CS, Kawamura T, Peng XM, et al.Hydrogen inhalation reduced epithelial apoptosis in ventilator-induced lunginjury via a mechanism involving nuclear factor-kappa B activation. Biochemicaland Biophysical Research Communications 2011; 408:253-258

75.  Huang Y, Xie KL, Li JP, et al. Beneficialeffects of hydrogen gas against spinal cord ischemia-reperfusion injury inrabbits. Brain Research 2011; 1378:125-136

76.  Hugyecz M, Mracsko E, Hertelendy P, et al.Hydrogen supplemented air inhalation reduces changes of prooxidant enzyme andgap junction protein levels after transient global cerebral ischemia in the rathippocampus. Brain Research 2011; 1404:31-38

77.  Itoh T, Hamada N, Terazawa R, et al.Molecular hydrogen inhibits lipopolysaccharide/interferon gamma-induced nitricoxide production through modulation of signal transduction in macrophages.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2011; 411:143-149

78.  Ji Q, Hui KL, Zhang LD, et al. The Effectof Hydrogen-Rich Saline on the Brain of Rats with Transient Ischemia. Journalof Surgical Research 2011; 168:E95-E101

79.  Kamimura N, Nishimaki K, Ohsawa I, et al.Molecular Hydrogen Improves Obesity and Diabetes by Inducing Hepatic FGF21 andStimulating Energy Metabolism in db/db Mice. Obesity 2011; 19:1396-1403

80.  Kasuyama K, Tomofuji T, Ekuni D, et al.Hydrogen-rich water attenuates experimental periodontitis in a rat model.Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2011; 38:1085-1090

81.  Kubota M, Shimmura S, Kubota S, et al.Hydrogen and N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine Rescue Oxidative Stress-Induced Angiogenesisin a Mouse Corneal Alkali-Burn Model. Investigative Ophthalmology & VisualScience 2011; 52:427-433

82.  Li YP, Hamasaki T, Nakamichi N, et al.Suppressive effects of electrolyzed reduced water on alloxan-induced apoptosisand type 1 diabetes mellitus. Cytotechnology 2011; 63:119-131

83.  Lin Y, Kashio A, Sakamoto T, et al.Hydrogen in drinking water attenuates noise-induced hearing loss in guineapigs. Neuroscience Letters 2011; 487:12-16

84.  Liu SL, Liu K, Sun QA, et al. Consumptionof Hydrogen Water Reduces Paraquat-Induced Acute Lung Injury in Rats. Journalof Biomedicine and Biotechnology 2011

85.  Matsushita T, Kusakabe Y, Kitamura A, etal. Investigation of protective effect of hydrogen-rich water againstcisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats using blood oxygenationlevel-dependent magnetic resonance imaging. Japanese Journal of Radiology 2011;29:503-512

86.  Matsushita T, Kusakabe Y, Kitamura A, et al.Protective Effect of Hydrogen-rich Water against Gentamicin-inducedNephrotoxicity in Rats using Blood Oxygenation Level-dependent MR Imaging.Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences 2011; 10:169-176

87.  Nakai Y, Sato B, Ushiama S, et al. HepaticOxidoreduction-Related Genes Are Upregulated by Administration ofHydrogen-Saturated Drinking Water. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry2011; 75:774-776

88.  Ni XX, Cai ZY, Fan DF, et al. ProtectiveEffect of Hydrogen-Rich Saline on Decompression Sickness in Rats. AviationSpace and Environmental Medicine 2011; 82:604-609

89.  Noda M, Fujita K, Lee CH, et al. ThePrinciple and the Potential Approach to ROS-dependent Cytotoxicity byNon-pharmaceutical Therapies: Optimal Use of Medical Gases with Antioxidant Properties.Current Pharmaceutical Design 2011; 17:2253-2263

90.  Ohta S. Recent Progress Toward HydrogenMedicine: Potential of Molecular Hydrogen for Preventive and TherapeuticApplications. Current Pharmaceutical Design 2011; 17:2241-2252

