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已有 4372 次阅读 2012-6-22 12:02 |个人分类:健康知识|系统分类:论文交流| ppa

     白藜芦醇通常被认为是红酒中有益健康的成分。6月19日《Biology Letters》杂志发表的一项研究显示,白藜芦醇对健康的益处可能并不像以前认为的那么理想。该研究通过分析来自19篇研究论文涵盖6个不同种属实验对象的数据,发现白藜芦醇延长寿命的作用并不确定。因此,当前将白藜芦醇作为延年益寿健康补品来销售的做法值得怀疑。






The effect of resveratrol on longevity across species: a meta-analysis


Resveratrol has shown evidence of decreasing cancer incidence, heart disease, metabolic syndrome and neural degeneration in animal studies. However, the effects on longevity are mixed. We aimed to quantify the current knowledge of life extension from resveratrol. We used meta-analytic techniques to assess the effect resveratrol has on survival, using data from 19 published papers, including six species: yeast, nematodes, mice, fruitflies, Mexican fruitflies and turquoise killifish. Overall, our results indicate that resveratrol acts as a life-extending agent. The effect is most potent in yeast and nematodes, with diminished reliability in most higher-order species. Turquoise killifish were especially sensitive to life-extending effects of resveratrol but showed much variation. Much of the considerable heterogeneity in our analysis was owing to unexplained variation between studies. In summary, we can report that few species conclusively show life extension in response to resveratrol. As such, we question the practice of the substance being marketed as a life-extending health supplement for humans.


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1 曾庆平

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