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已有 3464 次阅读 2013-6-5 12:18 |个人分类:科技杂谈|系统分类:论文交流| 投稿, impact, factor, Journal, Selection

Key factors when selecting a journal 投稿选期刊时考虑的主要因素


In researchgate, one topic is about the journal selection. Several scholars talked about their views about this topic. I slightly edited their views and copied them here.You are welcome to add more of your viewpoints! 

Scholar 1:

At this stage in my career the impact factor of the journal is less of a priority than it used to be. With the widespread availability and indexing of so many journals and individual faculty posting pdfs on their websites and sites such as this you can find articles pretty easily. And we all know that there are some very good papers in lower ranking journals and quite poor papers in high ranking journals. For me the review and editorial process is now of the highest importance. Does the journal review papers in a timely manner? Is it double-blind? Is there a strong editorial board? Have I experienced or heard of complaints about the review process with this journal? (评审和编辑过程是我最关心的. 审稿是否及时?是否双盲审稿?是否有实力雄厚的编委会? 我听到对该刊审稿的不满意见没有,或者我是否经历过?)
Of course, there are many other issues to weigh up, but the quality and timeliness of the review process is now the most important to me.

Scholar 2:

First, the work and quality which you want to be published are very important more than the journal you selected. I mean when the manuscript is published in international journal regardless the IF, the citation of your work is greater than the IF. Thus, I see the citation is more important than IF. As John has mentioned sometimes a poor paper can be published in high IF and v.v. can be.

Scholar 3:

I would select a journal having a quantitative index like Impact Factor, Index Copernicus value or h-index. Anything that is good must be quantified! Then depending on 'fees' and time taken for publication, i would finalize. Not all paid journals are fraud, not all Impact journals are great!

  My viewpoints:

When I select a journal, I usually consider these several factors:
1. Which journal is most suitable for my article? My article must fall in their publication scope.
2. The target reader, its fame in the circle.
3. Do the journal have high reject rate? If that, is it possible that my paper be accepeted?
4. Does the journal charge publication fee? If charge, is it too high?
5. How long is the review process?


1.我的文章适合投到哪类期刊?适合技术性的还是研究性的期刊? 我的文章是否符合某刊的刊稿范围?

2. 是否是SCI收录或者EI收录期刊? 抑或是核心期刊? 如果都不是,其目标读者有哪些?声誉怎样?

3. 某刊的拒稿率高吗? 如果拒稿率高,我对文章投到该刊后被接收的胜算有多大?

4. 某刊的审稿过程有多长?

5. 是否收取版面费? 如果收版面费, 收多少? 我能否承受? 是否物有所值?


IF=Impact factor 

Related links:

Key factors when selecting a journal: poll results 



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