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已有 4476 次阅读 2011-12-13 01:47 |系统分类:观点评述| DNA, 细菌, 转移, 人的细胞

    一般说来,细菌介导DNA进入真核生物的例子就只有根瘤农杆菌,也就是农杆菌通过侵染植物伤口进入细胞后,可将T-DNA插入到植物基因组中,并且可以通过减数分裂稳定的遗传给后代。这是唯一的例子吗?来自瑞士巴塞尔大学(University of Basel)的一个小组近期发现一类革兰阴性的兼性厌氧菌——汉赛巴尔通体(Bartonella henselae)能通过第四分泌系统( type IV secretion system )将DNA转移到人的细胞中去,此项研究发表在PNAS上,题为Conjugative DNA transfer into human cells by the VirB/VirD4 type IV secretion system of the bacterial pathogen Bartonella henselae。在著名的F1000网站上,此文被评了14分,是相当高的一个分数,足见其影响力,来自纽约州立大学石溪分校(State University of New York at Stony Brook)的Benoît Lacroix 和 Vitaly Citovsky评价道:“

This seminal paper reports the first case of DNA transfer from a human bacterial pathogen, Bartonella henselae, to the host human cell. Furthermore, B. henselae becomes the second known bacterium, after Agrobacterium tumefaciens, that can transfer genetic material into eukaryotic cells.

Agrobacterium, that genetically transforms plants, has been considered to represent the only known naturally occurring case of trans-kingdom DNA transfer from bacteria to eukaryotes. This study broke this dogma, demonstrating that a human pathogen, B. henselae, is capable of genetically transforming its host cell. In fact, this discovery was not entirely unexpected as Agrobacterium can, under laboratory conditions, transform non-host organisms, such as fungi and animal cells, indicating that the mechanism for DNA transfer is evolutionarily conserved ”,来自华盛顿大学(University of Washington)的Gene Nester也评价道:“

This article is interesting because it demonstrates that the bacterial pathogen Bartonella henselae can transfer DNA into human cells by a type IV secretion system. This is the only known case of such DNA transfer into human cells, except for the transfer by the plant pathogen Agrobacterium under laboratory conditions.

The authors have presented convincing evidence that a cryptic plasmid in B. henselae can be transferred at a low frequency into a human endothelial cell line. Transfer is increased 100-fold if a secretion signal is fused to the C-terminus of the Mob protein of the plasmid. Various regions of the plasmid are shown to be integrated into the human chromosome, a process that appears to depend on cell division. The authors suggest that Bartonella might serve as a vector for gene delivery systems for DNA vaccinations and gene therapy”,足见此项研究具有十分重要的意义,并在构建相关基因工程载体和基因治疗方面提供了一项策略PNAS全文详见附件,F1000上的链接http://f1000.com/12877956


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