91.  Qiu XC, Li HY, Tang HT, et al. Hydrogeninhalation ameliorates lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury in mice.International Immunopharmacology 2011; 11:2130-2137

92.  Schoenfeld MP, Ansari RR, Zakrajsek JF, etal. Hydrogen therapy may reduce the risks related to radiation-inducedoxidative stress in space flight. Medical Hypotheses 2011; 76:117-118

93.  Shen L, Wang J, Liu K, et al. Hydrogen-RichSaline is Cerebroprotective in a Rat Model of Deep Hypothermic CirculatoryArrest. Neurochemical Research 2011; 36:1501-1511

94.  Song GH, Tian H, Liu J, et al. H-2 inhibitsTNF-alpha-induced lectin-like oxidized LDL receptor-1 expression by inhibitingnuclear factor kappa B activation in endothelial cells. Biotechnology Letters2011; 33:1715-1722

95.  Sun HY, Chen L, Zhou WP, et al. Theprotective role of hydrogen-rich saline in experimental liver injury in mice.Journal of Hepatology 2011; 54:471-480

96.  Sun QA, Cai JM, Liu SL, et al.Hydrogen-Rich Saline Provides Protection Against Hyperoxic Lung Injury. Journalof Surgical Research 2011; 165:E43-E49

97.  Sun QA, Cai JM, Zhou JR, et al.Hydrogen-rich saline reduces delayed neurologic sequelae in experimental carbonmonoxide toxicity. Critical Care Medicine 2011; 39:765-769

98.  Terasaki Y, Ohsawa I, Terasaki M, et al.Hydrogen therapy attenuates irradiation-induced lung damage by reducingoxidative stress. American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and MolecularPhysiology 2011; 301:L415-L426

99.  Ueda Y, Kojima T, Oikawa T. Hippocampalgene network analysis suggests that coral calcium hydride may reduceaccelerated senescence in mice. Nutrition Research 2011; 31:863-872

100.  WangC, Li JA, Liu QA, et al. Hydrogen-rich saline reduces oxidative stress andinflammation by inhibit of JNK and NF-kappa B activation in a rat model of amyloid-beta-inducedAlzheimer's disease. Neuroscience Letters 2011; 491:127-132

101.  WangF, Yu GA, Liu SY, et al. Hydrogen-Rich Saline Protects Against RenalIschemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rats. Journal of Surgical Research 2011;167:E339-E344

102.  YanHX, Kinjo T, Tian HZ, et al. Mechanism of the Lifespan Extension ofCaenorhabditis elegans by Electrolyzed Reduced Water-Participation of PtNanoparticles. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 2011; 75:1295-1299

103.  YangX, Guo L, Sun X, et al. Protective effects of hydrogen-rich saline inpreeclampsia rat model. Placenta 2011; 32:681-686

104.  YoonKS, Huang XZ, Yoon YS, et al. Histological Study on the Effect of ElectrolyzedReduced Water-Bathing on UVB Radiation-Induced Skin Injury in Hairless Mice.Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 2011; 34:1671-1677

105.  YoonYS, Kim DH, Kim SK, et al. The melamine excretion effect of the electrolyzedreduced water in melamine-fed mice. Food and Chemical Toxicology 2011;49:1814-1819

106.  Yu P,Wang ZX, Sun XJ, et al. Hydrogen-rich medium protects human skin fibroblastsfrom high glucose or mannitol induced oxidative damage. Biochemical andBiophysical Research Communications 2011; 409:350-355

107.  ZhangYF, Sun QA, He B, et al. Anti-inflammatory effect of hydrogen-rich saline in arat model of regional myocardial ischemia and reperfusion. InternationalJournal of Cardiology 2011; 148:91-95

108.  ZhaoLQ, Zhou CF, Zhang JA, et al. Hydrogen Protects Mice from Radiation inducedThymic Lymphoma in BALB/c mice. International Journal of Biological Sciences2011; 7:297-300

