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已有 3872 次阅读 2013-5-28 22:11 |个人分类:生活其他|系统分类:人物纪事| 中国, 空军, 宣传片




多年前看到一部美国影片《壮志凌云》(TOP GUN),里面有战机、英雄、美女,后来才知道这是美国空军的宣传片,拍的极棒,尤其是主题歌是我手机中必存的,旋律非常优美,差不多是我听得最多的英文歌曲。


Take my breath away
watching every motionin in my foolish lover's game  
on this endless ocean finally lovers know no shame  
turning and returning to some secret place inside  
watching in slow motion as you turn around and say  
take my breath awaytake my breath away  
watching i keep waiting still anticipating love  
never hesitating to became the fated ones  
turining and returning to some secret pace to hide,  
watching in slow motion as you trun to me and say:  
my love, take my breath away.  
through the hourglass i saw you in time you slipped away,  
when the mirror crashed i called you and turned to hear you say:   if i only for today i am unafraid  
take my breath away,take my breath away  
watching every motion in this foolish lover's game  
haunted by the notion somewhere there's a love in flames  
turning and returning to some secrt place inside,  
watching in slow motion as you turn my way and say:  
take my breath away, my love.  
take my breath away, my love.  
take my breath away, my love.


                                     2013.5.28 俞立平 于宁波


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4 曹聪 吕喆 武夷山 陈学雷

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