109.  ZhengXF, Sun XJ, Xia ZF. Hydrogen resuscitation, a new cytoprotective approach.Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 2011; 38:155-163

110.  ZhuWJ, Nakayama M, Mori T, et al. Intake of water with high levels of dissolvedhydrogen (H-2) suppresses ischaemia-induced cardio-renal injury in Dahlsalt-sensitive rats. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2011; 26:2112-2118

111.  Abe T,Li XK, Yazawa K, et al. Hydrogen-Rich University of Wisconsin SolutionAttenuates Renal Cold Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury. Transplantation 2012;94:14-21

112.  ChuaiYH, Gao F, Li BL, et al. Hydrogen-rich saline attenuates radiation-induced malegerm cell loss in mice through reducing hydroxyl radicals. Biochemical Journal2012; 442:49-56

113.  ChuaiYH, Qian LR, Sun XJ, et al. Molecular hydrogen and radiation protection. FreeRadical Research 2012; 46:1061-1067

114.  ChuaiYH, Shen JL, Qian LR, et al. Hydrogen-rich saline protects spermatogenesis andhematopoiesis in irradiated BALB/c mice. Medical Science Monitor 2012;18:BR89-BR94

115.  EkuniD, Tomofuji T, Endo Y, et al. Hydrogen-rich water prevents lipid deposition inthe descending aorta in a rat periodontitis model. Archives of Oral Biology2012; 57:1615-1622

116.  FengM, Wang XH, Yang XB, et al. Protective effect of saturated hydrogen salineagainst blue light-induced retinal damage in rats. International Journal ofOphthalmology 2012; 5:151-157

117.  FujitaK, Yamafuji M, Nakabeppu Y, et al. Therapeutic Approach to NeurodegenerativeDiseases by Medical Gases: Focusing on Redox Signaling and Related AntioxidantEnzymes. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2012

118.  Ge PF,Zhao JW, Li SL, et al. Inhalation of hydrogen gas attenuates cognitiveimpairment in transient cerebral ischemia via inhibition of oxidative stress.Neurological Research 2012; 34:187-194

119.  GhanizadehA. Hydrogen as a novel hypothesized emerging treatment for oxidative stress inautism. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2012; 16:1313-1314

120.  HardelandR. Hydrogen therapy: A future option in critical care? Critical Care Medicine2012; 40:1382-1383

121.  HongY, Guo SX, Chen S, et al. Beneficial effect of hydrogen-rich saline on cerebralvasospasm after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage in rats. Journal ofNeuroscience Research 2012; 90:1670-1680

122.  HouZG, Luo W, Sun XJ, et al. Hydrogen-rich saline protects against oxidativedamage and cognitive deficits after mild traumatic brain injury. Brain ResearchBulletin 2012; 88:560-565

123.  160 HuangLN, Zhao SH, Zhang JH, et al. Hydrogen Saline Treatment AttenuatesHyperoxia-Induced Retinopathy by Inhibition of Oxidative Stress and Reductionof VEGF Expression. Ophthalmic Research 2012; 47:122-127

124.  Ji XT,Tian Y, Xie KL, et al. Protective effects of hydrogen-rich saline in a ratmodel of traumatic brain injury via reducing oxidative stress. Journal ofSurgical Research 2012; 178:E9-E16

125.  JiangDP, Wu DZ, Zhang YB, et al. Protective Effects of Hydrogen Rich Saline Solutionon Experimental Testicular Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Rats. Journal ofUrology 2012; 187:2249-2253

126.  KatoS, Saitoh Y, Iwai K, et al. Hydrogen-rich electrolyzed warm water represseswrinkle formation against UVA ray together with type-I collagen production andoxidative-stress diminishment in fibroblasts and cell-injury prevention inkeratinocytes. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B-Biology 2012;106:24-33

127.  KawaiD, Takaki A, Nakatsuka A, et al. Hydrogen-rich water prevents progression ofnonalcoholic steatohepatitis and accompanying hepatocarcinogenesis in mice.Hepatology 2012; 56:912-921

128.  LeeJW, Kim JI, Lee YA, et al. Inhaled hydrogen gas therapy for prevention oftesticular ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats. Journal of Pediatric Surgery2012; 47:736-742

129.  Li D,Wang WC. Can hydrogen retard the progression of osteoarthritis? African Journalof Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2012; 6:352-354

130.  Li H,Zhou RH, Liu J, et al. Hydrogen-Rich Saline Attenuates LungIschemia-Reperfusion Injury in Rabbits. Journal of Surgical Research 2012;174:E11-E16

131.  Li JJ,Dong YS, Chen HG, et al. Protective effects of hydrogen-rich saline in a ratmodel of permanent focal cerebral ischemia via reducing oxidative stress andinflammatory cytokines. Brain Research 2012; 1486:103-111

132.  LiuXW, Chen Z, Mao NF, et al. The protective of hydrogen on stress-induced gastriculceration. International Immunopharmacology 2012; 13:197-203


134.  NishimuraN, Tanabe H, Sasaki Y, et al. Pectin and high-amylose maize starch increasecaecal hydrogen production and relieve hepatic ischaemia-reperfusion injury inrats. British Journal of Nutrition 2012; 107:485-492

135.  NodaK, Tanaka Y, Shigemura N, et al. Hydrogen-supplemented drinking water protectscardiac allografts from inflammation-associated deterioration. TransplantInternational 2012; 25:1213-1222

136.  OhnoK, Ito M, Ichihara M. Molecular Hydrogen as an Emerging Therapeutic Medical Gasfor Neurodegenerative and Other Diseases. Oxidative Medicine and CellularLongevity 2012

137.  OhtaS. Molecular hydrogen is a novel antioxidant to efficiently reduce oxidativestress with potential for the improvement of mitochondrial diseases. BiochimicaEt Biophysica Acta-General Subjects 2012; 1820:586-594

138.  QianLR, Shen JL, Cai JM. Hydrogen therapy may be an effective and specific noveltreatment for aplastic anemia. Medical Science Monitor 2012; 18:HY19-HY22

139.  QinZX, Yu P, Qian DH, et al. Hydrogen-rich saline prevents neointima formationafter carotid balloon injury by suppressing ROS and the TNF-alpha/NF-kappa Bpathway. Atherosclerosis 2012; 220:343-350

140.  Qu J,Gan YN, Xie KL, et al. Inhalation of hydrogen gas attenuates ouabain-inducedauditory neuropathy in gerbils. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2012; 33:445-451

141.  Qu J,Li X, Wang J, et al. Inhalation of hydrogen gas attenuates cisplatin-inducedototoxicity via reducing oxidative stress. International Journal of PediatricOtorhinolaryngology 2012; 76:111-115

142.  RenJD, Luo ZL, Tian FZ, et al. Hydrogen-rich saline reduces the oxidative stressand relieves the severity of trauma-induced acute pancreatitis in rats. Journalof Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 2012; 72:1555-1561

143.  SakaiK, Cho SS, Shibata I, et al. Inhalation of hydrogen gas protects againstmyocardial stunning and infarction in swine. Scandinavian CardiovascularJournal 2012; 46:183-188

144.  ShiJX, Yao F, Zhong CX, et al. Hydrogen saline is protective for acute lungischaemia/reperfusion injuries in rats. Heart Lung and Circulation 2012;21:556-563

145.  ShimouchiA, Nose K, Shirai M, et al. Estimation of Molecular Hydrogen Consumption in theHuman Whole Body After the Ingestion of Hydrogen-Rich Water. In: Wolf M, BucherHU, Rudin M, et al., eds. Oxygen Transport to Tissue Xxxiii, 2012; 245-250

146.  SimonAR. Hydrogen-supplemented drinking water, just soda or an elixir of life?Transplant International 2012; 25:1211-1212

147.  SongGH, Tian H, Qin SC, et al. Hydrogen decreases athero-susceptibility inapolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins and aorta of apolipoprotein E knockoutmice. Atherosclerosis 2012; 221:55-65

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